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How do I get in on this red hot 18 year old startup that has never turned a dime of profit in its history? :#marseysal:

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I really hope with the downturn in economy the vc bucks start drying up so these moneysinks like reddit collapse :#marseyinshallah:

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There's too much "easily" accessible valuable info on reddit for me to wish for its demise tbh

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yeah as much as we justifiably rag on redditors it is, bar none, THE best source for non-specific general information. Way better than quora and way more specific than a random article

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Please no. The rest of the internet is bad enough already.


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So you're saying we can all be part owners of reddit?


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You can even bardpost at the shareholder meeting!

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it was considering a valuation of as much as $15 billion


I imagine their pitch now is that since Elon destroyed Twitter, Reddit will somehow replace it. I hope finance tards don't fall for that. Twitter was already DOA when Elon got his hands on it. Spending actual real world money on Reddit isn't going to be any better investment. Like buy a hotel or a steel mill or something, not some Silicon Valley fantasy pretending it's still 2003.

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People keep saying this - twitter is pretty good right now in my opinion. It's raw. It's striking a good balance between real candor, and not being poal.

This makes a lot of people angry because they got used to a society where you just had to cede rights to an opinion on a topic once a lawyer somewhere figured out how to recast it as a civil rights violation or seditious conspiracy.

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Twitter is shit, but it was always shit so nothing has changed except the chuds came back out of hiding.

Now it's r-slurred radical shitlibs and r-slurred chuds and blue and red boomers and r-slurred bluechecks.

Oh and some professionals that only post about their line of expertise and that's it.

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except the chuds came back out of hiding.


Calling people cute twinks isn't chud exclusive behavior, r-slur. Imagine thinking people not getting banned for that as much or as easily isn't an improvement

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Nigher there are literal neo Nazi in the truest sense of the word account circles getting thousands of likes on xitter right now . Chuds did came out of hiding and multiply

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there :marseycheerup: are literal neo Nazi in the truest sense of the word



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You're a dumbfrick and deserve to be r*ped by dolphins obese Cute twink

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None of your words or actions are true to what Jesus would want. At this point you should keep yourself safe, for you are a disgrace to jesus's name

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More comments

that's not what I'm talking about you cute twinky cute twink

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Lol :#chadseethecapy:

Now it's r-slurred :marseyautism: radical :marseyradfem: shitlibs and r-slurred :marseyshitforbrains: chuds and blue and red boomers and r-slurred :marseyawardretard: bluechecks

Your feed is full of that because you're a :#marseywingcuck:ed r-slur. It's just the algorithm doing its job. The vast vast majority of actively tweeting Twitter :marseybluecheck: users are Facebook tier (but younger) normies.

The incredibly loud, incredibly small :marseydicklet: minority you're bitching about only exists because it isn't a zucc style jannie :marseyworriedcarp: hellscape of Facebook and Instagram.

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Twitter was unprofitable before, and there's no reason to believe that has changed since Musk bought it

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Musk has already said he doesn't care if it turns a profit. It's effectively his philanthropic venture. Wouldn't be surprised if he creates a foundation to support it like the Dale Carnegie Foundation or the Ford Foundation - both founded to continue their namesake's interest in education and the arts, but long since hijacked by gays and communists.

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>I hope finance tards don't fall for that.

The only reason I don't want them to fall for it is because reddit employees being denied a payday is funnier than bankers losing money.

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Elon bought Twitter for influence, the profit is just a bonus.

Also Reddit is awful for specific posters compared to twitter, unless you're narcissistic enough to make a personal subreddit or something.

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the profit is just a bonus

What profit lolll

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Elon bought Twitter for influence

Not for $45 billion. Dude is not a Machiavellian schemer, he's like every one of your bros who started taking drugs and making bad decisions.

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I assume his drugs of choice were /pol/, Moldbug, LessWrong/et al. and Twitter itself. That, and Adderall.

Seriously, though, owning a major social media site enables promotion and suppression of certain views that make it worth enough as a running asset in the long run. There's a reason people are so concerned about him owning it.

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God I WISH Elon was properly Yarvinpilled

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Openai already scraped all the comments from reddit and that's it's only value

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I pointed this out to a pinkname alt yesterday but he said that's not how Al works and boy he sure sounded like an expert.

@Moreaccount come educate these folx!

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I, a paypiggy namestrag powerBIPOC, wasted my time yesterday by earnestly arguing with a pink namearino

Dramatards absolutely love posting they L's online :#marseyemojirofl:

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Hey frick you, I am not a paypig! I earned these marseybux the old fashioned way: by simping for @MrsFrozenClaus

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Fwiw I agree w ur comment πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

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Man you really are an r-slur. You missed the point entirely. Its very impressive.

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Stay mad kld

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You should use your expertise to make a racist AI waifu for yourself.

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I know i said stay mad, but could you do it somewhere other than my comments? Thanks! Bye :marseywave2:

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No U

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Why do you think they're trying to cash out?

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:!#marseyflirt: :!marseymerchant: :!#marseycapitalistmanlet:

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I hate SNLs complete disregard for subtlety

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Barely tangentially related but I will severely inconvenience Bill Hader on sight in minecraft

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There hasn't been a tech ipo in years

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And thats a good thing

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How would someone go about making Reddit profitable (or at least break even), not a meme btw

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Fire 90% of their useless staff, hire a few good programmers, stop building cryptocurrency anti-features, start charging money for AI training data and to run large scale psychometric experiments on captive human subjects.

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You don't even need the last part, it's just for fun.

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Reddit could make a loooooot of money by charging ShareBlue proportionally for their astroturfing

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If they put a 5$ entry fee to cuckold subs they'd already be in the black.

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How the frick does reddit has 2000 employees?

You would probably need 50 codecels including everything from infrastructure to features to support it and maybe also 100 support staff from finance, marketing, hr, etc plus a few indians for costumer support. You could triple this number and it would still be nowhere near. 2000. How, why?

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start requiring reddit premium to be able to moderate subs

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They pay to do it :carpjannie2:


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What happened to the last one?

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people woke up and realize they will never, ever, ever turn a profit. and they also learned that spez is a strag and janitors are :!marseytrain:s with no life

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Ahh I see. So thos time things are much different.

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They kind of are, in about a year reddit started spending waaaay more money than before since it doubled its workforce. Spez is really pushing for the ipo, he's getting absolutely loaded when it finally comes. The 3rd party apps api drama was just another step in that direction.

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internet PEEPEE offering!

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IDO? :marseyconfused2:

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I want board members to review top giga jannies and their impact on profits :marseysuit: and investor relation calls to answer questions regarding :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 09 minutes and 41 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Average time between mentions: 0 days 02 hours 03 minutes and 49 seconds

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I'm flirting with @kaamrev :uwueyesblink:

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Love to Lick kiss whiff of your intoxicateding Womenly musty musk's sweated Scent πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ€€πŸ‘…πŸ˜›πŸ‘…πŸ’¦πŸ˜˜πŸ’¦πŸ˜‹πŸ’¦πŸ‘ƒπŸ’¦πŸ€€πŸ’¦πŸ‘ƒπŸ’¦πŸ˜‹πŸ’¦πŸ‘…πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ€€πŸ˜›πŸ“πŸ‘…


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I cant see how they can ever become viable since theyd need to completely purge all the niche fetish subreddits/porn shit/gigajannies, but at the same time softbank seems to have an endless capacity to humiliate themselves peddling the worst shit to market

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