Doxxing :marseysunglasseson:


Better get your social credit score up folks.

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Gays will figure out a way to use this for their hedonistic purposes.

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This is the first time anyone has said this exact sentence before online, but the sentence structure and irrelevance to the original post (other than being about "this") makes it seem like a one-sentence copypasta. You could get serious (you) and FPBP from chudcels if you spammed this on any 4chan post about a new invention or trend.

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Can you try to formulate what you wanted to say as if you were speaking to someone without autism?

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Your comment is written in the style of certain famous copypastas, but it's a single sentence. Much like those copypastas, if you were the first to reply to a 4chan post with that sentence, users would reply to you saying that your reply was the best in the thread, and act like you were a genius for pasting the copypasta in response to something it could vaguely apply to.

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