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How to prevent dopamine withdrawal on flights :marseyjunkie:


Afraid of spending 10 hours with your own thoughts? Fear not, Apple Vision Pro to the rescue!


What do the bing bing whaoo and gooning connoisseurs of HN think?

I just did a two-way total 12 hour Hawaii flight and watched 12 hours of Apple TV series in a fully immersive environment completely isolated using Vision Pro. As long as the airplane seats have AC charger, you're good to go. I also use the Dual Solo Knit Band mod to increase head comfort.

Completely detached from reality :feelssogood: :marseyphoneglued:

Another bonus, which I've found traveling with my Vision Pro, is when I get to my AirBnb/Hotel, I don't have to log into my streaming services when I want to relax. I've brought my whole home theater experience with me.

Got off the plane? No need to take off the headcrab, just assimilate to the hive, man :marseyheadcrab: :marsey420:

I guess the flip side of this is that you look like a fricking dork.

It's possible for those concerned with this to overcome it! Most people are way more focused on themselves than whatever a random person is wearing in public, and will likely forget the encounter the second they set foot off the plane.

I'm sure nobody thinks you're a weirdo :marseysurejan: :marseycope:


Not entirely unexpected physique.

For those who wear N95s on planes, I can confirm that 3M Aura 9205+ works great with Vision Pro※ and doesn't hinder using it at all, nor reduce comfort, at least for my head and face shape.

※ - Tested during my 30 min demo (more like 45 mins) at the Apple Store.

Dis neighbor masking it up in the apple store :marseyvaxmaxx: :marseylaugh:

One protip, I bought a 512G flash drive and loaded it with content. Then I could pop the drive in and play movies off it. I did not want to deal with needing connectivity for DRM or other server checks.

I'm very curious as to the nature of those 500 GBs of content :marseywut2: :malefeminist:


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That is a good idea BUT I would apologize to the persons next to me first so I dont seem like a socially inept clown.

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