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eGPU tards with unrealistic expectations

I've been looking at eGPU enclosures/boards for fun (there are super cheap decent barebones ones on Aliexpress now apparently) and I keep coming across the same rsluration in every thread about them. Without exception, every thread will contain at least 1 rslur trying (and failing) to use a TB3 eGPU setup with a TB2 apple computer from over a decade ago.

Why is this such a common situation to end up in? Why are so many of these idiots trying to attach RTX3070s to iMacs with 5th gen i5s? Enlighten me, slackers.

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It's kind of hard to put yourself in a headspace of someone who truly don't have an understanding of how computers function - even just a black box understanding if you think about these things regularly.

I recall explaining to a friend some basics of building a PC and I realized I sorely misread his understanding when he asked me "what RAM is" and "how much do I need for games". Very good questions and he's not an idiot it's just we're clearly on very different levels of technical competency.

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