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Men in dresses are indistinguishable from mentally ill drug addicts


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It's funny when people :marseypearlclutch: about forcing people into detox and/or asylums.

Instead lets just leave them on the street where they will die/kill someone else/or just go in and out of jail every couple of months. That's definitely more humane.

*Also all these argument are so dumb. Reagan emptied asylums in 1980, so the frame of reference these people are using for these institutions is from before that.

For context, we only stopped doing lobotomies in 1967.. so 13 years earlier.

Acting like if we had asylums now, they'd be the same as they were back then, is fricking r-slurred.

It's half a century later, what happened to 'it's [current year]'.

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That's definitely more humane.

America is about freedom. The freedom to live, the freedom to work, and the freedom to smoke meth outside of a school.

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When it comes to giving free psychiatric treatment to homeless people, all of a sudden reddit is full of libertarians. (or ycomb, whatever, I guess that's not as surprising since they probably are libertarian tech bros lol).

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the freedom to smoke meth outside of a school.

problem?? :#chadusa:

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Social justice warriors demanded nation wide changes to asylums after new york completely shat the bed with their open air death building "asylums"

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The homeless should be beaten and shot on sight if they are not in homeless shelters.

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You're really too kind. Why shouldn't we gas them in the shelters? You have a big heart, but it's really holding you back.

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We need to give society an outlet for the stress of modern life. Boy Scouts can plan camping trips on hunting down the more elusive homeless who hide out in the outskirts of towns and cities.

Its community building.

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Couldn’t we hobble and release some of the homeless so that old people could hunt them for sport? Or maybe the poor? I’d pay them for that, assuming I didn’t have time to do it myself.

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Why don't we just hire the homeless to fight other homeless to the death in the arena? The winner gets enough drugs to last a lifetime injected immediately into their veins as a reward.

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Because the homeless never do anything right. They demonstrably can’t hold a job, you hire them to kill the homeless and they’re just going to no call no show.

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They'll come for the drugs. If they refuse to fight each other we can just add some spike traps and lions to make it interesting.

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Homeless vs Battlebots

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Please don’t bring lions into this. They did nothing wrong!


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Regular lions are endangered because they’re genetically predisposed to homosexuality.

Mountain lions are natural chads that mate constantly.

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Oi m8 you got a home loisenz to be out this late?

Keep yourself safe statist r-slur subhuman

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y did u block pepe 😔😔😣 https://i.rdrama.net/images/16901424319007428.webp

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Oh it was just never my culture, you know? I’m stealing enough as it is

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I will.

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I hope that one day transgenderism is officially recognized as not a mental :marseytedsimp: illness :marseytherapist: so insurance companies and medicare will stop covering :marseytrain: :marseytransflag2: shit

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They're like 0.1% of the population

Don't believe the hype, they're only being used to stir up drama

Mostly harmless

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We bring back asylums only if we round up chuds on the wrong side of history and re-educate them to stop trans genocide


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many of the hobos were dealing with cannot be helped

im literally all for helping normal people that are down on their luck - but many hobos are feral insane people that can never rejoin society but its whatever

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Pizzashill was right about something but the stewardess doesn't believe me!!!

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Government should not exist in case a bad person gets elected :brainletchair:

this but ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,..............


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The Hackernewses have always wanted to arrest anyone without at least an M1 macbook. The greatest injustice in the world (well, second after being made to name the branch main instead of master as Linus ordained) is to be asked for spare change while getting lunch at your $350k job updating tracking pixels.

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Junkie shoah now.

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The vaccine was totally like one of Mengele's experiments

This but unironically

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