I know you all kind of forgot about this but the room temperature superconductor is real and it's happening and the russian catgirl is going to release information showing zero resistance tomorrow


Proof she's based.


sci thread


Some gay-butt EE nerd posted something in there:

>I just talked to iris_IGB on twitter and I don't find her answers convincing. I am a researcher and have got a PhD in electrical engineering and magnetic materials, so I happen to know a bit about the measurement. To me, Iris is either an extremely erratic genius, or completely a troll.

>She measured the voltage across the sample ( I assume is a loop ) after a pulsing external magnetic field and said the voltage was zero. I mentioned that an easier way to measure very small resistance in a potentially superconducting loop is not to directly measure the voltage, but measure the magnetic field generated by the current, and see if it decays exponentially over time. The time constant of decay should be tau = L/R, where L is the inductance of the loop, and R is the resistance of the loop. The more conductive the ring is, the larger tau you should get. If the ring is superconducting, the tau is infinite, which means you can keep the current flow indefinitely. Although the current does not generate any significant voltage drop, it generates Oersted field. The presence of the current can be measured by a sensitive magnetic field sensor, or simply a compass, which should be readily available. And we can do a control experiment with copper loop of a similar shape to show a much smaller tau.

>However, she didn't seem to understand me and accused me of not reading her previous posts and my method only works for bulk superconductors, while LK-99 is 1D superconductor, and the shape of the conductive loop of a 1D superconductor is undefined.

>As I explained that to argue the sample contains any superconducting parts, we have to either isolate the superconducting phase and measure it, or measure the overall resistivity of the material, and it has to be much smaller than any known material at room temperature, like copper, to argue that this material is special. Otherwise, the resistivity jump people observed might just be a structural transition. At this stage, we can assume the LK-99 sample conducts uniformly within the loop and calculate the overall resistivity. If it is much smaller than copper, that should be very interesting.

>This time, she claimed this was exactly what she was doing, and gave additional comments: " I let it heat up and once magnetic field disappears - it's the point". I don't understand her point. I assume "once" means "instantaneously" but not sure. I explained that in her previous tweets she never explained this important measurement in detail, and encouraged her to upload more details of her work.

>But then she became mad and accused me of my "clown behavior" and threatened to block me.

>As a researcher, I think I have been kind and reasonable from the very beginning. Her erratic responses make me uncomfortable and also reduce her credibility as a legitimate source.


>didn't post the promised arxiv preprint

>stopped posting more pictures

>gets increasingly erratic when asked by actual experts

>a lot of extraordinary claims with barely any evidence that can be easily given in the first place

>posts way too much on twitter

What a straggot :marseylaugh: Cope about it more, b-word

edit: https://twitter.com/iris_igb/status/1690729507114627072

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>gets increasingly erratic

Weird. That doesn't sound like how trannnies usually act :marseyhmmm:

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>erratic :marseytrain:


Wouldn't be surprised if he fluked the tests/made bs numbers up and the perfect conductor is made up bs

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And xer phone camera won't work because... uhm scientific reasons.

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"My internet is poor and won't let me upload images" :marseypepe3:

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If it worked in high school... :marseywink:

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>To me, Iris is either an extremely erratic genius, or completely a troll.


:#marseysleep: :#!marseybreadcrumbing:

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@31 hope Putler and Azov tag team this :marseytrain2:.i stand with Ukraine Galicia SS where hating the T is still for you and me.

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HRT boosts the limbic system, increasing responsitivity and awareness

Combined with autism it's like being on a constant coke binge, probably she's right but on a neural overdrive induced schizo-mode

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constant coke binge

Seriously? I think I'm cracking then

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ordering estrogen rn

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ordering estrogen to transmaxx and schizomaxx but also test to manmaxx and cismaxx

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this is a very elaborate suicide plot.

he's going 41% right before he was supposed to post the evidence & millions of internet schizos will talk about him for eternity. mission accomplished.

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Comrades, we have the super conductor. Now we can take Ukraine.

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>Update on Monday

This is like when someone says 'I'll send you an email". As soon as it enters the space of the hypothetical email (or update tweet), it has ceased to exist. If you can't do it right now, it doesn't exist. It's over,

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At work, “I'll send you an email” means I don't have the time to continue holding your hand through this shit and I need to go.

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this, but unironically?

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I hate this cute twink

Even when he's partially right I dont like him. His whole thing is being the first guy to rain on the fun even if he only has 10% of the early information.

He's the "debunking headlines before actual scientists can" guy

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>debunks flat earthers

i am a genius, spending 5 weeks studying how to debunk a schizos video about it was worthwhile, bow before me geniuses :marseyflyingspaghettimonster:

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Just his accent should get him the death penalty.

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I was just thinking about how the Twitter sillies made an early "confirmation" of superconduction and was wondering if they'd slink away in shame or keep doubling down.

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i still have no idea what any of this is or means :smoke:

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From the little ive gathered, you need crazy (relatively) power to keep these things cool enough to be viable. If this is real, it revolutionizes the potential for computing because you don't need to worry as much about keeping things cool. Currently, technology is at a bit of a standstill at how much power we can get out of the small things we're putting together. This bypasses that.

But i don't buy that it's at all real.

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We could have that power with nuclear plants.

The regulatory apparatus are a bunch of kitties on that tbh

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Nuclear plants won't help miniaturisation

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It would help raw power consumption and carbon-neutrality restrictions. A lot of focus post ~70s was towards energy efficiency rather than use/power, and the shunning of nuclear power was a large part of why.

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Basically LK99 turned out to be a ferromagnetic/diamagnetic combo exhibiting a metal/insulator transition at somewhere around 380K. This mimicked superconductivity well enough people got hyped for a couple days.

The linked Twitter user is mentally ill

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Some researchers said they found a magic material that would make everybody rich. The science nerds have seen this same movie a bunch of times before and it's always fakies. This has been found to be fake also, surprising nobody. But this particular :marseytransattentionseeker: individual is lying claiming to have proved the magic is real.

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LK-99 is real

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Real dumb

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I'm REALly going to kill you, these science whitepills can't be stopped

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The more this person posts, the more suspicious it seems.

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Surely a neurotic cat girl with autism isn't just yanking people around for attention :marseyclueless:

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Interesting to be so confident while not allowing twitter replies.

PS I'm never calling twitter "X", i don't hate Elon but it's definitely one of the gayest things he's ever done

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>Interesting to be so confident while not allowing twitter replies.

There a literally 40 twitter replies?

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Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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It's amazing this Russian cat girl(real) is going to show proof with a shitty Internet that can't upload pictures all while being bogged down by pesky trolls badgering her for technical details and posting on Twitter all the time!

We need more trans heros like this!

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inb4 the only reason Putin doesn't have railgun tanks is because he decided to Republicanmaxx

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:#marseymissing: :#marseyburger:

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