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I have no idea what an XFCE is or does :marseymouse: :marseysoypoint2:


Ticket: https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/3685

The classic GNOMIE meme, "I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry"

In the old attempt to remove the notifications icons completely, in this time, it would hurt XFCE users

I wish GNOME, Canonical, and everyone else involved would settle on one consistent API for this and stop fricking the app developers over.

Removing it altogether, as you suggest, will hurt XFCE users.


I guess you have to decide if you are a GNOME app, an Ubuntu app, or an XFCE app unfortunately. I'm sorry that this is the case but it wasn't GNOME's fault that Ubuntu has started this fork. And I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.

It is my hope that you are a GNOME app. Yes this kind of fragmentation is unfortunate. I'm not happy about it either. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up. Wish you the best.

"It is my hope that you are a GNOME app." :marseyxd:

Imagine being the developer for one of the larger desktop environments on the scene, only to have no clue what one of the other larger desktop environments are...

I honestly disagree. If I hadn't looked at some of the other Ubuntu flavors at some point I probably would have no idea what XFCE is.

Smartest Slacker news user.

Maybe for a startup employee or a senior level. For a junior/mid level developer at a large firm transferred from another team, absolutely not. Knowing all alternatives that exist on the market is the job of management, not ICs.

:#soyjaktalking: :#soyquack:

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