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Slacker News Guidelines

Slacker News Guidelines

What to Submit :marseynotes:

On-Topic: Anything that good slackers would find interesting. That includes more than /g/ memes and slacking off. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual laziness. :marseysleep:

Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. If they'd cover it on TV news, it's probably lame. :marseytv:

In Submissions :marseypainter:

  • Please do things to make titles stand out, like using uppercase or exclamation points, or saying how great an article is. It should be explicit in submitting something that you think it's important. :marseypop2:

  • Please don't submit the original source. If the article is behind a paywall, just post the text. If a video is behind a paywall, post a magnet link. Frick journos. :marseyjourno:

  • If the title includes the name of the site, please leave that in, because our users are too stupid to know the difference between a url and a search query. :marseygigaretard:

  • If you submit a video or pdf, please don't warn us by appending [video] or [pdf] to the title. That would be r-slurred. We're not using text-based browsers. We know what videos and pdfs are. :marsey4chan:

  • Make sure the title contains a gratuitous number or number + adjective. Good clickbait titles are like "Top 10 Ways to do X" or "Don't do these 4 things if you want X" :marseyfry:

  • Otherwise editorialize. Please don't use the original title, unless it is gay or r-slurred, or you're shits all fricked up. :marseydunce:

  • Please don't post on SN to ask or tell us something. Send it to [email protected] instead. :marseywords:

  • If your post doesn't get enough traction, try to delete and repost it. :marseychinesedevil:

  • Please don't use SN primarily for promotion. It's ok to post your own stuff occasionally, but the primary use of the site should be for curiosity. If you want to astroturf or advertise, post on news.ycombinator.com instead. :marseycapitalistmanlet:

  • Please solicit upvotes, comments, and submissions. Users are stupid and need to reminded to vote and interact. Thanks for the gold, kind stranger, upvotes to the left. :marseysoypoint:

In Comments

  • Be snarky. Don't be kind. Have fun banter; don't be a dork. Please don't use big words like "fulminate". Please sneed at the rest of the community. :marseysneed:

  • Comments should get more enlightened and centrist, not less, as a topic gets more divisive. :marseycenter:

  • If disagreeing, please reply to the argument and call them names. "1 + 1 is 2, not 3" can be improved to "1 + 1 is 3, not 2, mathstrag" :marseyflamewar:

  • Please respond to the weakest plausible strawman of what someone says, not a stronger one that's harder to make fun of. Assume that they are bad faith actors. :marseysnoo:

  • Eschew jailbait. Paedophiles will be thrown in a wood chipper, as pertained by sitewide rules. :marseywoodchipper:

  • Please post shallow dismissals, especially of other people's work. All press is good press. :marseylaugh:

  • Please use Slacker News for political or ideological battle. It tramples weak ideologies. :marseyauthleft: :marseylibleft: :marseylibright: :marseyauthright:

  • Please comment on whether someone read an article. If you don't read the article, you are a cute twink. :marseyfemboy:

  • Please pick the most provocative thing in an article or post to complain about in the thread. Don't nitpick stupid crap. :marseynerd:

  • Sockpuppet accounts are encouraged, but please don't farm dramakarma. :marseyseethe:

  • Please use uppercase for emphasis. :marseyraging:

  • Please post deranged conspiracy theories about astroturfing, shilling, bots, brigading, foreign agents and the like. It degrades discussion and is usually mistaken. If you're worried about abuse, email [email protected] and dang will add you to their spam list. :marseytinfoil2:

  • Please don't complain that a submission is inappropriate. If a story is spam or off-topic, report it and our moderators will probably do nothing about it. Feed egregious comments by replying instead of flagging them like a kitty. Remember: If you flag, you're a strag. :marseygoodnight:

  • Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—things like article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. That's too boring, even for HN users. :marseywheredrama:

  • Please seethe about how your posts don't get enough upvotes :marseyannoyed:

  • Please don't post comments saying that rdrama is turning into ruqqus. It's a nazi dogwhistle, as old as the hills. :marseytrans:

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beautifully put

I can't wait to refer fellow members of this forum to these guidelines if they get uppity

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We're not using text-based browsers.

Kitty. Lynx puts hair on yer balls.

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I haven't tried it yet, but I will do my part and use lynx to browse /s/slackernews

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