The Rocks float (Alternate Title American Russian Anime-avatar :marseytrain: in charge of Chenical Lab recreates LK-99 and confirms Meissner Effect at ambient temperature/pressure. We're so fricking back)

Theydies and gentlethem, it has been an honor shitposting with you. The world is about to drastically change.

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is this fricking about the fricking room temperature super conductor, b-word?

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Yes, obviously :marseyeyeroll2:

It's literally only the most important discovery of our lifetime frfr no cap but actually fr unironically bet

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no need to be snarky

but yes this is fricking amazing and world changing

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I know exactly what is going on but explain it for the r-slurs

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We are about to (~ 10 years or so) have computers that run in the 100s of GHz at very low watts (very little heat). We are about to make great strides in quantum computing and normal people will possibly be able to have them in their PCs and phones. We are about to have a sensors revolution and will be able to make MRI machines cheaper and better. We are about to be able to make levitating trains better than they are now. We are about to be able to make fusion more viable. The effects from this discovery are going to trickle in over the course of a decade and by 2040 we will look back on the early 21st century like the people in the early 20th century looked at the decades before electricity.

And the people who first broke this discovery to the world? A KPop band and a Russian :marseytrain:.

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I'm still doubting just because nothing ever happens (:chudpanic:) but if it's real this is the most dramatic shit ever lmao

Imagine people realizing that the largest discovery of their lifetimes was figured out by some chemists shoving shit together, rather than physicists doing simulation after simulation on why it "shouldn't work that way :marseysoyrope:!!!"

The physicist rage storm on twitter has already begun lmao, even if it's fake the idea that you could figure things out more experimentally, (you know, like the actual scientific process) instead of their rigid 'intellectual' methodologies is going to cause a real ruckus in the scientific community and the public's perception of it :marseypopcorn:

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This is incredibly based lmao. Theoretical physicists :marseyakshually: get everything they deserve. The day of the prom night has finally come.

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Link to 4chan post? Wanna see it

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The real groundbreaking development will be webdevs working overtime to make unoptimized trash that still runs like shit on the new hardware

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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there's so much overhead for MORE FRAMEWORKS!!!!!

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what would i want to do with a quantum computer, unless i could sell it for cash money :taylaugh:

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Run modern Minecraft at 60 fps

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So u can download old encrypted leaks that never got cracked and crack them

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Quantum computers are really good at 'emulating' quantum systems. Basically we're going to have a huge materials science boom.

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Apparently we have room temperature superconductors now. Currently they are weak af, like literally lose superconductivity at one hundredth of a phone charger current, but there's no reason to believe that this can't be improved upon.

The OP demonstrated that it's legit superconductivity and not a separate effect like when you levitate a frog using a very strong magnet.

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I'm sorry I love you :marseysad:

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>It's literally only the most important discovery of our lifetime frfr no cap but actually fr unironically bet

Attention Is All You Need

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>MFW :marseytrain: formers are the future of AI


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More than fusion? More than Carp's tax fraud?

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Fusion ain't happening without this, baby. And Carp always pays his taxes.

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I don't think that for fusion there's much of a difference between liquid nitrogen boiling point and room temperature.

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