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I guess we need to add 'shutting off the internet' to the list of things Drumpf will do if he wins:


-Annex Canada

-Shoot visitors to The White House

-Shoot the First Lady

-Make it illegal for anyone to run against him

-Throw his opponents in gaol

-Shut down the entire media

-Make himself the Fuhrer

-Make everyone sig-heil him

-Implement martial law 'against the American people'

-Terminate the constitution

-Create mass internment camps

-Assassinate generals

-Order American troops to attack citizens

-Be even more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini

-End democracy

Honestly, even if you're a Democrat, how could you not look at the absolute hysterics the corporate media is reduced to and realise he must be based and worthy of your vote.

You've got politicians sitting there saying 'if Trump wins, it will be the last election ever held in the US' and news anchors sitting there, solemnly nodding. What the frick, Ameritards? What the absolute frick is going on in your country?

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You forgot

killing the cute twinks and transvestites

selling nuclear secrets

getting into a physical romantic relationship with Putin

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I read the comment chain again and see this is friendly fire oh well pew pew pew

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We can't be frens....I'm a Canadian 😭

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Well Obama was supposed to lock up all the chuds in FEMA camps and sell out Israel to the Muslims. We just never get any fun presidents :marseyitsover:

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Keep yourself safe immediately

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That's kinda mean tbh

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Make it painful

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Reported by:


…two years before…

>take this experimental gene therapy for a cold with a 99.999% survival rate or you lose your job. This is a crisis we can't vote for this kind of stuff!

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I fricking wish the covid vaxx was anything as cool as an experimental gene therapy

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Rightoids really do make it sound fricking awesome don't they?

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Yeah where's my bio-embedded wireless 5g mind control tech. That shit would rock

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Rdrama conservatives are like dodos or kakapos, they have grown fat and complacent due to facing no real threats. If Reddit atheists, their natural predators, end up descending on them... it doesn't look pretty

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Durrr hurrr bill gates. Go get your booster cute twink lmao

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Don't you unironically believe in this though? Like ur fellow r-slurs?

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You have to beat up an insane strawman because you know all the shots you r-slurs took for a cold was absolutely worthless and potentially extremely dangerous lmao

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So ur saying you don't believe in it? Cuz I'm not hearing a no.

Every risk of the vaccine is 1000x worse if you get covid. I never got covid thanks to the vaxx.

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>it only changes your RNA! Not your DNA! The damage done to your internal organs makes you stronger!

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You don't even know what RNA is r-slur.

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Go get boosted redditor

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Watching plebs like you try to understand drugs is always funny :marseysmug2:

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What shot are you on science warrior?

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Go get your booster loser

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Oh my God this chud is a Christcuck too. Im gonna add him to my lolcow ranch.

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Christians are 1000 less cringey then le science pfizer strags

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Holy frick he's so mad about the vax lmao.

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I never got the shots why would I be mad lol settle down before you have a side effect redditor

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You will sleep in the pod. You will transition. You will eat the bugs.

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How many times have you had covid?

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One time and me and 99.9999% of everyone who did lived lmao

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Yeah but you became r-slurred bc covid r*ped ur brain, while I am fine bc I was vaxxed

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ExPeRiMeNtAl GeNe ThErApY p:

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If you take two different kinds your immunity doubles! Lol cute twink

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Don't fast walk too hard fatty wouldn't want you to have a pfizer complication

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I support most of these things

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I got my lefty friends with that one.

“I am disappointed in trumps presidency”

“Oh really?”

Yeah, we were promised concentration camps for you hipster fricks, round up all of the Muslims, and declare war on Europe and China. We didn't even get a taco wall.

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If only Dotard Blumpph was half as based as his enemies think he is.

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It's a bit! It's a.. it..

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I don't understand, but thank you for your comment.

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