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:marseysalutechina: has created a vencord version for private distribution :marseyfursona:



Obviously, Vencord has stopped uploading their extension to addons.mozilla.org due to the long-waiting review, and they also decided not to go self-hosting. But I need to use that, therefore I decided to try build the addon.

Some packages are required to be installed in advance:

NodeJS and npmpnpm: npm install -g pnpmweb-ext: npm i -g web-ext

Here's what I've done:

Clone the repo with git clone > https://github.com/Vendicated/Vencord (let's call the directory of your clone $ROOT, which should be ./Vencord relative to your current directory.)cd $ROOT (i.e. cd ./Vencord)pnpm i && pnpm run buildWebcd $ROOT/distChange the id to vencord-firefox@sth in $ROOT/dist/firefox-unpacked/manifest.json. (Sorry for my terrible and thoughtless naming flavour 😓.) If you ever need to do it yourself, make sure your id is unique.Sign the addon with web-ext sign -s $ROOT/dist/firefox-unpacked --api-key=... --api-secret=.... The fields left empty can be acquired from here (you need to have a Mozilla account).In $ROOT/dist/web-ext-artifacts, the .xpi file is the extension.In Firefox, open about:addons and drag-and-drop the file to install.

You can download the vencord-sth.xpi file and simply do the 8th step above. The current version is 1.7.6.

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Dad, Husband, ASD, ADHD, Tech lover, IT Admin, Tinkerer, Avid DIY'er, Dog lover and occasionally troll feeder. NSFW because I like to cuss. I don't hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong





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