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This is the case for basically everything.

Shooting sports have banned alcohol as a performance enhancing drug because at a low dose it depresses your nervous system without significantly affecting coordination, which means you're able to shoot more accurately and your hands shake less.

The same is true of pool, snooker, darts, and air hockey - a slightly elevated BAC steadies the hands and lets you make better shots.

Driving too, where a light buzz makes you able to speed just as safely as driving the speed limit sober.

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There's no drop-off point with driving :marseysteer: :marseydrunk:

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Exactly my experience. I used to play in a dart league. You go to a different bar in town every week with a team of your friends and play against another team. After 1 or 2 beers I would consistently throw better, but after a third beer everything started going downhill. The better you are at whatever you're doing, the more drinking you can get away with before you hit the peak. I've seen wasted dudes play the frick out of the guitar at shows, but I never could do that, it was the same story where more than a few beers was a bad idea if I had to play.

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That's what the pies are for (besides counterweighting your throw) - to moderate the alcohol intake and ensure a steady level of boozing

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:#marseyretardchadtalking: :#mars!eycop:

POV: I've been pulled over

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"license and registration ple-

:marseydetermi#nedgun: :mars#eycop:

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