Swrory Wifnags but Wnidwows 11 is Betetr tehn 10.... :marseyxpsweater:


• bteter wokrspace suppwrot

• tbas in treminywl and fwile manayger

• added back in unzipping fwlies via the addwess bar

• better terminywl app

• better wsl2 supwport

• winget and sudwo fwor easy application instaww and update

• wooks less cwusty

"but the bwoat and spyware and AI!!" :marseyraging:They adedd aww taht bcak inwto 10 cuck. Windwows is jsut slightwy getting a tatse of what Sun Workstatinos in the 90s had. Maeks u wonder howw cwsuty and unmanyageable the NT kernywl is.

Micwosowft swowwy fworcnig winstrags two use their P'Cs in a civiilzed way like Mac and KDE chads have been dwoing fwor years :marseysmug2: Windwows becwmoes better wen it adds in Linuyx features. !linuxchads

>sudwo winget ugpwade --aww :marseyhacker:

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Why do I need two clicks to get to the normal right click menu :marseyraging:

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