Groomercord to stop hosting files for free? :marseyitsover: or :marseysal:

If this means a lot of communities will go back to old school forums I will be happy but it's possible they will just make servers pay for file hosting.

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If this means a lot of communities will go back to old school forums I will be happy

retvrn to gamefaqs

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I won't to join your fricking groomercord to download your mod patch :marseyrage: I won't to join your fricking groomercord to download your mod patch :marseyrage: I won't to join your fricking groomercord to download your mod patch :marseyrage: I won't to join your fricking groomercord to download your mod patch :marseyrage:

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Bro just join, ensure your account is over 2 weeks old, verify phone number, then message our bot with /verify, follow the weblink, enter three captchas and pick a role so you can see the server. Btw you need to chat for five hours with our resident r-slurs you really dont like because its all 13 year olds with no social life, so you level up enough which gives perms to post images so you can make a bug report because the patch is a hot mess kthx.

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pavlovian rage reading your comment, well done!

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         ....   ..-+#########*=..         
              .:+***-.        .-+++:.

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ironically most ascii art doesn't work on gamefaqs anymore since they limited lines to 80 characters (thanks cjayc)

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I hope they change all external image links to goatse.

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Serves them right for trusting cloudshit other than a personal NAS

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Wow telegram :marseytelegram: is STILL the superior :marseyspongebobsmug: program? I'm shocked :marseywtf:

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:marseypedo#: :marseypedobear#: :marseyrussianmutt#:

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Mogs you in unlimited 2gb file uploads

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Since "communities" are r-slurred i fully expext them to shell out for level 4 nitro (500+ a month) for their storage

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I have no doubt the larger ones will but I don't think a lot of them can justify it if that was the only pricing tier they have

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If this means a lot of communities will go back to old school forums I will be happy but it's possible they will just make servers pay for file hosting

It doesn't mean any of that shit. It means that images will only be visible within groomercord, you won't be able to send image links outside groomercord and have them keep working indefinitely. Normal usage won't require you to pay anything for hosting, and no communities will be driven off the site as a result, because basically nobody wants to host images for free unless they get something out if it (see imgur, reddit, twitter, etc).

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Groomercord is cancer and shit. The fact you can't host your own servers alone makes it trash

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Oh well, y'all should be using [Matrix] instances anyways. :marseysmug:

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Woman have to be literally perfect or be condemned to stripped of their last name, referred only as Joanne and denied any authority. They don't want to understand because any empathy would prevent them from hating her, from wanting to destroy her life and cause her immense suffering, they have to completely dehumanize and satanize her otherwise they might have any level of sympathy. It's legitimately pathetic the expectation for the work of an amateur artist to not have a corpus of birthmarks on it, to not be a product of the society and life which it was created within.

They have totally forsaken any level of introspection and understanding because it would be politically inconvenient, they want to live within a simplistic world of good and evil with all grey causing a mental breakdown. They're complete mongrels of the soul, choosing to refuse anything which could allow for emotional development because it would be mildly uncomfortable.


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