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:marseysnoo: The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. :marseyspez:


Of course they did. Powerjannies have no backbone except to powertrip on the only thing they have in their pathetic little lives, Reddit.

Also lmao Reddit won a phyrric victory at best


Orange Site




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Frick you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FRICK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.





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Hmmm, maybe I am the only one that genuinely doesn't go on reddit :marseyspez: anymore and deleted all my alts except one.

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My brother from another mother


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God the technology post is great. Just all the users who proudly acted like every verge actical about the protest was another nail in reddits coffin.

Someone post this to /r/modcoord

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I tried, they haven't approved it.

(Btw, that /r/technology post is my post. I can't believe Bardfinn commented in it :marseyxd:)

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 00 minutes and 46 seconds

Record is 1 days 10 hours 08 minutes and 36 seconds by beamrifle

newest bardfriend is ManletMinion007 at 15:01 on 04-08-2023

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Darn man we should have had a betting thread on this so we could have all won 1 dollar.


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jannies on /r/homeimprovement posted then had to immediately lock the thread and delete the comments

/r/DIY at least left the thread open last month, but wrote an absolute fricking novel https://old.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/14ggroa/rdiy_is_back_open_more_information_inside/?sort=controversial


it's funny how the longest holdouts and longest seetheposts were the worst moderated subs (both subs routinely used to delete active and engaged threads that would be on topic and appropriate to any normal functioning or mildly neurodivergent adult, like jannies would decide someone hadn't done enough research first and lock/remove a thread where people were helping OP how to fix something or decide that no, that's not DIY that's arts and crafts b/c too much fabric or some shit

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These jannies kept telling everyone how important they are to reddit and how it would die without them yet they were unwilling to give up their position and let the evil reddit die. How odd. :marseywrongthonk:

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99% of the people mad and protesting had no idea what they were even protesting for. They just wanted the dopamine hit from feeling like they are doing some meaningful when they absolutely are not.

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But the heckin' Lisa Simpson with a presentation board said it was good!!!!

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/r/ender3 a subreddit for one of the most popular 3d printers is basically in stasis until reddit can find new mods, lol

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Prusachads can't stop winning

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There's nothing straggier than when someone puts their own name on a product

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Hard to beat "Lulzbot" for straggiest name :marseyshrug: also who cares it's a machine

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who could have possibly foreseen this coming


your pay will be cut in half for being uppity, now get back to work, jannies!

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Snoosisters, we posted pics of John heckin Oliver :soys#noo:

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The good guys win in the end :#marseywholesome:

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10+ year old account, 7K comments, 1K posts, ~30K votes and I have no intention of going back now other than search engine results. I was a daily user and involved in a number of small communities but I'd feel so gross if I went back after what they did.


Do I matter?


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I'm annoyed that their plot to mop NNN worked, but this didn't. Though I guess it makes sense that they would cave in inconsequential wokeshit but not their bottom line.

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suggested that employees should avoid company swag in public to avoid targeting

Spez apparently believes there are gangs of jannies roaming around IRL looking for fights. Perhaps he is a bit out of touch with his moderators.

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What the heck kind of corpocuck wears their employer's merchandise in public?

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Just like people making hot take w/r/t Twitter or the current Threads thing I don't think this is an overnight thing. I had/have terminal reddit brain and as echoed in a lot of comments I only end up from search engines now, I don't actively browse any more.

I seriously think we'll continue seeing reddit fall off, like Twitter, over an extended ~3 years or so and fade into obscurity.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I'll totally cop to thinking reddit mods having a backbone too - I was pretty :marseymalding: when /r/apple opened up and was basically saying "I don't want to give up the mop" lol

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I haven't used reddit once since they killed RiF. I really have to thank spez


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Just use the patched RiF app from revanced manager. Works fine.

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I couldn't get that to work. Send me the apk plz?


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You can't just use an apk.


Here's a guide that you can use. I think the more precise guides have been nuked by the admins.

Edit: nvm here's a good guide with pic:


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Now that I think about it, I used my banned account. I'll try again. Thx bby.

Edit: It works! Thank you! :marseyblowkiss:


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Same here, Apollo was not ironically a really good iOS app.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I rarely log into reddit, and even then it's for a few subs and reportmaxxing. If they move off reddit or Reddit finally kills old reddit, I'm out even for reportmaxxing.

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Made me realize i really don't need to comment on something. My words don't matter. Why bother.

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That cut off essential tools used by the site's legion of unpaid moderators.


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I loved that heymoon fake moderator quote in that article a few weeks ago that was like "we volunteer our effort without any compensation, but we take our job very seriously". Someone actually put that in a real article about this.

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We're not the fricking kings, we're the fricking darn janitors

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They never corrected the article, did they?

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Meanwhile, Threads lost 80% of its users already. Cuckerberg BTFO.

Competing with established social platforms is borderline impossible without a new hook (e.g. TikTok).

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The biggest reason why the alternatives fail is because the majority of users aren't unhappy enough with the current platform to jump to a new one. The vast majority of twitter users don't give two shits about Elon one way or the other. As long as they can still use twitter just as they always have they will be happy to keep using it. If twitter's functionality goes to shit then people will gladly jump over to a clone.

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but twitter is the death spiraling platform

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Say what you want and Musk (and I do) but Twitter is a more fun platform since he took over. It's bugged all to frick but it's more fun


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How is it more fun?

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I can get away with a lot more (moderation is all bots so easy to bypass) and now that all the rightoids are back there's a lot more bantz.


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I miss all the leftoids sperging out everywhere. Rocket daddy did a lot to actively drive people away. All he really needed to do was ease up on jannying. Community notes is a good idea though.

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But they promised that Musk was finished this time!


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Zuck had one chance to grab people away from Musk and he blew it. Twitter scores 4.6/5 at the Apple store, while Threads only has 3.7/5 which is over 3x as bad.

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How could zuck have won ?

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At least wait until the features are more complete before bringing it to market. Also, take off enough snooping to allow it in Europe, and stop tying the account to Instagram.

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TikTok might not have caught on if Twitter hadn't killed Vine.

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why did they kill off vine in the first place? it was really popular with zoomers

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Because those little short videos are like dynamite to a subsection of the population that just see them and tee off immediately, they like, compulsively copy what they see on the screen or immediately trigger-forward it to all of their friends.

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They must have gone through a bad financial period, because I doubt they acquired it with the intention of killing it. They were probably bleeding even more money than they usually are and had to cut something.

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they wanted to gentrify it

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I'm being sincere here. What the frick does this comment mean? How does one gentrify a short-form video app?

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Such a mayo thing to say


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vine felt like 2008 youtube skits. Potato cameras, crappy windows movie maker -esque video edits, and a lot of kids/young adults were just chilling and relaxin all good. After seeing the potential in that sample size they went and devised a clone but with way more telemetry. Obviously Vine was superior so it got purchased, cremated, and in its place there was ( ✓ ) with a bunch of low effort shitposts with the same chinese wheezing laughtrack in the back as though the person watching was dying of laughter. ( ✓ ) is marketed to any living creature with a soul and a phone. Vine was marketed to ur friend who was bored and wanted to see what funny vids people were making for the lulz.

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It literally couldn't be monetized fast enough. They couldn't figure out how to fit ads in and sponsored content and “influencer brand deals” weren't as ingrained in marketing culture yet so all of the talent left to YouTube because vine wouldn't pay them.

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Am I the only one who hates these... formal swear words? "Enshitification"? Really? :marseyyikes:

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Enshitification isn't a swear word per se. It refers to a specific product lifecycle where the product goes from being user-focused to creator-focused to advertiser-focused. It doesn't properly apply to reddit, though, so this is just a case of someone using jargin he doesn't understand to sound smart.

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another word coined by an adult with the mind of an eight-year-old.

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Cory Doctorow, and his consequences, have been a disaster for tech cels.

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"Enshittification" is some kind of inevitable unholy sacrament to them that the demiurge casts on all things good.

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It's what they can handwave about whenever they don't get their way in terms of content policies/bans.

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reminds me of when redditors collectively learned what the word defenestrate meant and youd see it in every thread

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then they'd try and gaslight you by citing some other word about the notion that there's a phenomenon where if you learn a new word "suddenly it seems like you see it everywhere" eat shit reddit

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Your problematic toxic gaslighting is projecting your own white cishet insecurity, let that sink in chud.

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Paradox of tolerance.

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and a bunch of r-slurs would say "huh til, thanks" i seriously hate redditors so fricking much

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anyone who says they enjoy their time on Lemmy is lying

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good lord Lemmy sucks the site is barely functional

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2000 users leave reddit 1800 come back in a month

lemmycels https://media.tenor.com/0iNwZAbmm2IAAAAd/fortnite-dance.gif

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you're being too generous, they are all going to come back. The people who were mad about what reddit was doing were terminal redditors

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