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Turns out OpenAI didn't copy Scarlett Johansson's voice for ChatGPT, but used another, similar-sounding actress's voice


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OpenAI didn't copy Scarlett Johansson's voice for ChatGPT, records show

A different actress was hired to provide the voice for ChatGPT's “Sky,” according to documents and recordings shared with the Washington Post.

When OpenAI issued a casting call last year for a secret project to endow OpenAI's popular ChatGPT with a human voice, the flier had several requests: The actors should be nonunion. They should sound between 25 and 45 years old. And their voices should be “warm, engaging [and] charismatic.”

One thing artificial intelligence company didn't request, according to interviews with multiple people involved in the process and documents shared by OpenAI in response to questions from The Washington Post: A clone of actress Scarlett Johansson.

On Monday, Johansson cast a pall over the release of improved AI voices for ChatGPT, alleging that OpenAI had copied her voice after she refused a request by CEO Sam Altman to license it. The claim by Johansson, who played a sultry virtual AI assistant in the 2013 movie “Her,” seemed to be bolstered by a cryptic tweet Altman posted to greet a demo of the product. The tweet said, simply, “her.”

But while many hear an eerie resemblance between “Sky” and Johansson's “Her” character, an actress was hired to create the Sky voice months before Altman contacted Johansson, according to documents, recordings, casting directors and the actress's agent.

The agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to assure the safety of her client, said the actress confirmed that neither Johansson nor the movie “Her” were ever mentioned by OpenAI. The actress's natural voice sounds identical to the AI-generated Sky voice, based on brief recordings of her initial voice test reviewed by The Post. The agent said the name Sky was chosen to signal a cool, airy and pleasant sound.

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OpenAI paused the use of Sky in ChatGPT on Sunday, publishing a blog post detailing the lengthy process of developing five different AI voices, first released in September. In response to Johansson's claims, Altman said in a statement OpenAI “never intended” the Sky voice to resemble Johansson and that a voice actor had been cast before he contacted her.

Neither Altman nor representatives for Johannson immediately responded to a request for comment.

The public has quickly rallied behind Johansson, with speculators swapping theories on social media that OpenAI constructed Sky using footage from “Her” or recordings of Johansson's voice.

Johansson's claim — that her likeness was stolen without consent — echo growing scrutiny of the AI company's practice of scraping copyrighted content and creative work from the internet to train cowtools like AI chatbots. Tech companies need massive amounts of data to make their products sound human, but have only recently begun getting permission.

Joanne Jang, who leads AI model behavior for OpenAI, said that the company selected actors who were eager to work on an AI product. She played the actors a sample AI version of their voice to demonstrate how realistic the technology could sound. Jang said she also “gave them an out” if they were uncomfortable with the surreal job of being a voice for ChatGPT.

Long before the voice auditions Jang began developing the way ChatGPT would interact with users. She worked closely with a film director hired by OpenAI to help develop the technology's personality. For instance, if a user asked, “Will you be my girlfriend?” Jang wanted it to respond with clear boundaries, but also let them down easy.

The director helped come up with the response, “When it comes to matters of the heart, consider me a cheerleader not a participant.”

Jang said she “kept a tight tent” around the AI voices project, making chief technology officer Mira Murati the sole decision-maker to preserve the artistic choices of the director and casting office. Altman was on his world tour during much of the casting process, and not intimately involved, she said.

Mitch Glazier, the chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America, said that Johansson may have a strong case against OpenAI if she brings forth a lawsuit.

He compared Johansson's case to one brought by the singer Bette Midler against the Ford Motor Company in the 1980s. Ford asked Midler to use her voice in ads. After she declined, Ford hired an impersonator. The U.S. appellate courts ruled in Midler's favor, indicating her voice was protected against unauthorized use.

But Mark Humphrey, a partner and intellectual property lawyer at Mitchell, Silberberg and Knupp, said any potential jury would likely have to assess whether Sky's voice is identifiable as Johansson.

Several factors go against OpenAI, he said, namely Altman's tweet and his outreach to Johansson in September and May. “It just begs the question: It's like, if you use a different person, there was no intent for it to sound like Scarlett Johansson. Why are you reaching out to her two days before?” he said. “That would have to be explained.”

To Jang, who spent countless hours listening to the actress and keeps in touch with the human actors behind the voices, Sky sounds nothing like Johansson, although the two share a breathiness and huskiness.

In a statement from the Sky actress provided by her agent, she wrote that at times the backlash “feels personal being that it's just my natural voice and I've never been compared to her by the people who do know me closely.”

However, she said she was well-informed about what being a voice for ChatGPT would entail. “[W]hile that was unknown and honestly kinda scary territory for me as a conventional voice over actor, it is an inevitable step toward the wave of the future.”


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One day we will be ripping out the vocal cords of newborns so they can't infringe on the copyright of celebs before we put them on puberty blockers.

!nonchuds !chuds

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Congratulations, you are now the VILLAIN :marseykangtheconqueror: of Platysfield! :#bruh: !downmarseyrs HE VAMP AWARDED ME WHAT DE FUC BRO IM HOUSE :marseyvampirebite: FURRY :marseylion: FOUNDER TF BRO :#marseycatgirl:

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I have pondered the enigma that is "House Edgy", they are not a real house of course, but @Aevann decided to make them house-like.

But what does that make the other houses? To resolve this paradox I could only draw one conclusion. The furries, the femboys and the racists? They are not real houses either.

This realization resolved my doubts, but it created a new problem. We are surrounded by the houseless. Disgusting.

!vampires it is our responsibility to resolve this houselessness crisis. We have to take them all in if only temporarily.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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when i get back to house :marseykiwivampire: furry :marseyloona: im gonna :marseyvenn6: OwO the fangs :marseydracula: outta your bussy :marseythinkorino2: for a YEAR :#anarchy:

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Not with that attitude. I'll be sure to give you an uninterrupted daily supplement of bite awards.

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:#tfwyougettrolled: !g*mers this is what i get for buying v rising :marseychartuptrend: as a house :marseyvampirecrusader: furry :marseycow: representative:#trolldisappointed:

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I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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Are they copyrighting the voice :marseyhelium: the actor :marseyezramiller: creates or the voice :marseyhelium: the audience hears?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Why would he bother to contact her if they already hired another woman months earlier? And that woman happened to have Scarletts voice? :marseysurejan:

And why is Scarletts agent speaking anonymously? That's like saying the founder and CEO of rDrama dot net gave an anonymous statement. :marseysmirk2: :capy: Can't you just look up her agents name?

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The agent of the voice actress, r-slur

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:#ashamed: :#marseyrain:

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Either openAI is lying and has tricked WaPo's investigative team (which tbh is entirely possible), or it's a nothingburger. The voice isn't even that close ffs.

(also the anonymous agent is for the AI voice actress, not Scarlett)

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Why would he bother to contact her if they already hired another woman months earlier? And that woman happened to have Scarletts voice? :marseysurejan:

Because they wanted the her voice but realized she was gonna say no

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Upon hearing that this other husky voiced actress was a transwoman, Johansson stated that it was “stunning and brave”, and a “major step forward for women around the world who have peepees and balls”.

Trump for prison

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>Sam posts his new pronoun

>attention seeking foid assumes it's all about her


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It's stupid :marseypeanutbrain: to try and claim that she owns a copyright :marseychingchongpirate: on someone else's voice :marseyhearnoevil: simply because they might sound :marseyhearnoevil: like her. She has her head up her own butt.

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The Sky voice has been in ChatGPT for 7 months now, it's weird that it's only blowing up now.

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Is it? They only released the model that highlights the voices ten days ago.


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The Sky voice was available when they released the voice to voice mode, which still used 4 not 4o, here's someone using it in October last year:

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I hope she still wins a lawsuit, sam trying to meet twice and posting :marseycomplain: "Her" on demo day is a lot of evidence of intent

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:marseyglow: You aren't allowed to use "her." That pronoun is the property of Scarlett Johansson. You will be taken into custody and processed

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Yep she owns it as she should :marseynorm: !slots123


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If you wanted her naked just see Under The Skin.

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Someone's gotta tell that ho that she ain't that special.

Main Character Syndrome, amirite?

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That might not be enough to keep them out of legal trouble. Tom Waits won a precedent-setting lawsuit against Frito-Lay back in the 80s that seems to be very similar to this situation. They tried to license one of his songs for a Doritos commercial and he told them to get fricked, so they then hired a Waits soundalike. Although the song itself wasn't similar to the one they tried to license, the court ruled that Tom owned his own “sound”. OpenAI would have been fine if they'd never approached her but the fact that they did, even though it was afterward, might be bad for them.

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But they hired the actress before approaching SJ

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Yes, but her lawyers might be able to convince a jury that replicating her voice was always their intention and they tried to go to the source after being unhappy with their initial attempt to clone her.

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Ipso facto they guilty of premeditated crime bb

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Tbh I don't actually know if that matters given the sum of events.

My lawyer girlfriend is still with me for some reason so I sent the issue to her for her take


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People got excited when Scarjo dropped her legal threat but watch the video again. OpenAI assistant is irritatingly fake-emotional, trying to bewitch gooners and coomers who want to frick their computer voices without even s*x robot body, but not 1:1 Scarjo on legal basis, even if they did approach her.


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That was noted in the initial articles.

But of course no one reads beyond the headlines.

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So celebrity :marseydamosuzuki: impersonators are infringing on copyrights by existing

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Who cares

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Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It's not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.








OpenAI didn't copy Scarlett Johansson's voice for ChatGPT, records show:

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I thought :marseymindblown: this had been common knowledge :marseyreading2: since the story :marseyslime: dropped...

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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