The JYT finally notices the most important discovery of the century, gets a new LK-99 video and shares it.

The jiggle is bizarre. If it's not Meissner, that's a hoax. If it's Meissner, the effect is strongly biased towards one end and the repulsion is very strong. It also rotates with the magnet. If it's a hoax- at this point, wtf. Would be the end of all scientific reputibility in SK for life.

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Jew York Times?

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It must be a typo. I refuse to beleive that @TafTajQuantum is antisemetic.

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Would be the end of all reputibility for life.

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Calling the paper of record the Jew York Times is an affectionate coquetry. There isn't a trace of antisemitism in my phrasing. On the contrary, I wish (((they))) were in control of every organization that mattered. The Competency Crisis would be practically nonexistent. It is the height of irony that antisemitism in the Amerikaner exploded just after American Jews had become fully protestantized. The Protestant Jew has bought fully into the Tabula Rasa myth and in doing so has Shoahed themselves the door. There is nothing less Jewish and nothing more Christian than a pretension towards equality.

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This. So much this.

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Immediately after writing this I felt a dizzying pang in my heart. Like I had let a demon roost in my soul. Be careful, my fellow evilmaxxers. Satan has fooled men smarter than you.

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The biggest antisemites ate the jews especially since jews arent Semitic

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Would be the end of all scientific reputibility in SK for life.

lol not the first time

The Hwang affair,[1] or Hwang scandal,[2] or Hwanggate,[3] is a case of scientific misconduct and ethical issues surrounding a South Korean biologist, Hwang Woo-suk, who claimed to have created the first human embryonic stem cells by cloning in 2004.

yes i found out from the netflix documentary lol

i think the cloning drama is worse because the guy seemed to be worshipped

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Apparently SK responded to this by cloning all their foids the old fashioned way: plastic surgery

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Would be the end of all scientific reputibility in SK for life.

Lol there is none. These frickers are too prideful to admit failure

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I was alive then so I remember hearing about it

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- t. clone with memory implants


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Was it a good documentary?

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It was interesting for me because I wasn't aware of the drama surrounding him I guess

He's now cloning camels for the oil sheikhs lmao

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just 2 more weeks

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why is it always 2 more weeks........


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another twist in a roller coaster of excitement and deflation

Journoid tries to express :marseyitsoverwereback:

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Good. Nothing is actually real until the Newspaper of Record writes about it. If the New York Times has never acknowledged your existence, you are like some sort of floating cloud of mist, devoid of true substance and only believed in by primitive chuds who pick fleas off each others' backs around campfires.

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Idk, a week after superconductor announcement to see it not obvious fraud is fair and good journ*lism tbqh :marseyjournopat:

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We live in a world where linking to a tweet is considered god-tier journoloiding


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I want a supercomputer and crazy vr headset already. Can we skip the shit and get to the fun parts?

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Okay someone help my dumb butt understand this

I had a toy with a bird that could hover on it's beak with a magnet. How the motherfrick does something reacting to a magnetic field prove they've created worlds greatest superconductor that will change the world?

Like I'm pretty sure my grandma who gave it to me bought it in Puerto Rico. There's no way that dumb poor country created a superconductor that will change the world as we know it and sold it as a tourist trap toy

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  • Regular magnets can't do true levitation, it's just repulsion but with something physically stopping the floating bit from flying off

  • Diamagnets can levitate, but will freely rotate separate from the magnet

  • Superconductors are locked in place and will stay at the same position relative to the magnet, unless you poke it or whatever

:marseysal: but this does kinda look like #3.

Also, was your toy the balancing bird? Because that has nothing to do with magnets, grandma lied to you.

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I guess lead/copper wouldn't normally react to a magnet, but since they did their superconductory thing to it, its now magnetic because of super conduction?

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Lead and copper :marseybongcop: both react :marseywebshit: to magnets. They just do it with so much loss that it looks more like a temporary flutter than true levitation.

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What r the implications if any 4 quantum computing

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The discovery of a new mechanism for making other ambient pressure superconductors is much more important than this particular material.

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What r the implications of ambient pressure sc in general on quantum?

I'm worried 4 my crypto bags if we're about to get quantum cracked

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Yes, a room temperature SC could make large scale quantum computing possible which would easily nullify the public/private key cryptography of all banks, payment processors and blockchain nonsense

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not permanently, rsa and ecc will die but cryptography will survive, even asymmetric. And symmetric crypto is mostly unaffected.

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Ok got ya, that makes sense but I guess a video like this still doesn't prove it's made out of something that wouldn't react to a magnetic field

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How the motherfrick does something reacting to a magnetic field prove they've created worlds greatest superconductor

It doesn't.

There are basically 2 ways stuff that isn't a magnet can react to a magnet. Most stuff is attracted towards it, but there is also stuff that is repelled by magnetic fields. Superconductors are super duper repelled by magnetic fields. So when you put one in a field it doesn't like to move around.

Nerds call that repelling property diamagnetism. And just because you can make a piece of rock that is kind of diamagnetic doesn't mean it's a superconductor.


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It's just an imperfect Meissner effect. It has lower conductivity than any other material at room temperature, but it has several orders of magnitude more resistance than true superconductors.

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You are unworthy of your namesake.

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Thank you :#marseyblush:

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Why hasnt the fish jannied this i thought he got his hammer out last time

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He is a cuck who trembles before the thick rod of the new, burgeoning phase of the Industrial Revolution.

There are three kinds of animals that survived the Flood:

1. The beasts of the land who were protected by the grace of God and the ingenuity of human construction.

2. The beasts of the sea who wallowed in the filth and sins of the world. Surviving only by the fact that all they knew was chaos, cowardice and degeneracy.

3. The beasts of the air, who stood by the beasts of the land during the worst of it and then, at the right time, led them to Freedom.

This tripartite division is Revelation – pure epistemology handed down to us from Mythic Time. Its lessons can be applied to the coming tragedies of the 21st century just as it can be infallibly applied to every other filter facing mankind. Pray tell, is a Carp a beast of the land, the air or the sea?

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muh impurities

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:marseybegging: please don't be :marseysal: please :marseybegging:

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i mean its probably an unpure piece, so part of is is a superconductor and part of it is just normal material and therefore doesn't levitate.

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Any time I've seen the old YouTube show me vids of real superconductors the levitation trick looks way different. When a superconductor is levitating over a magnet it appears to be "locked" in place within the field where you place it. If you move the conductor across the field and leave it it stays where you left it. Example, you can adjust the distance/height of the levitation, let go, and the conductor will remain in space where you leave it.

This LK-99 vids always show the conductor bouncing erratically through the field with a slight touch as if the material wants to be at some kind of equilibrium point within the magnetic field where it only just counteracts gravity.

Maybe this isn't supposed to happen with room temp superconductors or something but it looks fake as frick to me.

Here's a video example:

In this the conductor is the base and the magnet is floating whereas in the LK99 video the magnet is the base and the conductor is floating but you can see the massive difference in behaviour regardless.

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I think the "locking" effect is flux pinning, which occurs when a type-II superconductor is between its two critical temperatures and allows some magnetic field lines to penetrate it. Below both critical temperatures, the effect is purely repulsive because all magnetic field lines are expelled (the Meissner effect).

All these levitation videos are really inconclusive by themselves. Some other lab needs to replicate LK-99 expelling field lines when crossing its critical temperature, or its resistance dropping to zero, or something else that is unmistakably superconducting.

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Agree it looks sus. Man that lil guys science videos are so good though, I've never seen this one but that ferrofluid thing was really neat

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Now first and foremost I'd like to make it clear that I DO NOT exactly “like” President Biden or live in the US, but I tolerate him because I know he is the current most logical and best working option for President. But for frick's sake I swear Trump supporters must keep fricking bashing their heads with a hammer each day to be so stupid and braindead as to spread their toxic hate on every single fricking Biden and/or Democrat video they see. I can't really be arsed to like the videos myself but they can sure as frick be arsed to dislike them. The like to dislike ratio on White House videos is fricking tremendous. If they allowed comments who fricking knows what disgusting rightie Nazi shit might be there. Every comment like it should be DELETED. This fricking extends to the current cabinet as for example Dr Rachel Levine has been receiving disgusting transphobic comments on her videos. The sight of this shit just fricking makes my blood FRICKING BOIL. If I could I'd fricking sort these c*nts out myself one by one. I bet I fricking could. They're all fricking weaklings anyway. Weak enough to fricking dislike bomb their own good President. Fricking twats.


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