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I love peer review, its how we filter out bullshit and determine facts to publish before enforcing that fact with the force of the state :marseywholesome:

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I was a peer reviewer for a middle-impact journal in my field. Considering that I'm a dumbass, yet was chosen, I then lost faith in the peer-review process

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Dude they peer reviewed mien kampf with the word women replaced Jew

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Social sciences don't count

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Daily reminder to consider saying 'social studies' instead if using the word 'science' (because it makes them :marseysneed: )

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I lost it completely when I started on my master's degree

Just played the game and handed in bullshit from there, got out with a zero effort B average

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Sometimes chairs shotgun email fresh researchers who have at least one paper on the topic since younger people are more likely to be available and put in the effort since they "have something to prove".

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Einstein only ever sent one paper to a journal with peer review. When he found out they peer reviewed he retracted it and sent it somewhere else.

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King shit. He don't need anyone else's validation :marseyking:

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And?? Einstein doesn't have a Covid vaccine. He doesn't trust the science anyways

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Plus he's dead. Like, way to die, Poindexter :marseydisagree:

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He was a moron who stole all his work from Poincare without reference so no wonder he didnt like peer review

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There are so many papers being published that it's difficult to even attempt to recreate the findings due to time and resource constraints.

Four papers I worked on I'm sure didn't get peer reviewed beyond basic "yeah, that sounds about right".

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I love ChatGPT so much, I want everything to be flooded with complete shit total academia death now :marseyembrace:

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Total Academic Rigour Death


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If you want to do some research before buying anything tech related you better hope there's a reddit or forum thread discussing it or else you'll have to wade through the literal mountains of AI generated articles made by :marseytunaktunak:

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>implying the reddit comments aren't also ai generated

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Stack overflow is fricking full of em despite the rule against it they can't enforce shit

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I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the past 20-30 years were been a golden age for mass anonymous communication, and we're moving back to the pre-internet state where the only real communication will be centralized mass media and people you know personally.

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The internet has been flooded with chat bots of this caliber for ages, they just decided to pull back the curtain and let us in on it in order to drum up support for some form of internet id.

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The Virgin lifelong best friend vs. the Chad stranger on a message board

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nah you're looking at it with rose tinted glasses. People will excitedly speak to bots instead of touching grass

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I've had the same exact thought recently

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:marseybegging: :marseybegging: :!#marseyunibombersaint:

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>make scientific papers use language that is not natural

>tool that can write in any style gets created

>people use the tool

woah :marseypikachu2:

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Yes, there has been an absolute flood of indians and pakistanis claiming to be writers (english obvs). I work for US businesses mostly and they avoid them though.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I managed to snag a whole bundle of Indian resumes and cover letters that have been sent to my American research lab over the years before I left my job. Someday I'll go through and post the highlights. Ever seen someone claiming to have 12 masters degrees? I have. Fortunately, my old :marseygeisha: boss was racist af and only hired Chinese scientists and the occasional white guy like me.

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The office I summered at one year had a pile of Indian resumes that me and this HR foid used to go through when we were bored. One guy had a headshot that looked like a mugshot on every page of his 10 page resume

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white guy like me.

:marseynotes: Mmmhmm...

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yeah in my world, they all claim to have Masters degrees and some of them claim to have graduated Ivy league but can barely form an english sentence. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Great now the Indians are never going to bother learning proper grammar

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Grammar is not of being the needful you blody behnchod blastard

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Dont worry, the competency crisis isnt real, everything is going to be fine.

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I don't know what you're talking about. The drama opportunity for this is great.

A Novel Superconductor LK-99 Comprising Copper and Lead: Synthesis and Properties


The discovery and application of superconducting materials have been the foundation of numerous technological advancements. In this study, we introduce LK-99, a new superconducting composite consisting of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb). The unique structural configuration and synergy between the two elements offer unparalleled superconducting properties.

1. Introduction

Superconductors, with their ability to exhibit zero electrical resistance and the expulsion of magnetic fields (Meissner effect), have potential applications in magnetic levitation, power transmission, and advanced computation devices. While high-temperature superconductors have been the focus of intensive research, there is a growing interest in exploring combinations of conventional elements for enhanced properties.

2. Methodology

2.1. Synthesis

A stoichiometric blend of Cu and Pb was subjected to a high-pressure torsion process under controlled conditions. This allowed for intimate mixing at the atomic scale.

2.2. Characterization

Structural properties were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) were determined through magnetic susceptibility measurements.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Structural Characteristics

XRD patterns showcased peaks corresponding to both Cu and Pb, with the emergence of an intermediate phase, possibly due to atomic intermixing. SEM images indicated a homogeneous distribution of Cu and Pb, confirming the effectiveness of the synthesis technique.

3.2. Superconducting Properties

LK-99 exhibited a Tc significantly higher than that of pure Cu or Pb. This suggests that the interaction between Cu and Pb atoms, and the potential formation of an intermetallic phase, contribute to the enhancement of superconducting properties.

3.3. Mechanism

It's hypothesized that the atomic intermixing creates localized regions where electron-phonon coupling is strengthened, leading to enhanced superconductivity. The natural tendencies of Pb, a known superconductor, might be amplifying the superconducting domains of the Cu-Pb intermetallic regions.

4. Applications

4.1. Energy Transmission

The elevated Tc and robustness make LK-99 a prime candidate for long-distance power transmission with minimal energy loss.

4.2. Magnetic Levitation and Transportation

The Meissner effect exhibited by LK-99 can be harnessed for magnetic levitation applications, providing frictionless transport solutions.

5. Conclusion

The discovery of LK-99, a novel superconducting composite of Cu and Pb, opens a new avenue in the world of superconductors. The unique combination not only enhances the Tc but offers a stable and easily producible material for various applications.


We extend our gratitude to [Laboratory/Institute Name] for providing the resources and expertise required for this research.


[1] Bednorz, J.G. & Müller, K.A. (1986). "Possible highTc superconductivity in the Ba−La−Cu−O system." Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter, 64(2), 189-193.

[2] Bardeen, J., Cooper, L.N., & Schrieffer, J.R. (1957). "Theory of superconductivity." Physical Review, 108(5), 1175.

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Because when a moderation team makes a decision to permit one of their own to break rules, troll the users, make the sub look bad, and above all, attract a very destructive brand of user from a very chaotic sub, it speaks to a moderation team that no longer cares about the sub or the wishes of the users in it. Look at all those /r/drama buttholes in this thread.

Everyone of these has been downmarseyd. Everyone has been filled with comments deriding them and asking for the mods to stop permitting this shit. They have ignored those. Likely brushing it off as "not a big deal".

What it really shows is they're letting their friend get off on his little hoppy of bringing attention to himself, not unlike a child, and they're definitely sitting in their groomercord laughing at the users bothered by it. Otherwise they'd do the reasonable thing and stop it.


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