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orange sight:

Completely free (video lectures and textbook) graduate level course on crypto


Full story.

I ported :marseybug2: THOUSANDS of apps to Windows 95 :marseybsod: (1hr :marseylongpost: but 100% worth the watch if you have :marseylaptop: :autism: )
Is there any bias among Indians of hiring other Indian workers in the IT industry?

I'm beginning to :#marseynooticeglow: .... nootice.... please :#marseynooticeglow: .... make it stop

@X weights in


Stomp sexy Indian dude skulls with steel toed boots.


His posts on the 'Arms :marseydetective:






Orange Site:



what do u guys use for web hosting

hi, im learning some html in class right now, but it's all just .html files on my computer, how do i add it to the web? preferably for free, also i dont want it to be slow


TunnelVision, as the researchers have named their attack, largely negates the entire purpose and selling point of VPNs, which is to encapsulate incoming and outgoing Internet traffic in an encrypted tunnel and to cloak the user's IP address. The researchers believe it affects all VPN applications when they're connected to a hostile network and that there are no ways to prevent such attacks except when the user's VPN runs on Linux or Android. They also said their attack technique may have been possible since 2002 and may already have been discovered and used in the wild since then.

( . . . . )

Interestingly, Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn't implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there's a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks. Network firewalls can also be configured to deny inbound and outbound traffic to and from the physical interface. This remedy is problematic for two reasons: (1) a VPN user connecting to an untrusted network has no ability to control the firewall and (2) it opens the same side channel present with the Linux mitigation.

:!#marseygossipsmug: :#marseyglowtyping: :#marseygossipretard:

Reported by:
  • N : i skipped this post earlier because of the title

I am probably not the first person to notice :marseynoooticer: this but I don't think I've seen anyone else talk about it in these terms before.

As we all know, the internet sucks compared to 10 years ago. Specifically, search engines and easily accessible information sources are much less useful than they were in the past. As many have pointed out (and as I like to bring up whenever relevant) a lot of the blame lies with SEOshit, and another sizeable chunk of the blame lies with the groomercordification of communities. :marseygroomer2:


In case you've missed all of my own and others' rants on the topic, what I mean by groomercordification is the currentyear+9 tendency of online communities to use groomercord instead of a forum or subreddit or wiki for everything from community organization (meh) to information archiving (very, very bad).


To use an example most of you incels should be able to relate to, take vidya gayme mods. A decade ago, developers of a mod would use either a legacy self-hosted forum, self-hosted wiki (usually in combination with a forum), or a dedicated subreddit to share general information with each other and with their users. Information such as installation instructions, community feature requests, compatibility details, current status of codecel efforts, details of codecel efforts (I believe the codecels call this "documentation"), et cetera.


In CY+9, it is increasingly common for vidya mods to have no web presence other than a splash page referring you to their groomercord. Want installation instructions? Refer to groomercord. Want to request a feature? Refer to groomercord. Want extremely basic FAQ-tier tech support? Refer to groomercord. Want to know some details about the code in order to diagnose compatibility problems with other mods? Refer to groomercord. Want to ask other users an extremely basic question about the mod? Refer to groomercord.

This phenomenon has taken over all kinds of communities, but modding is an example where I've personally observed it multiple times over. A lot of the types of information I listed above are going to be frequently requested by users. In the old times, we had these things called "installation instructions" and "FAQs" on static web pages. The best thing about these static web pages was that they could be retrieved on demand, at any time, with no action required by anybody but the requestor, by entering keywords into a search engine. Similarly, we had these things called "forums" where you could check whether somebody had already asked the question you're about to ask by searching for it before asking.

Finally, my novel (to me) point: why are we backsliding to a state where basic information is gated behind a login wall and mandatory interaction with other people?

One more sidestep: chatbots.


Chatbots are an innovative way for companies to outsource their tech support to a computer/not have to pay for call centers. They're pretty good for 90% of tech support problems, since 90% of tech support problems can be solved by walking the tech-illiterate customer through the process of turning their device off and back on again. Having a robot do this instead of a person saves a looooot of money. More recently chatbots have taken on a new meaning as the most common frontend for AIs, probably because they're easy to interface with even if you're tech illiterate. Can you see where I'm going with this?


The groomercordification of everything, and especially of things that should not be groomercordified (anything that would traditionally be on a wiki), is just another result of the normie takeover of the internet. A loooooot of people (apparently the vast majority) strongly prefer to consume technical information in a conversation style versus reading a document, so the state of things has drifted towards enforced conversation-style information consumption. This has had horrible consequences for the general availability of information that should logically be retrievable on demand from a static source.

Yes, this is rather galaxybrained and obvious in hindsight.

:marseyl: :marseypajeet:
Local monero shutting down :monerogenocide:

Local monero, a fiat way to buy monero with no KYC, will be shutting down.

Best way now is to use bisq if you want to avoid centralized exchanges. Maybe some image board will come up for p2p


hi guys, i am looking for sites to add to my webring! gimme ur urls :p thanks @X for suggsting neocities!



Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is no longer on the board of Bluesky, the decentralized social media platform he helped start. In two posts today, Bluesky thanked Dorsey while confirming his departure and adding that it's searching for a new board member “who shares our commitment to building a social network that puts people in control of their experience.”

The posts come a day after an X user asked Dorsey if he was still on the company's board, and Dorsey responded, without further elaboration, “no.” As TechCrunch points out, Dorsey was on a tear yesterday, unfollowing all but three accounts on X while referring to Elon Musk's platform as “freedom technology.”

Neither Bluesky nor Dorsey himself seem to have said how or why he left the board. For now, two board members remain: CEO, Jay Graeber, and Jabber / XMPP inventor Jeremie Miller. Dorsey originally backed Bluesky in 2019 as a project to develop an open-source social media standard that he wanted Twitter to move to. He later joined its board of directors when it split from Twitter in 2022.

But Dorsey hadn't seemingly been a particularly active participant at the company. In March, when The Verge's Nilay Patel asked Graeber for Decoder about his level of involvement with Bluesky, she said she gets “some feedback occasionally,” but implied he's otherwise “being Jack Dorsey on a cloud,” as Nilay put it. Months before that interview, Dorsey had closed his Bluesky account.

Bluesky did not immediately respond to The Verge's request for comment.

Update May 5th, 2024, 4:37PM ET: Updated with Bluesky's confirmation of Dorsey's departure from its board.


Congratulations on being the first person to do something with AI that will directly make my own, personal life worse. You are a monster.


An AI that makes the internet even worse than it is! Congrats to the team.


You're a horrible person. Your mother should be crying. You're the vanguard of a trend that will damage the mental health of millions or billions, especially if taken at all farther.


AI posing as human customers to promote your product on the web is fraud, change my mind.


This should be illegal.


Nobody wants this


You are helping to ruin society , not that you care


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