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Gemini is emblematic of why Google products suck now

There's clearly an attitude of "we know what you want better than you" at google right now that can be seen by the ridiculous shit coming out of Gemini. This is why their search has been getting so bad. They make a lot of assumptions of what you want, where it used to just give you what you were asking for

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YouTube search sucks so much

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Yes and my god give me suggestions to people I'm subscribed to and not random frickin creators. I don't mind randoms maybe in a separate section but I subscribed to the others for a reason.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I get the most random :marseycitrusshrug: shit suggested to me now like streams from some kid with 40 views or webinar recordings from random companies :marseyconfused2:

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comments like this are actually surprising me. Youtube generally nails my interest. I watch a bunch of truck repair videos and it's like "maybe he wants to see airplane repair next?" I start watching typewriter videos to fix my typewriter and i get suggested 10 new typewriter creators. "this guy likes documentaries, lets see how he likes these creators." I don't like videos, i just subscribe to people's channels that I like and I have cancelled all my streaming services and got youtube premium

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It does decent for me but if you watch something you aren't interested it will poloute your suggestions for a long time. They also do show like 1 or 2 tiny creators on each page which is where some really random stuff pops up.

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>typewriter chad


man I havent watched tht stuff since before there were 'typewriter creators'

I used to be giganeurodivergent abt twypewriters I have so many of thm :marseyautism:

I often get one (1) video recommended, usually in the second slot, that has 40 views or so. almost always some greasy g*mer

I think it's youtube's way to push small videos and creators subtly in the algorithm and if it helps one actually good vid/person do well i'm all for it

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I have a mint condition olympia sm9 coming tomorrow. Unless they doctored the photos, it literally looks brand new. Super excited about it. It's got a less common font too

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all the typewriters I have are from thrift stores for no more than $20

mostly smith coronas :marseycovidscare: but also a 50s IBM

im too :marseypoor: to be buying them online

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based typewriter neurodivergent

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Yeah my recommended is mostly fine, pretty well tailored to what I like - though it does have a recency bias, if I temporarily search for something one time, it recommends me similar videos for a week.

I do see the random stuff, videos with few views etc. suggested at times, but they do that to increase new channel discoverability. I don't mind it much, it's usually just 1 out of 15 recommended videos or so.

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Same. I'm currently on an a stint of watch repair video recommendations and I can't complain.

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i really enjoyed adept ape if you are into heavy catapillar engine repair

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Yeah honestly my YouTube :marseykingharkinian: shows me so much stuff related to each other it's effectively incestuous and I never :marseyitsover: see random :marseycitrusshrug: cool things like small :marseytiny4: streams or company webinars. I also have youtube :marseymetokur: premium :marseybux: though, I wonder :marseyhyperthonk: if we're literally :marseyme: paying for more insular recommendations

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This close to fedposting if I get another goddarn Jerma clip recommended to me. So many fricking channels about reposting Jerma streams. After I say I'm not interested 400 times I won't click the next :marseyraging: :soyjaktantrumfast:

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Me too lmao and it's always the 3rd video (from top) on the right hand side recommended panel

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RSS feeds will be 25 years old in March, and still manage to be so much better than any "suggestion" tool tech companies have shat out

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Adding before:2030 to the search string will remove the suggestions.

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but what if I want newer videos than that?

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type after:2030 instead.

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Shit is so inconsistent. When I do YouTube searches it'll do the first 5 as relevant then random videos that have nothing to do with my search :marseyraging:

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DuckDuckGo is better at searching YouTube than YouTube is

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You need to scroll further. It always does this, first 4-5 are what you searched for, next 5-8 are sometimes relevant, sometimes not, then it returns actual search results again.

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A month or two ago i started getting 200 view lets plays, always in the same slot on the front page

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Yes and my god give me suggestions to people I'm subscribed to and not random frickin creators

honestly, i have the exact opposite problem. It will show me all the videos from a creator and then start repeating videos... like neighbor I watched this yesterday... Don't yall have some similar content?

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For me it's the first row of people I'm subscribed to, usually people I watch all the time. Then nonsense with the shorts being complete nonsense.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Its called the subscriptions tab i cant even use home or recommended anymore since ive had search history off for years

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I stopped paying for youtube red because of this

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I haven't been locked out because of ad blockers. I got a notice once and haven't had it again.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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never got a notice on newpipe or brave,

but I was using yt for music and for playing on my TV. Ended up just going to spotify

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For what it's worth, at least on the home page you can use the three dots menu and say "not interested" or "don't suggest this channel". It gets the message pretty quickly.

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I've been getting fricking asian golfing videos for weeks! It's nonsense

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Lol even to this day you can't get "White Boy Summer" music video as a top result. It's hidden away under like 30 other useless results.

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what? you searched for the exact title and channel name? well, here's 25 videos that aren't that!

i don't know how the fricked up A SEARCH FEATURE so badly

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One of three reasons:

  • If you get people into rabbit holes where they start consuming content that they've never seen before, or at least try out unseen videos (and thus see more ads) before making it to the one they want, then Youtube makes more money.

  • The ROI for unfricking the search algorithm isn't worth it

  • The search algorithm is so complex and opaque that employees don't even know what's going on

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Unfricking anything in an existing product is never worth it on an individual basis if you work for one of these companies. Your promotion case is always based on launching new products & features, driving new revenue, or sometimes killing some old thing that's costing money. It's also highly political. (not red-blue political, but office politics)

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True. I've seen unfricking initiatives, but they were spearheaded by competent leadership who knew it needed to happen to ensure the product's long-term success. So extremely rare.

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Hate that so much. I can search for something kind of specific and get like three related videos and the rest of them are completely unrelated or are videos I already watched like a week earlier from channels I am subscribed to.

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It really does, sometimes searching the exact video title isn't enough to get the top spot. I think another part of it that probably applies 2x to YouTube, is they've also shifted to showing results that make them more money, like sponsored videos, or how you almost always get "shopping" results for any Google search terms now

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I watched a video the other day of some big creator showing how his vid with millions of views is buried under re-uploads and other vids, even though he searched for the exact title or the title and his username.

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They've made it impossible to find anything that isn't some corporatized bullshit. You want to find a primary source video of something, you can't. You can only find some CBS affiliate's news coverage of it.

I had one of those late night itches about a half year ago to watch pimple popping videos. Couldn't find shit that wasn't that Asian lady doctor. I fricking hate YouTube.


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It flat out won't show you certain videos that are on YouTube even if you search for them using the exact title verbatim.

First encountered this when trying to find the video for "White Boy Summer" by Chet Hanks which they had censored so it could only be found via direct link on other websites. It also will not show certain Cumtown bits in search results, like one where they rejiggered the song "Arab Money" to be about rich people going to Epstein's island, or another one where they bought a new microphone with sound effects and started imitating Robin Williams as a cheerful comedic radio DJ at Auschwitz.

Still pissed at them for banning WarFilms44 and forcing Forgotten Weapons to censor videos where they talk about the history of weapons from Axis states, the Confederacy, and so on.

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I noticed that sort by new only goes back for a few days, and then it decides to start showing videos from months ago that also might match. Combine that with them removing the ability to block a user from showing up in your searches, so now trying to look for something results in thousands of spam videos with your term in the topic, and it's impossible to find what I'm looking for.

Also for some reason there's like thousands of porn videos being uploaded by :marseytunaktunak: channels that they aren't taking down for some reason. Case in point.

NSFW Video

https://youtube.com /watch?v=R5fU6uiHIt4

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ITT: noooticers realizing that capitalism sucks but blaming DEI instead for some reason. !commies

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DEI is just a facet of capitalism, so the criticism is still salient

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>corpos can r*pe me as much as they want, as long as I don't have to see BIPOC Hessians

!nonchuds this is what chuds actually believe

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That's not what that means at all. It's the opposite, in fact. DEI is an example

of corporations trying to make their actions seem moral/equitable when they still externalize shit to the third world and rob their employees. But we started a program to hire black developers so we're the good guys. It's typical liberal ostrich burying their head in the ground shit.

The AI shit is dumb because they gimp their stupid models and you can't do anything with them. Well, I mean, youncan just run the b-word locally.

So their input to people saying "ohhhh no what if someone makes a sexy photo using your likeness" or if they type in "Scientist" and it shows a bunch of sexy Indian dudes and moon crickets should be, yeah the program is out and nobody is going to be able to stop a guy in Zimbabwe from making T Swift pron or generating non-diverse pictures

Activists actually think someone will type in Doctor and decide not to be one because of what the stupid AI drew. This is where we're at today

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rdrama is full of :marseymayo: sneeding about "diversity hires" and "this is why Google is terrible" <black George Washington>


Obviously all of these companies exist to squeeze as much money from you as possible. I don't understand how so many rslurs are like :marseypikachu2: that a company giving users free access treats users like shit.


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Speak for yourself. I dm with the Wendy's Twitter account every night before bed

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Who are you quoting?

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It's 2024.

You are not allowed to collect and/or show data why certain (((demographics))) are bad at participating in societies which build success from prior success.

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But this is corporatism not capitalism :marseyakshually: :marseynerd3:

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Remember how DEI offices have been getting laid off left and right recently? After interest rates finally stopped being artificially suppressed, and companies suddenly needed to become profitable again?

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See? Maybe DEI and diversity hires were the only thing keeping Google good?!?!? :marseyclueless:

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Looks like capitalism has a way of fixing shit (albeit slow) when the government isn't stimulating wall Street.


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It doesn't really matter if the DEI department is gutted or not at these companies. After the last decade of cultural revolution, The employees themselves are true believers now, they don't need a DEI commissar looking over their shoulder making sure they're “on the right side of history”. Those that disagree have already been filtered out over the last decade especially in leadership positions and anyone that remains is smart enough to read the room and keep quiet to keep their jobs.

This is based off my experience in a popular tech/entertainment company.

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Without capitalism the internet and large language models wouldn't even exist, so them being a bit overzealous on DEI isn't that big a deal. Better than all content produced being mandated to be in the style of socialist realism

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tbh you should leave the "I'm going to bait with an r-slured comment!!!" Gimmick to other users

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kettle calling pol pot black

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I don't think it's dei causing these issues, although dei shit is generally bad. It's more that this is a striking visual representation of them thinking they know better what I want than I do

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I think it is DEI causing a lot of these issues because of the social engineering aspect. It's not that they think they know better what people want, it's that they are trying to dictate to people what they should want.

The capitalism and the woke combine, which makes all their search and image prompt answers prescriptive rather than responsive. 'You want this? You shouldn't, so we'll give you things we think you should want instead. And since we're not just doing the job at hand, we'll make money off of what we tell you to look at rather than what you want to look at.'

Search and AI images are the same thing, someone saying, 'I want to see this' and the software responding. It's DEI not because they're trying to make a profit, but because their attempts to influence user behaviour aren't just to try and get us to want what makes them money.

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This is why I support the DSA. They will save us from this nonsense

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Point of privilege

Can you write your comment in Comic Sans? Due to a disability it is difficult for me to read comments not made in Comic Sans.

Thank you, Comrade

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I'm sorry sir, but point of privilege is checked and denied. Comic sans was found to be not only punching down, but its faith was deemed subpar.

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PleAse do not write in all caps it's triggering for those of us with sensory processing issues

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Wow, it must be nice to have senses to begin with.

  • Dictated while in a comatose state from my Neuralink™
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Neuralink? Sorry I don't use products made by a fascist.

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Point of order, font changes should have been decided in the previous sessions

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Capitalism is fine its the AmeriKKKan capitalism that seems like heck

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It's not real capitalism, they are scared of the government

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rightoid ability to think outside of idpol: impossible

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DEI is communism.

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They're also prioritising the links that give them money over what you actually want

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You really think a company would do that? Just go on the internet and make money???

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Feel like Google was making good money before they went and fricked up all their shit though...

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It's not enough for a company to make good money, they have to make gooder money each quarter or else the sky is falling and they have to lay off 30% of their workforce

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!codecels is there a userscript that makes ddg or yandex or even bing look similar to google? im so used the layout I feel lost on others

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bing looks literally the exact same as good idk what you're talking about lol

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it doesn't do full width :carpraging:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17086241967859519.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1708624197342539.webp

for some reason bing being all the way to the left makes it look like its wasting a lot of my space

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https://searx.be/ is more centered and this instance even has 2 different skin. You can set it to bing and yandex as providers

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100% agree, I was just typing up another comment about how it's probably ruined YouTube and Google music (now YouTube music).

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Yep, they really have taken an nosedive since they went diversity hires. I've had a Fitbit for years and they've destroyed it. Probably going with a competitor next time, which will be within a year because Fitbit only lasts for a year, get replacement from warranty and then replacement dies. I was going to do a writeup on why Google destroyed Fitbit but lost motivation.

They've always shoved changes down your throat, but Gemini is so frickin bad it's a joke. Same with Fitbit.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Pixel iterations also keep getting shittier

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The problem is that most people don't look beyond Apple or Samsung, especially on the US market. Instead of trying to make a better/equally good but cheaper phone, companies are trying to carve a niche, but it's not working all that well - Sony or Google just can't offer anything compelling. Only tiny portions of the market care about dumb niche features.

Just look at this shit, beyond the first three brands it's dire, even the chinkshit like Oppo, Vivo, Huawei or Realme are carried heavily by asian nations, where they're marketed a lot and mostly sell cheaper phones resulting in lower ASP and profits.

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It seems insane to me that Motorola/Lenovo has a higher market share than Google in American phones.

That's what graphs are showing me but idk how I can believe it.

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Lenovo is sneakily integrating itself into US markets. It's better value than pretty much any other quality brand. You see it a lot in corporate settings now over Dell.

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talkin bout cellphones tho

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Thinkpads remain goated compared to all competitors besides Apple, yes. Their success with the motorola brand is harder to explain though. I haven't paid attention recently but aren't most of the moto androids either really cheap or really niche?

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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My graph is worldwide if you're talking about that, though it sounds like you're looking at other ones that are US specific.

I could believe it, Motorola has good market presence and IMO the best brand name phones in the budget category, and they probably have good deals with carriers.

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Nah I just Googled it

This was the chart it pulled up


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IR blasters and tiny hdmi ports were the 2 things I wished stuck around

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Xiaomi phones almost all have IR blasters I think, other chinese brands do too. HDMI not really, but you can get video out of USB-C port on some phones.

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I was thinking about getting a Xiaomi but it was actually cheaper to get a lightly used pixel off ebay

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I don't like their software tbh, had one phone and one tablet, the hardware is probably the best you can get for the price, but I ran into software issues. I'm okay dealing with them but I wouldn't recommend it to a complete normie.

I guess I'm trying to say you're not missing out on much.

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Any tablet recommendations? I want to avoid samsung because they abandoned the last tablet I got after 1 update and basically rendered the thing a paperweight

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Tablet updates are probably gonna suck on everything Android, I'm afraid. Expect at most 1 Android version on top of what it releases with, and a few years of security updates.

IDK what your market and needs are, hard to give you a specific model.

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I have an older Fitbit (Inspire 2) and hate it.

All I need is a clock, step counter, and vibration when I get texts.

It was supposed to be an upgrade from my Inspire 1, adding a much-needed water lock.

Turns out they put two capacitive sensors on the sides instead of a physical button. Normally that'd be ok, but simply bending your wrist is enough to touch both sides and wake it up.

So whatever, turn water lock on so it can't do anything. Whoops, the "tap to unlock" relies on the accelerometer rather than touch sensation. As a result, any rhythmic tapping (such as clapping or using a hammer) will unlock it.

I turned off all the fitness-related stuff. Despite that, it'll randomly start vibrating and displaying fireworks and CONGRATS, 150 OF SOMETHING 🎉🎉🎉. I don't know what. I can't find any setting to turn it off. It would also do Active Zone Minutes because apparently they think a person can't tell when they're working up a sweat.

Just count my steps, send it to the insurance, and vibrate when I get a peepeepic. That's all I'm asking for. I wanted something relatively small and inexpensive because it's going to get rubbed against concrete walls and shit at work.

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They actually got rid of the touch thing in the newer ones, but I know what you're talking about. Also, water resistance doesn't work for me. I noticed that it always breaks when I go in the pool with it.

I use it for metrics and running stats. I'm not a fast runner, but sometimes I try to beat my time. Lately, I've been doing "running" (if you can call it that lol) in my house because of the cold. Fitbit would pick up on my indoors running in place and would estimate steps based on swing of the arm. Google's diversity hire programmers still try to use GPS and have me running up and down my block so now estimated mile time is totally fricked where Fitbit would at least give me a close estimate.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Hopefully converting the video will let it work. Videos and pictures taken on a Pixel piss off Cloudflare for some reason

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Probably going with a competitor next time

I have a garmin vivosmart 5 and I like it. As a bonus the Garmin app has basically all the features of the "premium" fitbit app but there's no premium subscription or anything, you just buy the device and that's it

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Garmin is what I was looking at! My only procrastination motivation was all my stats are on Fitbit since 2018 so I'm starting over. They've fricked up the Fitbit interface and programming so badly that it's worth switching.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I would read that write up :#marseywave2:

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