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Announcing the Tech for Palestine Incubator


Boycat is an adorable but serious mobile app and Chrome extension, used to scan products to determine whether they are under boycott.

Newscord is an app that uses artificial intelligence to analyze and expose the bias between different media sources to help people learn what is really happening and to develop critical reading skills.

We also have a bunch of exciting earlier-stage projects - I'm not supposed to have favorites so I'll just say that these are interesting:

Apricot - A non-profit tech studio and placement service dedicated to connecting US companies with highly skilled Palestinian Tech Talent, with amazing english, a convenient time zone, and a great price. Apricot can help you hire amazing engineers and tech workers remotely, or consult to run projects for you.

Find-a-Protest - Find protests near you easily, with a search engine that lists pro-Palestine protests near you.

Ethics.vc - The Institute of Ethical Venture Capital rates VC firms for complicity in crimes against humanity, an area where they are surprisingly active. These ratings can inform investors into VC funds, such as university endowments, pension funds, and can be especially useful for stakeholders who wish to hold them accountable.

Pal-Chat- Imagine ChatGPT that's not biased against Palestine! Pal-chat is a chatbot that is trained on accurate information about the history and present state of Palestine, including international treaties, important studies and research, that is specifically aimed at helping activists quickly research and respond to questions about Palestine. It even provides references!

A new and exciting project is Jaywalk, described as "Waze for protests". With Jaywalk, it becomes easy for advocates to share information about locations, dangers, aid services, and other dynamic needs protesters have in the field.

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