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:marseytrain: :marseytrans2: Train has an interesting theory on why there are so many trans-women in tech. :marseyhacker: :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer:

Gay people are rich apparently

100%. A lot of older gay people went for well paying jobs and careers as a way to cope with the shame that came with being gay. They strived for success so they could feel like it made up for all the hate they got for being gay.

This is also why you see a lot of extremely muscular and attractive gay people. The shame pushes them to be better than others in some social field people really care about.

This isn't a gay exclusive thing, this is just a shame thing and how some people cope with it.

Yep. Trans community has a semi similar thing.

Because a lot of trans gals are self conscious they spend more time around electronics and other media. So the “trans girl coder” meme is kinda an actual thing. I also kinda fall into this as I have 2 degrees in game design/art, >>> yeah I wasn't a smart kid choosing that… (why do we trust teenagers with that much debt?)

NOTE: this doesn't apply to everyone and there are other things that end up as the focus if they have one, look at the gals who made the matrix for example.

:#marseysurejan: Are you sure that is the reason my friend? :#marseyautism:

The rest of the thread is just disadvantaged groups sucking themselves off, but one comment stands above the rest. I have sectioned it off from the rest of this post since it is not tech related, and I always respect the rules of online forums.


Edit: Added the missing link.

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link? :#marseydrama:

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/r/all top post

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The answer is always :#autism:

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Evidence is presented for a hypermasculine phase of development that coincides with the age of enlistment in nearly all cases. The psychodynamic underpinnings of the choice to enlist in transsexual males are discussed. Outcome of military service was premature discharge in over 60%. The military's management of gender-dysphoric servicemen is described. Current military policies, in association with the proposed hypermasculine phase of transsexual development, may actually result in a higher prevalence of transsexualism in the military than in the civilian population.

It's probably that both are selecting for neurodivergents but this theory is also pretty interesting. It's funny to think of tech as another sort of "hyper-masculine" environment

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Outcome of military service was premature discharge


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tbh any proper tech community is 99.9% male + some tokens. A good portion of them are going to have exciting hobbies like powerlifting; I can see the connection.

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A lot of older gay people went for well paying jobs and careers as a way to cope with the shame that came with being gay. They strived for success so they could feel like it made up for all the hate they got for being gay.

>muh shame

>muh oppression

Wrong. They all know one another so they have a powerful network. It's part of the "velvet mafia" and GLAAD. They also don't spend time having a family which can preclude them from high level management positions due to time constraints. Being a non-flaming gay who tries to network with other gays can help you get to higher tiers of management.

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I was going to place it almost entirely on not having children. Didn't think about the networking angle.

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Gays in "small" towns or industries typically all know one another. One of my gay friends would point them out and promptly avoid them all the time.

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“God, he just nutted in me and started talking about his ex, what an butthole. Anyway, look forward to seeing you at his party next week”

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Most :marseytrain2:s I've met weren't neurodivergent, they were just narcissists pretending to have a touch of Rainman. And the ones who were coders were not especially good coders, they were mediocre.

Frankly I wouldn't hire them because they were all, every one of them, high maintenance beyond their value. Not one of them was just trying to pass and get on with their lives. For all of them "being trans" and occasionally flexing their special civil rights privileges was clearly something they enjoyed. And it is gross how much women fawn over them when they do it.

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I would say that I'm a good coder but that's beside the point.

You have survivorship bias. You don't notice all of the trans ppl who do pass. Don't generalize a small subset of trans ppl onto the whole.

Also, I hope you aren't in a developed country, otherwise anti-discrimination laws will Frick You Up.

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>You don't notice all of the trans ppl who do pass.

lol, sure bud

>otherwise anti-discrimination laws will Frick You Up.

Ah yes, civil rights law. Giving delusional weirdos the cheat code to god mode.

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Autism + Anime = Trans

That's the simple equation :marseyshrug:

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The same neurodivergence that makes them very good at programming is also what makes them :marseytrain: freaks

israeli lives matter

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Do we have evidence of this?

There's so many bad programmers out there and I've yet to see a train programmer in the real world.

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Yes. @Bookers have worked with some in the wild and the ones @Bookers encountered were good.

The last company @Bookers was at, one of the lead developers, probably top 10 in company :marseytrain2:ed out after they had been there for like a decade.

So they were already good before they were a :marseytrain2: but I think the neurotic autism that made them a good programmer in the first place also led them to eventually becoming :#marseytrain:.

Also, @Bookers would argue that even though they are unhinged, the resident :marseytrain: programmer here is also decent.

The problem with trains programmers isn't that they're bad programmers.

It's that they're neurodivergent unhinged socially awkward coomer brain shut ins.

Also, everypony knows white males are the best programmers

and when you get right down too it, trains are overwhelmingly white (nu)males.

Of course all of this is just anecdotal evidence from @Bookers's lived experience.

But @Bookers think it probably holds true for the most part.


because israelis create all the trains programmers

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Ime it's like 20/80 of being unbelievably good to trash. This is approx 20 times a higher rate of being good tho so it stands out

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If a woman has a keyboard like this


They're a :marseytrain2:

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clean up its dirty

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They're glossy, no such thing as clean and I'm not some psychopath who keeps keyboards on display only.

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Aren't most :!marseytrain:s dirt poor though, statistically?

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black HSTS :marseytrans2:: broke, make up 99% of hate crime statistics

mayo AGP :marseytrans2:: rich, less likely to be attacked than a woman (female), uses hate crime stats for clout

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Both IT strags and trans strags are much more likely to be neurodivergent than other people

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Gay people are hot because they understand men care about their partner's appearances and they aren't lazy

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Because they're pushing dysphoria onto neurodivergent people as part of a depopulation agenda

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