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Google has removed full disk encryption from Android to prevent people from missing phone calls, instead moving to file based encryption

Android is officially the most r-slurred OS ever. You phone now leaves tons of data totally unencrypted (officially so you don't miss any calls or alarms when your phone reboots), with no option to switch back (I can't even find any 3rd party roms that support it) and it's up to app devs to decide what gets encrypted at rest and what doesn't

Obviously less secure then good ole full disk encryption but r-slurred fan boys are still going around and quoting google about how "askually this is more secure because magic hardware keys oooohooohohooh"

They made their joke of an OS even more of a joke

!codecels I hate google so fricking much. Android was done with 4.4. It had ever faeture you could want or need. But instead of admitting it and going into a maintenance phase they frick it up every few years for the lulz i guess.

Not to mention this is the death of android on the desktop. Every place I've worked requires FDE.

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!applechads stay winning :chadstevejobs:

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You have to use music managing software to do transfer files between your phone and PC, you're the OG cuck

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Wait really??? :marseyxd: but go off

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Yea to do virtually anything you need to use itunes

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I haven't used iTunes since the 2010s

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>android on the desktop


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For r-slurred things that can only be done on mobile apps and not through a website.

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Oh but look at this, a page that claims to show how to do exactly what I want!

But because it was written by and for mobilecels it doesn't tell you what version of android so you have to read the fricking thing jsut to figure ou tit's 10 years out of date.

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No sir it's not to make the feds' job of spying on you easier

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Instead of encrypting all of your phone google now only lets you encrypt some files and claims this is actually more secure

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Android was done with 4.4. It had ever faeture you could want or need.

Was 4.4 before or after they switched from the "apps request every permission under the fricking sun to simply install them" paradigm to the current "apps get no permissions and must explicitly request them at first use" paradigm?

Because the old way was beyond r-slurred.

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okay u have me there, but still! Almost ever feature u could ever want

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lineage os chads on the top. stockcels cope

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installing it now, if it doesn't have FDE will steall al ur drama coin

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As far as I can tell it doesn't have FDE but is generally faster, less buggy and has call recording

gimme dem coins

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Literally just download an encryption app

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Literally no app that claims to be an " encryption app" is anything but malware. No app can enable FDE

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Literally no app that claims to be an " encryption app" is anything but malware.

Sexy Indian dudes made the decision to change it, sexy Indian dude scammers will benefit.

The hyperbharatiyan conspiracy strikes again

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Might as well get a running start on Android

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VeraCrypt does FDE

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On desktop computers.

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I use GrapheneOS so this is not my problem

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just get an Anom phone bro

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Was there a SINGLE positive change besides ART since Android ICS?

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Android :marseyxd:

...on the desktop :#roflmao:

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The things I've seen

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lol those encryption keys were literally how the feds got into the Trump shooters phone, after it gets logged in the key would be in memory or some shit and so some Israeli's did dancing and dumped it

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You have 3 known reddit accounts, 2 of which are perm. banned for harassment, at least two twitter accounts that will crosspost between each other to create artificial engagement, and the rdrama account where you boasted about getting me banned for harassment, which ended up getting your main banned from reddit. I have no doubt in my mind that you're using an alt to send false crisis report.

Also, I wasn't the one who decided anything on your ban, Kicken was. Kicken knows way more about this than I do and I have never cared about anything you've tried to accuse me of. What I do care about is how disrespectful to real artists who put in years for their art you are. You think you're doing something that no one else can grasp but in reality you're just an /r/antiwork poster with a lot of free time on their hands. You have no idea what work means, get over yourself.

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