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  • DickButtKiss : These are all descriptions not explanations. Lrn2sciencd

ITT we explain superconductors to Carp!

!codecels add anything that non-nerds would appreciate about LK-99 and superconductors.

OKAY CARP. You know how your phone gets hot sometimes, or if you feel the bottom of your computer (:horny:) it can feel like it is on fire? That's because electricity makes things hot as it runs through them. This isn't good, and it's why your computer has a fan in it that buzzes all the time! It's also wasteful, because that heat is actual energy that could be powering things, so it's costing YOU money! :marseyscream: (That's also how electric blankets work BTW :marseymoreyouknow:)

What if there was something that didn't get hot when you ran power through it? :marseythinkorino: That would be pretty cool, literally. :marseyagree: Since your computer wouldn't get so hot, you could actually run it faster (if you run it too fast right now, it would melt :marseytoht: ). It could also reduce your electric bill, since you wouldn't have to worry about waste heat! That's what a superconductor is - it's a conductor, just super powered.

There's also some other really cool things about superconductors that you should know as well. Superconductors can make things levitate really well. :marseybee: Watch this:

C'mon, you've got to admit this is cool!

Some people made it into a train track. I've cut to the cool part. Watch it zip around!

At the very least you have to admit that would be fun to play with :marseyplaying2:

Right now the biggest problem with superconductors is you have to keep them super cold :marseyfrozen: or under tons of pressure :marseygigatitty:. Which sucks because earth doesn't get that cold or that highly pressurized, or you'd die instantly :marseydead: . The Koreans claimed to have made a superconductor that you can play with in your normal day-to-day life - it can be at normal temperatures. :marseyflagsouthkorea: They call it LK99 (idk why). We are all watching and hoping it's the real deal because that would be SWEET.

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They call it LK99 (idk why

It's named after the creators Lee and Kim and they started researching it in 1999. :marseyreading:


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that makes too much sense pls make it more complicated

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It's called LK99 because it's made of [L] lithium and [K] potassium alloy that has to be of 99% purity

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Lee and Kim

I love when they report on crimes there and it's like "suspect Kim is accused of assaulting victim Kim (no relation) according to witness Kim (no relation)".

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Because LD99 is too passive. "Dose" could be from anywhere. "Lethal Killer" is much more impactful

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by god, you've explained it

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Instructions unclear, made a unterconducter instead

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superconductors are so 2023, we out here making superinsulators :marseysteaming:

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I only know about weird thermal insulators.

team firepaste or team starlite?

The firepaste guy, Troy Hurtubise, maker of stuff like grizzly bear proof armor, and xray vision that kills goldfish. According to him, anyway. :marseyshrug:

here he is testing firepaste:

He randomly got hit by a gasoline tanker on the highway and died :marseycry:

Epic troll, Maurice Ward, invents starlite, gets ready to sell it but wants a huugggge cut, dies recipe presumably lost

Here he is testing starlite:

some people can't decide if it was a hoax because he hid all his prototypes or he was REALLY worried about it getting ripped off :marseyshrug:, but here's some ppl in a forum making it out of PVA glue, baking soda, and carbon containing materials like sugar:

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Superinsulators for maximum comfy frens :marseyneet:

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Shit makes supercomputers and MRI machines you can fit in your butt, no man's sky would get siiiick graphics.

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"In the future, video games will have better graphics" -- Samson Hyde

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Still unsure how I feel about state enforced homosexuality or teaching JavaScript to refugees

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okay in the future we will have really cool flying cars, is that good enough for you???

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we were supposed to ALREADY have flying cars :hmph:

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they're called helichoppers sweaty

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ummm ok so basically if you imagine a bussy and it's like levitating a few inches away from another Bussy it's like that haha ok hun? Xx

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if I imagine that I will nut instantly

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You don't have to imagine it if you DM me :marseyblowkiss: :marseywink:

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Basically in the future there will be NO MORE warm blankies :marseyneet: but there will be magic carpets and they will be the same thing.

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The actual concept is pretty simple -- copper is a pretty good conductor. Better than aluminum at least. Ceramic is a shitty conductor, which is why we use it as an insulator. Poor conductors, if they conduct at all, have a lot of resistance which means you lose energy to heat.

Superconductors are really dang good at the heckin' conductorino, with almost no resistance, but they're also hard to make and maintain.

Supposedly this breakthrough was a way to make a superconductor without a truckload of heat and magnets and shit?

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yep, seems like it. of course I am not sure if Carp understands the word "conductor"

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You see, superconductors are like investing in options....

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Does Carp want the nature metaphor or the sexual metaphor?

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God i hated him

I'm proud of my wife, when Will Ferrel showed up she went "ugh he's not gonna be permanent is he"

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>Explain superconductors but in a way someone with a learning deficiency can understand. Use simple english.


Sure! Let's talk about superconductors in a very simple way.

Imagine you have a hose, and water is flowing through it. Usually, the hose has some twists and turns that slow the water down, so it doesn't flow very quickly. The water bumping into the walls of the hose is like how electricity usually meets resistance in regular wires.

Now, think about a special kind of hose that has no twists or turns, and the water can flow through it really quickly, without anything slowing it down. This special hose is like a superconductor.

A superconductor is a material that lets electricity flow through it without any resistance. That means the electricity can move very quickly and smoothly. Most superconductors need to be very cold to work this way.

In the real world, superconductors can be used in things like trains, which can float above the tracks, and in medical machines. They're pretty amazing, but they can be tricky to use because they need to be kept so cold.

Too many words for his attention span. :marseysad:

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They call it LK99 (idk why)

My understanding is this is something the Korean team responsible has been toying with off and on since 1999. That's probably why the 99 is a factor

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darn bro I can't even watch a video if it goes on for more than 20 seconds 💀💀💀

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>skull emojis

>no attention spam

>"darn bro"


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darn bro you got me

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@XY LK-99 is like buying a socket wrench from China. It might look like a socket wrench and function like a socket wrench but in a week it will be broken and laying in a landfill next to the factory worker who built it and died from toxic fumes

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LK99 is like the warm wind on a summer day,

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Since your computer wouldn't get so hot, you could actually run it faster (if you run it too fast right now, it would melt)

Why do people keep saying superconductors will change this :marseypregunta:

Most of the power dissipation is in the transistors

Superconductors will get rid of inductive impedance but do nothing for capacitance, which reduces the signalling rate, same as before

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I don't know what I am talking about, that's why.

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Carp, imagine you have a magical toy that allows marbles to roll around without any bumps or obstacles to slow it down. A superconductor is like that but for electricity.

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In a normal conductor electrons move through the metal as free particles, with a degree of resistance.

Superconductors have material properties where electrons can enter a phase where they pair up and this allows them to collapse into a superfluid state which lets them pass through the metal basically unimpeded if a magnetic field is applied.

Look at Bose Einstein condensates and how they can actually flow out of a container they are contained in by laws of quantum mechanics.

Superconductors are basically like that but for electrons.

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@XY won't understand this!

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It's like regular electricity but even faker and gayer and possibly a more efficient vehicle for allowing Satan's work into your home

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