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A blogpost suggests that having a pocket full of blogposts is good for job hunting. A blogpost writer chimes in to complain it does not help him. Turns out he's a little :marseyautism: and a little :chudsey:


Unlike another top poster, this doesn't ring true for me.

I have a blog with 170-ish posts. About half are technical. Three or four have gone viral on HN.

The other half are personal, but I live in a place where people generally share the same values, so those other posts shouldn't be a problem.

I've got a personal project. It's used in production and ships as part of the base install with FreeBSD and Mac OSX.

It demonstrates high proficiency with C. It demonstrates careful work with every function documented in Doxygen comments and a development manual entirely designed to raise the bus factor to infinity. It also shows I've got fuzzing chops.

I have other code. It's not complete, but I've got hundreds or thousands of hours in it, and it's to the same quality.

And I can't get a job.


Got another programming job. Got fired for "performance." I think the reason wasn’t good, but I also have a hard time building a theory of mind, which means I can’t read code written by others.

If you can't read code written by others, that's going to be a big concern for companies that require you to read and modify other people's code.

Perhaps you need to be a contractor, not an employee.


I'm sure you'll get pissed at this, but assuming hiring managers see your blog and Gitea instance, here are some of my guesses as to why they don't want to hire you:

  • You call BLM a "terrorist organization".
  • You explicitly object to the idea that the phenomenon of police killings of black people is rooted in white supremacy.
  • You give off serious antivaxxer vibes, and refuse to wear a mask during a global pandemic.
  • You're petty enough about the above to post a list of businesses you won't patronize because they require masking.
  • You are boycotting Rust because they don't want people bringing guns to their conferences.
  • You complain about being banned from lobste.rs for posting transphobic comments. (And yes, despite your protestations, they are indeed transphobic.) And also for claiming that gender dysphoria is essentially a mental illness to be cured.


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Here's his gender dysphoria comment he got banned from lobster.rs for that HNers are "yikes"ing over

Gender dysphoria is real, and it is brutal. I know because I had it. That’s what I was trying to say.

I was also trying to say that I got through gender dysphoria by changing my habits and lifestyle. It was like getting through depression, which I’ve also done; I had to change my thinking habits and my lifestyle.

Both were hard; depression was harder, in fact. I actually had two involuntary trips to the hospital from the intervention of others.

But in the case of gender dysphoria, it took about five years, and I was done. It was about two years before it wasn’t hard anymore.

I’m tired of not talking about this because the way society treats gender dysphoria harms those who have it. That’s why suicides before and after transition are about the same.

But people don’t want the real treatment because it’s hard. It requires changing habits and lifestyle, which people don’t want to do.

That’s not to say that people need to be exactly what society says their gender should be. Society is not exactly correct on what the genders should be, and people should find what works for them.

For example, my way of being a man is to play second fiddle to my wife in most things because she is more skilled at me in most things, so she gets to play first fiddle.

With regards to intersex, the fact that intersex exists shows how bright the lines are. You’re either male, female, or intersex. And don’t intersex people have either mutations or deformities?

Also, I’ve read 0.02-0.05%, which is much rarer than 2%.


Autismo went half :marseytrain:

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