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Anyone who is perpetually online and doesn't see some truth to this isn't paying attention.

The internet is being astroturfed to heck by companies, special interest groups, and most of all big tech itself. Manufacturing consent isn't just about deciding which opinions are acceptable, it's about setting the parameters of discussion, the Overton window, and the things people talk about.

I'm too tired to longpost about this but tl;dr I think a couple things he said were probably just schizo but the general point he makes is 100% accurate. And it will only accelerate.


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  • I used to be in perpetual contact with a solid number of people across multiple sites. Across the years each and every one of them vanished without a trace. None of them were into /pol/ stuff or anything even remotely questionable or controversial. Yet, they all simply vanished in a puff of smoke, no matter the site, no matter the communication platform. There was no "goodbye" or explanation.

Most people get bored and move on with life. They have kids or work harder. What a mystery!

  • Raptor Jesus, who went extinct for our sins. First it was this reptilian messiah, then foul bachelor frog, and then Pepe. Am I the only one who sees a clear evolution, a link?

Others never leave, and that happens to their brain.

Very sad!


Last edited: Jul 30, 2021

Wow, this is new? He really focused hard on 2016. It reminds me of people flipping out over mind control plans. Neuro Linguistic Programming does exist, but it was later shown to be ineffective. Schizos forgot about the second part. Same with the weird CIA LSD experiments in the 60s. Those also failed, but schizos just don't want to update. Now it's NSA/DARPA + Google, Facebook, etc. with a dash of Machine Learning. OOooooohhh!



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necroing this thread just to say this keeps popping into my mind.

I ran into a person in a chat and we started chatting about something off topic. I messaged them privately and invited them to another chat that was on topic - just so happens they knew a quater of the people already in there...

Another person I'm friendly with joined a completely different chat I was in and I had to double take it was them...

Then I was browsing a subreddit and was seeing posts from a group chat earlier - sure enough I knew them too...

Not sure if they're the bots or the actual people but it's making me :marseytinfoil2:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Ayy yo who ask

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Sweet a schizo thread.

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