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Spoiler Alert: it affects mental health badly.



About time Crapple! :chadstevejobs:






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Serious part: since Reddit hates NFTs so much, these are equal in value to the seethe they produce.

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  • snus : great reset NWO george soros klaus schwab WEF live in pod own nothing be happy
  • TheOverSeether : You don't understand, snus!! We should have never upgraded past XP. Win 7 maybe, but OH SHI---

From the same people who brought you "You Will Eat the Bugs and live in the pod!" and "You will Own Nothing and Be Happy!".





Reported by:
  • sighup : legacy hole sings and I hate it



If the next version of the Linux kernel emerges a little slower than usual, blame a dodgy DIMM in Linus Torvalds's AMD Threadripper-powered PC and the vagaries of the memory market.

In a post responding to a kernel developer inquiring if he had missed a Git Pull, Torvalds on Sunday revealed the request was still in his queue as "I'm doing merges (very slowly) on my laptop, while waiting for new ECC memory DIMMs to arrive."

Torvalds needs the DIMMs because over the last few days he experienced what he described as "some instability on my main desktop the … with random memory corruption in user space resulting in my allmodconfig builds randomly failing with internal compiler errors etc."

The Linux boss's first thought was that a new kernel bug had caused the problem – which isn't good but sometimes happens.

His instinct was wrong.

"It was literally a DIMM going bad in my machine randomly after 2.5 years of it being perfectly stable," he wrote. "Go figure. Verified first by booting an old kernel, and then with memtest86+ overnight."

Torvalds appears to have been tracking delivery of the new DIMMs as he reported replacement memory was "out for delivery" and predicted it should arrive later on Sunday evening.

"I'll probably leave memtest86+ for another overnight with the new DIMMs just because this wasn't the greatest experience ever. A fair amount of wasted time blaming all the wrong things, because obviously it wasn't my hardware suddenly going bad," he added.

Torvalds's post is interesting for two other reasons. One is that the laptop he mentions could be the recent MacBook – complete with Arm64 Apple silicon – that he used to push the final cut of Linux 5.19. If that's the same laptop he used on Sunday, said silicon may not be quite up to one of the more high-profile workloads in the world – or perhaps Linus just misses the comforts of a big screen.


When Windows 95 debuted all those years ago, it was revolutionary. It introduced many of the features we still use today, including a desktop, taskbar and Start button.

Consumers lapped it up, and it sold some seven million copies in the first five weeks, buoyed by the multimillion-dollar hype. Microsoft spent an estimated $300 million promoting the OS, which included some $12 million for the rights to use the opening chords of the Rolling Stones song "Start Me Up" as its theme tune.

We’ve looked at how the operating system might look on Mobile and Desktop if it was released today, but if you want to actually try out the original again (or for the first time if you came into Windows more recently) you can do so by installing a new app that runs on Windows, macOS, or Linux.

Created by Slack developer Felix Rieseberg, it’s available in the form of an electron app. Most things work exactly as you’d expect them to, including WordPad, FreeCell, Calculator and Media Player, although you can’t currently browse the web with Internet Explorer sadly. It opens but pages don't load.

You can lock or unlock your mouse inside the virtual OS by tapping Esc.

Despite being a fully functioning operating system running in a window, it doesn’t require too much in the way of system resources.

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OP is a hypocrite and was exposed for it

You really deleted your post showing off your ultra and then made a post complaining about people showing off their ultra’s. I feel sorry for the people that have to deal with you in life.

Bruh someone changed their mind and were a hypocrite on a stupid social media post and you think it means anything as to the ops character lmao, you are joking [-46]

Hates ultra posts, so he makes another ultra post.

I don’t have one….I have the Series 8. Let people get excited about their watches. It’s not that big of a deal lol. Also you literally posted your Ultra watch pic in this subreddit 27 days ago lmao and now other people can’t post theirs. Edit: I’ve woke up to OP deleted all their comments

Excited was a few weeks ago. Now it’s just spamming the good content of this sub. [-88, deleted]

You literally posted yours in here and now wanna complain that people are posting theirs. I’m sure these watches have been on back order and people are just now getting theirs. They are allowed to be excited and show off their purchase just like you did. You know you can press the “hide” button on all these posts if it bothers you so much.

One pic. Weeks ago. It’s over. It’s not new any more. Move the frick on [-74, deleted]

Feel free to leave the sub if it annoys you seeing people get excited and post their watch here cuz there’s no reason why they would all stop posting because of your supposedly ‘warning’ post

It’s not a warning. But I’m posting this same post every single day from now until this stops. And I’m posting the same comment on every single ultra pic that I see posted from now until it stops. Enough is enough. [-12, deleted]


The guy basically ask access to the switch kernel and would often change switch main theme to one similar to /r/drama, guy would also often shit on other switch home brew dev and auto delete their apps with his auto updates (has access to kernel)

“The drama had to do with the political views of the programmer and his tendency to insert them into Tinfoil. Best I can tell, Tinfoil's safe. There might be a screen or two that rubs you the wrong - or right, whatever - way depending on how you feel about homosexuality but I use Tinfoil with no problems and it’s easy to set up and understand.”

“”Warner was first arrested in December after a fight with his wife turned physical. A neighbor reported hearing a woman yelling, "Just shoot me!" and "You could have killed me!" When officers arrived, they found a loaded gun with a 15-round magazine on the kitchen table. Warner allegedly pushed his wife to the floor during the argument, while she was holding her 1-year-old son. At that time, that gun, along with another .9-mm and a .45-mm were seized by police for safekeeping. He has no weapons registered in Connecticut, though he did have a valid gun license issued by the state of Florida.

He was arrested again April 30 on a charge of first-degree strangulation. At the time, he was in court to answer a charge of violating a protective order, and was released on a $100,000 and was fitted with a GPS bracelet. Warner was arrested on the protective order violation on April 24, after it was discovered he had stayed at his wife's residence while she was out of town.”” (He adding such messages to switch new feeds)

Good luck trying to handwave this away like he’s some poor misunderstood Trump supporter. Anyone defending this is a piece of shit just like him.”

He also had this beef with atmosphere (redit tier soygramera who are anti paricy

Funniest was when on pc launcher one day (September last year) he release a 400mb update (the program was like 9mb) and many people still use it while that 400mb update was hidden crypto mining toll jfl


Orange Site:



Don't get me wrong, hate speech is never a good thing in any context. But what kind of bs is this that you cannot have a video on your own cloud drive because it contains "hate speech"? I can see a point if you're publishing a video to a big audience, but for your own personal viewing? What if I were doing a research paper on 1960s civil rights movement, could I not have historical photos of old water fountains, or signs put up on restaurants that read "no colored people"? If this is the future of google drive, I think I might cancel my subscription and look for alternative cloud drives.

You guys want monopolies then you get monopolistic behavior.

You cannot both champion the free market and then get mad when the free market makes decisions like this.

The free market is the biggest scam in history. Everywhere a free market has existed, it has just destroyed that nation, that market and abused it's people.

Then the free market idiots have the balls to say "but that wasn't a real free market". BULLSHIT!

The gaslighting from free market advocates is the worst! [sh, but collapsed]

Thousands if not tens of Thousands of Google drives filled to the brim with cp and other such disgusting material.

Gotta find and destroy all that evil Ye tho. That's the real juicy shit.

Gonna edit this in, so people stop white knighting the big corporation. Google has a history of this, most large social media have an issues with this detestable content. Twitter has an active lawsuit. It's an issue.

Yeah! Poor neo nazis can't spread genocidal hate speech! This world is so unfair! /s

The comments... Ffs... "Let me keep mur hate speech" Like a child wanting to keep their stick after throwing it into a crowd.

Hate speech isn’t real though

Reported by:
  • Yui :

Bravechads stay winning!



Despite all the up marseys there is some sanity in that thread.

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