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rDrama Advent of Code Day 5 - Brute Force Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at https://carbon.vercel.app

What did you think about today's problem?


Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

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Doing a lookup for every integer was a mistake.


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If you're going to brute force it you should at least do them one at a time instead of populating the whole list first lmao

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That's why when you suspect that the orgs finna frick with you, you download the task data first. But on the other hand it seems to fit in 32bit ints, so like 32gb of memory should be enough.

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advent of absolutely frick my shit up and make me feel r-slurred


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finally had a drink and i cant even be fricked to read this :#marseylongpost: shit. this year is going to be fricking miserable.

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Hold onto your hats boys I'm doing multithreading for each range

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Brute force method ended up resolving before I finished writing a more clever range splitting version. :marseypaperbag:

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Who is the mysterious anonymous user #371225?

Finally, a task that rewards a meticulous programmer. Nothing particularly complicated, just be careful, think a little bit ahead, write maintainable (for the next 10 minutes) code. The important parts:

   def intersect_range(x, xlen, y, ylen):
       r = max(x, y)
       rend = min(x + xlen, y + ylen)
       if rend <= r:
           return None, None
       return r, rend - r

   def mapstep2(x, xlen, curmap):
       ranges = []
       srcranges = []
       for dest, src, rlen in curmap:
           r, rlen = intersect_range(x, xlen, src, rlen)
           if r is None: continue
           srcranges.append((r, rlen))
           ranges.append((dest + r - src, rlen))

       curx = x
       for r, rlen in sorted(srcranges):
           if r - curx > 0:
               ranges.append((curx, r - curx))
           curx = r + rlen
       if curx < x + xlen:
           ranges.append((curx, x + xlen - curx))

       return ranges
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why do they make this shit as inscrutable as possible

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I got tripped up that they did [target, source, range], these anti-AI measures suck.

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To Dunk on ESLs

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>tfw bug in real data but not in test data


I ended up brute forcing a search for seed values that would cause a bug on the test data. Turns out that I forgot that ranges could completely encapsulate each other. :marseyfacepalm:

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Yep I have a special case up the top because I forgot that entirely

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Runs in an amazing 147 seconds.

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Brute force indeed. Let's parallelize it:


This brings the runtime down from 5 minutes to 1 on my machine. Not bad.


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Virgin actually solving the problem vs chad seeing the lowest number with it's inverse in a range

f = open('AOC2023Day5.txt')
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
blocks = f.read().strip().split('\n\n')
seeds = [int(i) for i in blocks[0].split(':')[-1].split()]
blocks = blocks[1:]
def inverse(x,block):
   lines = block.split('\n')[1:]
   for line in lines:
       line = [int(i) for i in line.split()]
       if x-line[0] >= 0 and x-line[0]<line[2]:
           x += line[1]-line[0]
           return x
   return x
def forward(x,block):
   lines = block.split('\n')[1:]
   for line in lines:
       line = [int(i) for i in line.split()]
       if x-line[1] >= 0 and x-line[1]<line[2]:
           x += line[0]-line[1]
           return x
   return x
def val(x,blocks):
   for block in blocks:
       x = forward(x,block)
   return x
def inval(x,blocks):
   rblock = blocks.copy()
   for block in rblock:
       x = inverse(x,block)
   return x
def in_seeds(s,seeds):
   for i in range(int(len(seeds)/2)):
       if s-seeds[2*i] >= 0 and s-seeds[2*i] < seeds[2*i+1]:
           return True
   return False
i = 60500000
while True:
   if i % 10000 == 0:
   v = inval(i,blocks)
   if in_seeds(v,seeds):
   i += 1
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I was so close to switching to a real maths library.

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Babby's first intersecting lines algorithm (takes ~1 second on my machine)

Even so, this one is pretty tough for just day 5.


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cniles on suicide watch

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My code is definitely not pretty, but :marseywtf2: at those brute forcing solutions


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This was awful, mostly my own fault, but I got my tricky version working. I know I could save a few iterations with less recursive calls and I flip-flopped between (base, size) and (min, max) a few times to try catch broken logic, but I'm not cleaning it up so you get to see all my shameful debugging and stanky code.


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my solution is as :marseybrainlet: as it comes because I don't know how to not bruteforce it and I'm too exhausted to figure out the proper way.

I noticed there was going to be a problem once I looked at the actual input file and realised just how big an array would be (no problem, iterator).


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Luckily I had some old code lying around for range overlaps.

r←⍎¨¨¨(≢¨⊆⊢)(∊∘⎕D⊆⊢)¨⊃⎕NGET'i5.txt'1 ⋄ e←⊃⊃r ⋄ p←1↓r
t←{d s r←⍵ ⋄ s,(1-⍨s+r),d-s}¨¨p
m1←{a b d←⍺ ⋄ (⍵≥a)∧(⍵≤b):⍵+d ⋄ ⍵}
m3←{i←0 ⋄ {i⊢←1+i ⋄ (i⊃t)∘m2¨⍵}⍣7⊢⍵}
⎕←⌊/m3 e

e←0 ¯1∘+¨+\¨e⊆⍨(≢e)⍴2 1
sp←{~⍺ ov ⍵:⊂⍵ ⋄ a b c d←∊⍺ ⍵ ⋄ a←a⌈c ⋄ b←b⌊d
    (≤/¨⊢⍤/⊢)(c(a-1))(a b)((b+1)d)}
n1←{⊃,/(2↑⍺)∘{⍺ sp ⍵}¨⍵}
n2←{s←⍵ ⋄ o←⍬ ⋄ _←{m←(2↑⍵)∘ov¨j←⍵ n1 s
    o⊢←((3⊃⍵)+m/j),o ⋄ s⊢←(~m)/j ⋄ 0}¨⍺ ⋄ s,o}
n3←{i←0 ⋄ {i⊢←1+i ⋄ (i⊃t) n2 ⍵}⍣7⊢⍵}
⎕←⌊/∊1∘↑¨er e
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Part 2 was a bit of a b-word, largely because I'm tired and didn't want to put the effort in. RIP anyone trying to brute force that without any optimisation.

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These range operations put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

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Brute forced it in python :marseycringe:. Took 2 hours and five minutes.


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Part 2 kicked my butt. Spent hours trying to be clever and finally just brute forced it. :marseywhirlyhat:

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I managed to get a fast recursive solution working https://i.rdrama.net/images/17017848809300568.webp

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Finally came up with something decent for part 2. Runs in 5ms


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darn this one is really hard for me lol i don't think I'm gonna finish before the next puzzle comes out

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