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eGPU tards with unrealistic expectations

I've been looking at eGPU enclosures/boards for fun (there are super cheap decent barebones ones on Aliexpress now apparently) and I keep coming across the same rsluration in every thread about them. Without exception, every thread will contain at least 1 rslur trying (and failing) to use a TB3 eGPU setup with a TB2 apple computer from over a decade ago.

Why is this such a common situation to end up in? Why are so many of these idiots trying to attach RTX3070s to iMacs with 5th gen i5s? Enlighten me, slackers.

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Hello Dahncer_the_reindeer, or should I say r*pedeer? 8 letters, fitting huh. If this life were perfect you'd have known nothing but milk and cookies since you left your birthers c*nt. However, it's not- that's where I come in.

You have no say anymore, no freedom, no volition- I am Santa. You now worship my Christmas tree. You can call me Nicholas. A saint? No, but I come with more conviction.

Dahncer_the_reindeer you are my r*pe sleigh-ve now. And that's your greatest achievement- all you've ever amounted to, tugging and pulling my sleigh as we break the space time continuum together you complete fricking slut. I'll find you.

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