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rDrama Advent of Code Day 15: Box Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at https://carbon.vercel.app

What did you think about today's problem?


Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

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Solving was easy. Understanding the question in part 2 took me a long time though.

:marseyreading: :marseyhmm:

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i have no idea wtf part 2 even is I'm gonna step away for a min lol

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I think understanding the problem was the problem, but he made it too easy because the calculations were clear and everything you needed was in the last two paragraphs and worked examples.

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much easier today than the last few puzzles :marseybeandrool:

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Python dicts happen to maintain the order of insertion. So box.pop(label, None) and box[label] = f are enough.


    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        for j, f in enumerate(box.values()):
            res += (i + 1 ) * (j + 1 ) * int(f)
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for versions >=3.7 (and sometimes 3.6)

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huh, never got the memo

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This is just leetcode but with shitty prompts. I'm to busy gooning to do this crud

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Thanks babe was in a meeting

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Tomorrow you're going down babe

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I have my grad school reunion today so I will not get around to it until tomorrow. Feel free to take my place

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You've sapped all the joy out of this rivalry.

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I guess today's was the annual "follow some rules as quickly as you can" problem. Pretty easy, no edge cases to consider, you just have to not get scared by Eric's words. Following the numbers worked fine...

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I have a feeling we'll be seeing the lens boxes again in a week or so.

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Unusually easy problems are often used to introduce concepts which will be needed in later days.

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I hate that.

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Nice to finish in less than an hour for once.

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Who else tried to be a smartass with the last value before giving up and doing it the way Eric intended?

b←{{256|17×⍵+⍺}/⌽0,⎕UCS ⍵}

    f←{i←⍸(⊂⊃⍵)⍷⊃¨s ⋄ 0⊣(2⊃i⊃s)⊢←2⊃⍵}
    a←{(⊂⊃⍵)∊⊃¨s:f ⍵ ⋄ 0⊣s⊢←s,⊂⍵}
    _←{(3⊃⍵)='-':d 2⊃⍵ ⋄ a (⊂2 4)⌷⍵}¨⍵
    0≡≢s:0 ⋄ +/(1+⊃⊃⍵)×(⍳≢s)×2⊃¨s
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Being a smartass how? I can't read your alien language.

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For each box, per label, the last op gave the focus and [index of first = op after last - op] gave the orders. So you didn't need to run every instruction. But the "shortcut" turned out to be annoying enough that the full simulation was easier.

Case in point, here's the '''cheese''':

    l←2⊃¨⍵ ⋄ q←'='=3⊃¨⍵ ⋄ n←~q
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Really? That was it?


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Probably one of the easiest so far, I spent more time trying to understand part 2 than I did coding.


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Oh look it a write your own hashmap problem


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I give up :marseysulk: part B is le too hard

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Hello Dahncer_the_reindeer, or should I say r*pedeer? 8 letters, fitting huh. If this life were perfect you'd have known nothing but milk and cookies since you left your birthers c*nt. However, it's not- that's where I come in.

You have no say anymore, no freedom, no volition- I am Santa. You now worship my Christmas tree. You can call me Nicholas. A saint? No, but I come with more conviction.

Dahncer_the_reindeer you are my r*pe sleigh-ve now. And that's your greatest achievement- all you've ever amounted to, tugging and pulling my sleigh as we break the space time continuum together you complete fricking slut. I'll find you.




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