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Based Dramatards

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Is it just me or did he janny all the comments?

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If you try to use a fake email the comments get hidden.


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Heaven forbid this guy take a glance at Usenet


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Ex-MSG black usher sues for wrongful termination despite alle...

Someone made a typo on that one

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I thought so too.

Ex-MSG usher sues for wrongful termination despite allegedly hiding s*x offender status



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Someone tell him he lost No N-word November

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The only people who are obsessed with calling others Nazis are Communists who also consider democracy fascism



This is an article about Antifa. They aren't actually anti-fascist because they call leftists who simply aren't them fascists too and they want to destroy democracy.

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Your purple links reveal a lot about you.

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How much and like what? :marseyexcited:

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Take your own notes goober.

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That's mean :marseyannoyed: I just wanted to know :marseysad:

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sensitive :!#marseynotes:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Why are you taking notes? :marseyworried:

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Im not taking notes. Why do you think :marseymindblown: im taking notes? :!#marseyfedpostglow:

note: patient :marseybreastcancer: believes we are "taking notes.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I heard that! :marseyannoyed:

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What did I do? :soycry:

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Why are you doing it again? :soycry:

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Stop it, this is so mean! :soycry:

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You should see my porn

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It is incredible how much has not changed with how quick commies and, especially, anarkiddies are quick to condemn random objects and symbols as fascist dogwhistles as they choose to fly the banner of people who did the same exact thing, though the original antifa chose to ally with the Nazis in street battles and coordinate electoral campaigns, something that hardly seems to be brought up :marseyxd:

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Why do fediverse and substack users need so many quirky domains for the same website? With the fediverse I can understand not federating with some instances, but what's the point of 10 different instances with the same content and banlists?

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Leftoid circular firing squad. They probably disagree on rules like whether or not "moron" should be banned for ableism.


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What do you think :marseynooticeglow: he meant-- im not sure?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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So Russia is in the right to denazify Ukraine, yes :marseywholesome:

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How many users does the "Fediverse" have exactly?

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Actually, lmbo. Monthly active users is down while new accounts sky rocket. Absolute garbage that no one wants.


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Do daily or monthly active users, not how many people made an account and left because it's shit.

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Monthly "active users" seems to range from 1.6 to 1.8 million. Doesn't seem like it will be a viable alternative to major social media sites :marseyshrug:.

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That's quite a large base. I think they could grow it.

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I say this as someone who uses the fediverse, that userbase is the most neurodivergent and often insufferable groups of that size most of which refuse to even federate with eachother. It's going nowhere. Plus there's way too many fricking loli instances you need to filter for it to ever go mainstream.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I imagine this is something people used to say about reddit. Including the loli shit lmao (shout out violentacrez)

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There's a huge difference between those two. In decentralized services you have to shop around for a server that federates with the other servers you want. With a centralized system like reddit's you don't need to do that; you just don't sub to /r/jailbait or whatever. In the case of the fediverse model you have people who run instances who will defederate you or be defederated by their owner for any reason arbitrarily and your account there cannot communicate with others. Some of these reasons include (for some) simply being a single user instance or allowing opinions the 2nd party server owner disagrees with; it also has the trend of defederating servers who even federate with servers you don't like. It's designed in a way that almost fuels fragmentation and makes it functionally impossible to be on a server where you can see and talk to the whole network given human behavior. It's naturally bound to break up into different sectors that could but don't communicate based on the few hundred or thousand people running the servers. At least a centralized thing like twitter is never going to stop you from interacting with others, short of them blocking you. So naturally dumb insulated communities form where they largely don't allow disagreement join together and don't associate with any others; the network is fricked, it's fundamentally broken.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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it's a self-balkanizing system

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shout out violentacrez

Who's that?

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At least violentacrez didn't hide behind 10000 year old dragons that just look like 8yo girls.

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Compared to rDrama and Wpd yes. I think these sites are too exclusivist to grow beyond a certain point. Someone commented here that antifa types view anyone to their right as fascist. This article is calling a billion+ people nazis. Not a smart way to shill your site(s) an alternative to the le evil megacorps by calling most of the world nazis.

Neurotic people will flock to this giving it an initial boost but (hopefully) they will stagnate if this is the attitude they carry.

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i highly doubt it

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At least 1

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ur a nazi, he's an nazi, she's a nazi, we're all nazis

ur on the internet and there's a nazi on the internet

the whole internet is a nazi

u breath same air as nazi

the air is a nazi

the whole earth is a nazi

nein planets orbit a solar mass and one planet is a nazi

all the planets are nazis

you're a star in a galaxy with a nazi star

all the stars are nazis

you're a galaxy cluster with one nazi star

all the galaxis are nazis

you're a photon and your light cone passes the path of a nazi photon

all photons are nazis

You're a creation of God

God said let there be light

existence is a nazi

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