Does anyone here actually work in software?

Any tips on getting a job right now?

Could you hire me? :marseybegging:

New wagie tech dropped :marseywagie:
Aevann actually likes Frozen
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How to easily hack into someone's email account

If you're a student :marseybowing: and have a computer :marseylaptop: which you mainly use on your school's network, most email providers will see you as the same person :marseypennyboo: as thousands of other students.

If you stay behind :marseynotes2: over winter/summer break when everyone :marseynorm: else is logged out, you can email google/yahoo/whatever and tell them you lost your password to [someone else's account created :marseyspaceghost2: and used at your school] when your laptop :marseystopposting: broke. They'll just reset the password for you because you share an IP.

Its a great :marseyobamadope: way to prank :marseyjumpscare: your friends, hijack club/frat admin :marseymoplicker: emails, or steal :marseythief: answer :marseyconfuseddead: keys from teachers.

!illuminati !besties


Yes I'm posting LTT clickbait. Because I can. Cope and Seethe

Would you be interested in a weekly SICP exercises thread?

I've been trying to get /h/lit to read SICP for their book club, but they've rigged the vote by removing it from the ballot, even though it was the most popular submission.

I figure we could have something like the book club thread, but for programming. That said, nobody here will actually read books, so I figure it'd be more exiting as a challenge.

Here's the idea: I'll pick ~5 exercises from successive chapters of SICP, then post them here. SICP is written using scheme, but you can solve them in whatever language you'd like. That said, languages with inexpressive static types or without garbage collectors will make this pretty difficult. Sussman describes sceme as a "libertarian" :marseygasden: language, meaning you can do things many languages wouldn't let you get away with. I'm very familiar with scheme and can help people if need be. You can ask questions, post solutions, and bully others for asking stupid questions and posting stupid solutions.

Would you be interested in something like this?



Dynamic linking is batshit insane. You effectively make a virtual call every time you call a library function i.e. instead of vtable method function pointer load it's a global offset table function pointer load. Dependencies are resolved through a complicated graph algorithm that makes it impossible to figure out what implementation is actually being used. Literally no other programming language does this. Just memory map the code and the data you want to use it and call it a day - none of this complicated bullshit.

One attitude I find particularly troubling is that if a function conforms to a certain interface, you can swap its implementation out freely. This is just not true. Some observable effect will change - the execution time, the amount of memory loads, etc. that has the opportunity to break existing code due to some race condition or other UB.


Found a really cool repo lurking the Github for good R tools. Looks really cool!


hoping this tutorial is a good start on my journey.

"A foot powered washer and dryer that costs less than $40." :marseyshook: :marseysoap: :marseytoasterbath: :marseyflagchile: :marseyflagperu:


I was thinking about having several bots, but didnt want to hammer the rdrama API so I split the api querying part of my application off.

Its designed to publish events to redis maintaining an nosqlish database of the retrieved items set to time out in 1 hour.

You could subscribe pretty much as many apps as you want to it and that way only one thing is hitting rdrama at a time

Its also leveraging bottleneck, so if you use bottleneck in your API calls back to rdrama and configure it to use the redis instance, you wont exceed rate limiting, and all your applications will share bandwith nicely

I might grab posts or other things, for now Its just focused on comments.

  • Efficient Data Retrieval: Fetches comments and posts directly from rDrama's APIs, optimized for minimal bandwidth usage.

  • Redis Integration: Utilizes Redis for caching content, significantly enhancing data retrieval speed and reducing API call redundancy.

  • Incremental Fetching: Employs smart fetching strategies to avoid duplicate data retrieval, ensuring that only new or updated content is processed.

  • Scheduled Fetching: Automatically executes data retrieval operations at configured intervals, enabling up-to-date synchronization with rDrama content.

  • Graceful Shutdown: Implements robust error handling and graceful shutdown processes, ensuring data integrity and application stability.

  • Scalable Architecture: Designed with scalability in mind, allowing for easy horizontal scaling to accommodate growing data volumes.

Weakest linux user:

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