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Music has fallen to AI :marseysnappyenraged2::marseyjamming::marseysnappyenraged2: Redditors seethe and debate the difference between AI and human slop :marseythinkorino:


The original post was deleted but it linked to this article: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/suno-ai-chatgpt-for-music-1234982307/

TLDR: Suno is a new startup that started with a text to speech AI called bark, but now their latest project is chirp which is for text to music. A new version was just released with results that are almost indistinguishable from real music plus a bunch of new features, and they now offer a subscription that gives you the rights to use them in content or sell on streaming services.

I hate this so much.

Give me a real musician making real music with real instruments and real voices over this crap.

Funny thing is, sometime within the next 5 years, you'll find yourself really enjoying a piece of music, it will be AI generated, and you won't even know.


Maybe you have no idea how music is made these days. Most of it, certainly 99% of pop music, is using samples, not live musicians.


Great, another spam generator in another medium to devalue music as much as possible for basically no good reason.

Who does this help, exactly? People who hate artistic expression?

Ladies and gents, we've reached peak dystopia.

Enjoy the fallout.


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what the frick :capychad3: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711261929125627.webp

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The capy song kinda slaps

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this is like how poop culture has popularized cake face as good makeup, and now people say makeup is crazy cuz a 1/10 transforms to a 9/10.. but that's only cuz the standard was shifted, no one wants their wife or girlfriend's cheek to be a fingerpaint pallet lmao

music has gotten so shite that now ai music passes as legit

the poople have been gaslighted to think slop isn't slop, and it's fascinating behavior

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I've been making Suno songs since January. I'm a talentless loser who can now express himself, and still have time to watch my soap operas and beat off all day.

Suno is only a good thing.

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Suno is so fun I actually pay for it.

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I just gave it $30 more :marseycool: MATCH ME

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I make music, and the masses already listen to generic factory produced slop, this will make little difference, so I don't really care.

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weve reached peak dystopia because ai makes music!

The best part is that AI done right here can actually make music better. If you have good ideas but no clue how to use shit like ableton, then an AI that can program a ton of bars for you based on what you want it to do (program a major chord using XYZ, or a paraddidle into an accented flam) then it would only serve to make things better as it spreads accessibility and enables creativity in more and more people. Of course, the redditoid is too subhuman and r-slurred to even imagine such a concept

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Like any AI r-slur, if you don't know what a good output is then you can't actually judge if it's a good output other than the fact you think it's a product of your own "talent". That's not creativity, that's narcissism (which ironically mimics the narcissism of non-AI artists).

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devalue music

Lmao 90% of music sucks even without AI

artistic expression


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I basically already make ai slop just by hand

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it's pretty cool actually :marseymindblown:

But now I realize I logged in with my real e-mail and can't share any songs without somehow doxxing myself in the future :marseysadge:

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How to make it say tge n wor????

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Give me copypasta to put it in

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AI music is automatically better than, like, 80% of all existing music already. Look at me just absolutely shit this copyrighted shit out as fast as I can think to.

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Even without AI it takes merely a few minutes to fart out a song in the style of popular music if you just combine some automated melodies with the right plugins.

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Automated melodies?

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Enjoy the fallout.

what is the fallout tho

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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