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actually interesting rDrama Word Vectors

https://github.com/float-trip/wordvectors, https://github.com/float-trip/wordvectors/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

The easiest way to use these is through the included kit.py or projector.tensorflow.org.

kit.py can do the king - crown = man vector arithmetic, and the projector makes the words go spinny:

(Go to https://projector.tensorflow.org -> "Load" -> Select vectors.tsv and metadata.tsv -> Add search query, click label -> "Isolate Points")

Lots of fun things you can do with these, like finding the Marsey you're most closely associated with or clustering everyone into houses.

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!codecels this is way cool

unfortunately I am stuck in dependency HELL trying to get spacy to work, if anyone knows how to solve

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'spacy.lang.en.tag_map'

let me know 😅 (yes I ran python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm and it DIDN'T WORK :marseyraging: )

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magnitude needs python 3.9 (asdf install python 3.9.12 && asdf local python 3.9.12 if you have asdf)

then it should just be pip install pymagnitude matplotlib networkx numpy scikit-learn

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I got it with a venv :marseythumbsup: now where is frequencies.json? I don't see it in the repo, I guess it contains how often each token appears?

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