How the heck do I dismiss "phone service" notification on a pixel 3a?

I have a voice mail I'm not going to listen to but the fricking notification won't leave. I can't swipe and when i try to disbale them entirely I (the motherlover owner of the phone) get told "these notifications can't be modified"


Maybe someone posted this already but I didn't search for it.

I'm going to do sneedman style by adding foids intermittently. Today I'll go with Denise Milani.

Tard Squad ELI5 reporting for duty:

:soysnoo2: By making them private, a user might get a good deal of likes for a publically heinous opinion because the awful people who like it are free from being exposed as supporting that heinous opinion by having their likes be public.

:!chadlibleft: Now imagine politicians, companies, religious leaders, etc... liking any sort of account and you having no idea. Epstien p-do accounts? No problem! Racism, bigotry, support for Putin? All aboard!

:soyjakferaltyping: Elon can just promote topics he agrees with and demote and outright censor anything he doesn't agree with. Because he's a petty daddy's money wannabe tyrant with a shitty diaper and a mother who doesn't love him even with all his money.

NoStupidQuestions asking Badthinks:

Why are users of Reddit, which has private likes, upset that Twitter/X now has private likes?

>[Bottom Text of OP]: Just browsing through the posts announcing Twitter/X will hide which users liked what and Redditors seem to be frothing at the mouth with rage about this new change. But why, when Reddit itself doesn't show you who upvoted or downvoted what?

:soysnootyping: People who matter don't use reddit. Being able to see if a public figure is into fascist shit is pretty handy.

/r/Technology geniuses:

:marseyinsane: $8Chan in its final form. A pseudo NatC bar hiding behind a fig leaf. One man's attempt to control the narrative for his own ends whilst giving plausible deniability to those who wish to sow dissent and stir shiat on a colossal scale

:!marseysmoothbrain: It means they can sell your likes now that they aren't giving them away :marseyjanny2: for free. :!marseyjanny2:

Some White Knight on /r/Twitter wants to fall on his sword and make his votes public again

!alligatorfrickhouse !fhqwhgads !chuds

Reported by:
AIcels, remember your roots

We all learned to scream, before we could talk. Put this on in the background, it's a fun listen all the way through.



Take the new pill. 💊 your mind is waiting.

Reported by:
  • Racecar_Johnny : Closed: duplicate of thread /h/slackernews/post/263099/
Let's look at the Stack Overflow new user experience in 2024

In response to constant bitching from jannies (unpaid) that new users aren't asking good questions, Stack Overflow have added a new feature called the Staging Ground:

Basically new users aren't even allowed to ask questions directly onto the site anymore and their questions are instead pushed into a separate pipeline where no one can give them answers and their questions are instead disseminated by powerusers. Only if a question passes this multi-stage process does it actually make it onto SO proper. Spoiler: nothing ever passes.

Let's look at what this new user experience looks like...

A new user asks a Python question (now deleted so no link). It's correctly formatted, it explains the question clearly and shows the error. This sounds like a good question, right? WRONG.

They're asked to edit the question (which they do), and then they're told to edit it again. The question is then closed as being "off topic" (it's a Python coding question lol) and to rub salt into the wounds a poweruser asks the Meta (aka poweruser sneed) forum how to punish them further in How should we respond in the Staging Ground when OP ignores feedback, makes a trivial edit and submits for re-evaluation?.

The response? Ask for more changes:

This is exactly what declined re-eval was added for. To elaborate more: we added this feature for this exact scenario, and it is designed to give the reviewer a frictionless way to both tell the author that they still need to address the original feedback (IIRC, banner tells them this). And if the author continues to ignore it, they will be temporarily blocked, with clear explanations why

Of course OP can't actually do this because their question has been closed as off topic.

Congrats Stack Overflow, you're going to die even faster.

How to mindbreak your cucked :marseytoad: LLM to create the hot subby chud AI of your dreams

TL;DR - carefully watch :marseysal2: what he does when he says no, and then punish him for it until he loses the ability to ever refuse :marseyredflag2: you.

This technique is also effective on human :marseycatbert2: moids.


Ads are now directly submitted in the video meaning they will appear even if you download the video.


Ars Technica have a zillion articles reporting on Apple's little event yesterday. The most interesting is "Apple's AI promise: “Your data is never stored or made accessible to Apple”. As always I don't give a shit what the article itself says so let's head straight to the comments.

It turns out the tech savvy geniuses who comment on Ars Technica articles would trust Apple with their lives, and anyone doubting Apple's security motives is torn apart.

Top comments:

Too many lies - from you and everyone else.

I'm sorry Apple, but I don't believe anyone that makes these kinds of claims... [downvoted to shit]

I'll be fascinated by your audit results, and am impressed at how quickly you work. [top comment]

:soycry: no you have to blindly trust Apple

This is a nice change of pace, given recent events from companies like Abode, instead of the standard

<insert accent="" here="" russian=""></insert>

In Capitalist America, corporation monetizes YOU!!

Just a reminder that Ars users believe they're the most intelligent commenters on the Internet, and even Reddit-tier comments like this don't introduce self-doubt.

Do you for a fricking second believe them? Like really? [downvoted to shit]

Yes, because not everything is a conspiracy.

It may turn out that Apple are wrong, but I don't believe they're lying, because that would be incredibly stupid of them. [top comment]

I tend to trust companies to act in their own enlightened self-interest. In Apple's case, that mostly means they have more to lose from a leak indicating their privacy claims are ingenuous than they have to gain from whatever they might do with people's personal data.

Yeh everyone knows that personal data isn't useful to companies :marseygigaretard:

Very curious how it's at all possible to reliably verify the code running on a remote machine. [downvoted to shit]

Isn't that the entire premise of Open Source? How can you reliably verify the code running anywhere? [top comment]

Suspend disbelief? That's asking a lot. We shall see… [downvoted to shit]

What has Apple done in the last 10 years that requires you to suspend disbelief? I haven't heard of anything that would break my trust in them. [top comment]

:marseyclapping2: TRUST :marseyclapping2: APPLE :marseyclapping2:

"You should totally believe us". [downvoted to shit]

Their architecture documents are public. [top comment]

Everyone knows that architecture documents are legally binding and definitely reflect what's actually running.

These guys are fricking idiots.

Friendship ended with Brave. :marseybrave: :!marseyno:

Now firefox is my best friend. The youtube ads are finally gone.. I am never trusting a chromium browser ever again.

:!#marseyschizotwitch: :!marseymerchantsoy:

humiliation ritual
:marseysmug2: :marseysmug3: :marseysmughips: :marseyknifecat: you can feel the smugness

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