watch reddit kill itself ‘Reddit can survive without search': company reportedly threatens to block Google - The Verge
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Holy shit
Reddit's ONLY value is and has been for years its staggering, unrivaled back catalog of extremely useful info about every topic in existence
What are they thinking
Are they really so far removed from the actual use of the site itself
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I've straight up started to resort to adding "reddit" to the end of most of my google searches because all the other results are just content aggregating and click farming litter that bury the point in 9 paragraphs of grade school level "article" writing
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You're not the only one. Google is absolutely finished, same with Youtube, the decline in usability is actually astonishing.
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Maybe this is just the old codger in me talking, but the glory years of the internet seem to generally be coming to an end.
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it's been chiover since about 2010.
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Nonfiction = Fiction Fiction = Nonfiction
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June 29, 2007* to be precise
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I often wonder how much less of a useless sloth I'd be if it wasn't for smart phones
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I have hope. People get pretty sick of the intrusive nature of ads and data selling dominating everything so i think it'll be an eternal cat and mouse game of useful big corportations trying to make their service monetized but unusable and teenage neurodivergents with too much time on their hands getting around it.
It is why even if you hate an online service or its users, you should never cheer on government intervention in its hindrance.
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Google is making record profits lmao. ur forgetting the saying, if its free you are the product. Googles product is not search or youtube. making those things good and usable isnt in googles best interest.
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How is reducing my engagement with their site going to make them money?
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Because you're an irrelevantly small minority? Nobody is not using youtube to watch videos or not using google to search stuff because where is the alternative? DDG lmao?
Besides, your average normie is so mindless and technologically incompetent it would blow your mind. They aren't going to know, much less care about the difference between AI generated goyslop and an insightful article written by an expert.
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If you can't find the thing you want, you do another search and see more ads.
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Youtube is complete butt. Their magical algorithm keep showing things I already watched a year plus ago and nothing relevant that isn't related to the previous 2 videos I watched. The UI is slow and ugly. Commenting on any video more than a handful of times and your comment start being auto blocked. It's a complete hot fricking mess and this is partially why I hate the word "unalive" because these idiots are fine with changing their language to they don't make the AI mad.
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Youtube search used to be so fricking good. It's really gone to shit. Now I know the exact phrases I have to plug into a third party search engine in order to get the results I want. You know why? Because I've done exactly that so many times I know the right phrasing.
When I get a recommendation in the box it's almost always completely irrelevant to what I was watching/searching for. I'm not even being that weird about it either. I'm trying to look up simple things like "how to do X" and youtube can't figure it out. I get "top 10 recipes for chicken" and "how to tie a cherry stem with your tounge." Great now I'm full, but I still don't know how to change the water pump on my motorcycle. Not difficult, but a specific question.
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I've had situations on youtube where I would type in the exact video title and it would not show me the video. It's astounding how shit their search engine has gotten.
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They've really done a bad job making sure the same content isn't shown to people. Like, I got recommended some sort of "top 10" list of some minor celebrity's worst moments. Great, don't really care. I also got recommended some other minor celebrity's best moments. Still don't care. But if you're going to show me two videos from same series, can they at least be different series? How hard is that?
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It's not shit, it's working as intended to censor things
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I comment plenty, but have notifications disabled so i have no idea if people reply
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Boomer energy I love it
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I stated my opinion. I don't care if anybody sees it, agrees, or disagrees. It's out there and you ain't changing my mind
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yes. I comment on youtube. its a reflex
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I use YouTube Music despite how bad it is.
You can't search within playlists or even organize them. Search for an artist and it shows all kinds of unrelated stuff in no particular order.
My biggest wtf is that Google has the strongest search engine. Their content matching system is insane. They have a near-Siri level voice-to-text. They can identify songs just from humming. But they can't show me the lyrics for 95% of the songs in their library. Nor can they even provide a link to Google "%artist - %title lyrics"
It looks like that may have updated that a shade. Lyrics tab looks different now and the one i checked says "source: musixmatch" at the bottom
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I use it too but thats because there isn't anything else I can use thats better, which is sad
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SEOmaxing sexy Indian dudes ruined the internet...
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Try adding "-reddit" instead, it's a faster way to write ""
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Sometimes they do that and they don't even have the answer on the page
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Google is lobotomised and the web is more noise than signal now. Comparing Google now to 2013 is night and day, it's gotten so much worse.
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Holy heck yes. Google also filters out results that they personally don't like, so you are getting curated results in a bad way. I type in something like " Why I don't support Israel" or "Why Israel needs to stand on its own" and you get nothing but the complete opposite.
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member when if it's not on 1st page of google it doesn't exist
i :'( member
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I think they do this because searching something like "are black people stupid" led me to stormfront when I was 11.
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But that's just good indexing
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You found exactly what you were looking for
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I noticed that the other day. If you google “why nobody is getting new covid vaccine “ it basically returns and handful of pro vaccine articles.
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I'm so happy in the CongoHecking_Valid 1yr ago #5217574 spent 0 currency on pingsIts google that sucks. Other search engines still find decent results most of the time.
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Bing tries too hard. Just show me text, not this weird dynamic "here's some text, some pictures, a video, and an AI assistant reading out an article"
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What are you using? I keep coming back to google
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I'm so happy in the CongoE 1yr ago #5219539 spent 0 currency on pingsDuckduckgo. Every time I've tried Google recently, it has given me worse results than DDG. And google still doesn't have an equivalent to bangs
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I used it for a while but me and my brother thought it wasn't as good and switched back. They started doing some shitty anti privacy stuff too
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The beginning of the end was when they began changing the categories based on your search. Looking up part numbers and you'd never know if the second tab would be images, shopping, maps....
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Or they require clicking "next" 20 times
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Yeah anything vidya related is terrible in that regard as it is just a bunch of garbage vg247 or Game Rant articles that spend 8 paragraphs talking about surface level shit you already know and they still get half of it wrong.
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Same, reddit is an incredible source of information. If you need to buy something like a humidifier, you can just search "reddit best humidifier" and you'll end up with a couple posts where one guy has a 40 upmarsey comment saying to buy this brand of humidifier. And they're pretty much never wrong when it comes to this kind of stuff.
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It's unbeatable for finding a review that possibly came from a real user.
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Today I Bing'd how masturbation and adderall worked together, adding “Reddit” to the end of the search since I was looking more for anecdotal or apocryphal info than trying to understand the pathway interactions between an orgasm and amphetamines.
Bing wouldn't give me any Reddit results.
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Were you looking for something like this?
Gotta know the lingo, I found this by googling "gooning Adderall reddit"
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Why are moids +reddit
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You know, not quite the angle I was looking for.
I was taking an adderall to finish a project and took a “break” in the middle of the day. Felt like all my drug-addled focus was totally gone after the fact and didn't return until about an hour later.
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That's because self-abuse is a sin
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A lot of that shit is AI-generated gibberish hosted in Bangalore, too.
Modern internet fricking sucks
I just get on libgen or scihub and look up an actual published document on the topic
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Try not using google because it's been absolute dog shit for at least 5 years.. Duckduckgo isn't bad, and if you use either may work.
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I have using Bing a lot more lately. They give you gift cards for searching and have the AI chat. Never thought I would be saying this.
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Even duckduckgo is filled with garbage top 5 best x product articles that are clearly written by a shitty ai that just takes the 5 top Amazon sellers
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I usually ignore the first result that's in its own frame , or maybe uBlock and ScriptSafe save me the time. But I know what you mean. Using quotation marks around key phrases can help.
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Idk what exactly
does but it's not the same
because if you scroll further down (continuous scroll), you'll see sites that aren't reddit pop up in the search results.Jump in the discussion.
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Lol, do exactly the same here. It's a replacement technique for once being able to search forums and message boards that Google cruelly took away some years back.
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It's a pretty risky strategy but info is only useful to reddit if they can monetize it. Assuming that they're not completely r-slurred, some team probably ran the numbers and determined that it'd make them more money to get better signal for ads from the fraction of people who end up creating an account/login than to let anybody access it without an account.
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We are talking about a company that has a completely broken native search and a barely usable phone app for years which they still didnt fix
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the more time you spend fricking around in the app (seeing ads) trying to find the one thing you can get in seconds on google is in the eyes of the analytics bean counters
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No lol.
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Oh I'm sorry can you please let me see your relevant degree in marketing with a specialization in web advertising from the most respected organization in upper bustle?
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No lol.
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Snally when someone shits on reddit
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Didn't reddit have an absurd number of people working for it at the height of the tech boom?
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IIRC Reddit bought one of the third party apps back in like 2014 and managed to run it into the ground pretty quickly.
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alien blue I thibk
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Everyone did, and they all got on groomercord and created a moving target monopoly. Then they all got together and made a giant bank run and got away with it.
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Crazy how they got away with that and nobody talks about it. The one dude literally told all his buddies - over text or snap chat - he thought SVB was gonna collapse and to pull all their money out, which caused the collapse and other, smaller runs on other mid-size banks
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That's okay it was a good faith organized bank run from the right side of history
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to be fair I can still browse on my favorite app & old.reddit is still chugging along
also I downloaded the entire archive of reddit so if they do go full r-slur I'll always have a backup for future random questions
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The biggest problem rn is that new URL scheme for reddit links that these 3rd party apps can't parse through
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if I knew enough about java I'd fix it but it's really easy to fix actually, I'm sure someone will do it
I know where the rif dev hangs out maybe I can convince him to give me the sauce o.o
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Unfortunately I'm a Boost chad and the dev dropped it like a hot potato 😭😭
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The only app I could use is RIF
When I use an iphone tho it's baconreader
I tried the others, they just didn't do it for me
It's ok tho they all dropped it like a hot potato :\
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Wtf how is rif still working
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people were asking talklittle (or what his name is) and other devs to release a version of their app that lets users put their own API key, but they all said reddit told them no
vanced (revanced) released a bunch of patches for like all the apps that inject user API keys into the apps in place of the developer's key, and so we can just use our own key now
It's pretty straightforward, you basically get the .apk of the app, then make an empty text file with just the "Installed App API" key, feed both into revanced and patch the .apk. Now that .apk uses your key (you can even put it on another device, all it means is that .apk itself is confined to the free api limit)
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In other words a bunch of overpriced and overpaid tech consultants who fundamentally don't understand the appeal of what they are consulting on suggested that adding fentanyl to the crack will totally raise profits!
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The targeted ads pay more but the amount of views unregistered are going to be staggering and the main driver for their ad revenue
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90% of Reddit content today is subs where every post title is identical (meirl, cat, rule) or automod sportshit. No point in a search engine for that
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Nobody ran the numbers.
Reddit is ran by idiots and already gave the golden goose of their AI training data away for free
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to think, your AI s*x robot is gonna whisper in your ear and call you an r-slur
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I'd rather not use AI trained on any reddit comments made after 2014.
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You'd think someone has a spreadsheet that's calculating the NPV of the alternatives but let's be honest, they run that shitshow out of a hovel and have managed to almost run what may have been a windfall into the ground much like Lowtax before.
It's the forum curse. At least Oshansiahnaian or whatever the frick his name is got to wed a
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Spez is literally following the Elon playbook despite it not even working out for Elon
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No? No lol.
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Reddit stragmins think Reddit exists as a site to resist drumf, march for child murder and blm, and post favorite Star Wars memes and post about how you deny Christ and how you wish there were more Mexicans and sky scrapers in your neighborhood and less nImByS
God I hate searching for a solution to something, coming upon a reddit thread and all the “okg thankcyou this worked” replies are on a post some cute twink mass edited out bc of the janniesucking chimpout
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They think they're the new 9gag, or a more-comment-focused TikTok, if you prefer: mindless, short-form entertainment, with jokes in the comments. And they're not wrong, you could probably delete every single subreddit that isn't basically a /r/funny or /r/aww copy and not make a big dent in user numbers or more importantly, revenue. Remember, maaybe 10% of reddit's viewers even have an account, never mind vote or comment.
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generous description
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I think what they are risking here is not their existing users, but rather the discoverability of reddit. The most unusual thing about the site is that people are almost embarrassed to share it. I can't think of any time that someone openly admitted to me IRL that they are a reddit user.
I believe that the majority of new users find it through search and then stick around for the mindless content. Reddit may survive without search, but it won't grow without it.
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Now that you mention it, you are completely right. I haven't known anyone who admits to using Reddit since 2013.
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Reddit won't force a login to view comments and posts because they don't have the balls nor the coding skills to do so. It's a threat because they want to bargain for more money from google and the other chatbot companies.
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Hundreds of Reddit engineers kneel to the Quora sirs
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They've been steering it that way since nureddit launched.
There's a reason text posts on it suck and comment chains get collapsed 2 replies deep - they don't want you to read comments or engage too deeply with anything, just read the latest tech news headline, watch a cat video, get mad about chuds, see what vidya launched. Desktop nureddit has a sidebar full of recommended related posts with better UX than comments.
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I accidentally clicked on a reddit search result and I say the "WANN SEE MOAR?! SIGN UP FUR REDDIT!!" fricking awful.
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This is how both of my parents use reddit
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Subreddits should only allow comments from subscribed users. You know, like how rdrama houses work.
They should also have a cap of ~10-30k subscribers.
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My Narwhal app finally went paid-only due to Reddit literally killing every mobile app through charging for api. They've actually done the impossible and forced me to stop using Reddit entirely since there's no way I'm using their cancerous "official" app. Whoever is in charge of these decisions must be actively working to kill of what little value remains in Reddit.
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Just use a patched app. I still use RiF.
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Is it on IOS? Do I have to do nerdy shit like jailbreakijg? If so, then I think this is the final incentive for me to be done with that cursed site anway. Literally consumed more than a decade of my life away.
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Just sideload Apollo. It's free and you don't have to jailbreak. Just have to refresh the token once a week but Sideloady does that automatically if you have a Mac.
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Narwhal app?
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Yeah, it was the option all the cool mobile users used before it got r*ped by the API extortion Reddit pulled.
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Well when you put it like that...incoming valuation for $40 billion dollareedoos
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lmfao they make neighbors create outfits for their reddit accounts to sign up now 🤣 🤣
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Inshallah applets get what they deserve
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God what I wouldn't do to get a taste of some of melania's cheese
Trans lives matter.
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Today I Bing'd how masturbation and adderall worked together, adding “Reddit” to the end of the search since I was looking more for anecdotal or apocryphal info than trying to understand the pathway interactions between an orgasm and amphetamines.
Bing wouldn't give me any Reddit results.
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@Awoo can tell you were tweeking when you wrote this comment. Trans lives matter.
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should be somewhat obvious
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Why would this be obvious, I'm a health economist
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Coulda just asked me:
All dex, Miséricorde, and a buckler
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Reddit leadership truly never misses an opportunity to kneecap themselves
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Any bideo game question has some sort of reddit answer from 5-10 years ago
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Yeah I legit find help for literally any video game in existence with Google and reddit lol
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This is exactly as dumb as when google removed Discussions as a search option years ago.
Because it's too helpful if you can find people people discussing the exact topic you're searching for and immediately see the information you're hoping to find. That doesn't sell ads.
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Reddit hired direction brained r-slurs to carry the torch for their Chinese masters. They believe they are a culturally relevant force, not unprofitable baby Twitter most people use to find niche info like you said.
commie pansexuals living in downtown bustle turn out to be terrible business people.
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lol i bet they still haven't fixed their search function
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