Women demand men to go die for them :gigachadqueen:

On May 18 new mobilisation law was activated streets became empty since now basically any man can get mobilised

Here for example truck drivers started protesting because they lost their status as important infrastructure job so they can get mobilised at any moment.

So those women screaming stop being girl peepee and enlist :marseythumbsup:


I think it was from yesterday before it was announced that Russian captured it

Here is the location of that 90ties cringe music

Ukraine hit oil refinery

That's how average Ukrainian hit on oil refinery looks like

@Cobra_Commander discus.

While I was banned Ukraine lost 2 towns + rabotino and like 12 villages (don't count) <- 17 May

so in a month Ukraine lost more that spring counteroffensive and since 17 May, lost their crown gems of spring counteroffensive Rabotino and Khlishivka.

Yesterday they lost Bilohorivka and that's now a huge deal

And not because Russian can go after Seversk but because the front will be straightened by a lot. Since Ukraine is fighting from inner circle they are losing that advantage. Also now holding serivranka forest will be very hard. The town of Seribrianka (pointer + on map) will be turned into dust. Bilohorivka held longer than bakhmut tho, that's thanks to terikom (white mountain). Here some Ukrainian propoganda about that โ€œmountainโ€

Ukraine obviously will downplay it and claim it Russian didn't capture it. They did the same with Rabotino recently.

You ask google about Rabotino and it tells you

It's not captured by Russian.

You go on khohol army sponsored map


Reported by:
Ruzzia about to get BROWNED

The dream of billions of Jeets has been fulfilled. Visa free travel for Indians into Russia is a reality. Millions of blonde blue eyed slavic women will be waiting

Us State Department: :marseysanders:

@J love sucking peepee

Russian soldier falls off a tank, the Russian driver decides to reverse over him triggering a mine
Warsaw Szlachta sees direction the winds are blowing, abandon the old ways and convert to the rising religion.

Many suspect this was done to facilitate trade ties with their advanced Western neighbours.

!kurwa discuss.


Abraham lincoln won a presidential election in civil-war-torn America in 1864, and fdr secured his fourth term in 1944 while American troops were in action across the globe. Winston Churchill, by contrast, avoided the electorate until the war in Europe was over in 1945, at which point he was turfed out.


Ukraine's constitution is confusing. Article 103 states that the president is elected for a five-year term; but Article 108 says that he or she exercises power until a new president is inaugurated. A longstanding law (though not a constitutional provision) says that elections cannot be held when martial law is in force, as it has been in Ukraine since Russia began its full-scale invasion in February 2022.

I love how they ignoring that martial laws ends on 19 May and that Ukraine is parliamentary country where parliament has more power and there should been parliament election in October or November 2023 and now parliament can't prolong the martial laws that they extended for 3 months in February because Parliament lost its power in March. So ignore that detail that doesn't suit them.

As the war drags on, Mr Zelensky's popularity will be tested further. Already his star power is waning. Some Ukrainians wonder if a different leader could have fought more effectively, or found a way to negotiate some kind of peace. The president insists his aim is still to recover all of Ukraine's lost land, which seems unachievable. The government is under fire for alleged corruption and the centralisation of power in the hands of a tiny circle. It has bungled the mobilisation of fresh troops: many front-line units are down to 70% or so of their strength. After a long delay, a new conscription law is in place, but it will take months for its effects to be felt on the battlefield.

It's hilarious how they trying to end every paragraph with a positive note :soyjakwow:

Khohols don't want to fight the mobilisation is their 24/7 whole year. Sending men more notes won't fix it. All who wanted to fight already joined the army. You don't see men returning from west to blast their bussy for Zelenskyy. And 70% soldiers are saying they will leave Ukraine after this conflict ends. Yet homosexual end the pragraph with โ€œit will take months for its effects to be felt on the battlefieldโ€ like it ever will be felt.

Ukraine should be able to resist, and in the coming months it will be bolstered by a new package of military and financial aid approved by America's Congress in April. But still, Mr Zelensky needs to address rather than evade the questions raised by the end of his formal presidential term. He should acknowledge that he needs eventually to hold an election, and lay out plans for how one might be organised. It will be hard: Russia will doubtless bar voting in areas it occupies and bomb polling booths in areas it doesn't. But a country as ingenious as Ukraine can surely find ways to give its people a proper say in how they are governed. One of the many reasons why they don't want to be swallowed by Russia is that Russians under Mr Putin have no such choice. Rather than suspend democracy indefinitely, Mr Zelensky should lay out plans to strengthen it. โ– 

Ukraine already getting help, they launched couple hundreds ATACMS since February when they didn't had officially aid but Biden โ€œsecretlyโ€ pushed it. So there won't be any wunderwaffel. This bs is more pathetic than epic spring counteroffensive and leopards. Khohols are saying they preparing new counteroffensive for 2027. By that time they won't have any men left. Zelenskyy told by lowering age from 27 to 25 he will mobilise 300k while there literally ain't that many men in Ukraine in that age barracks and age Barack 18-20/21 don't exist anymore since people were underage 2 years ago and left the country. So even if he lowers to 18 there won't be 300k to mobilise


I just remembered his statement because he was hyping Zelenskyy peace initiatives hard telling it's over for Putin because all brics members will visit that peace talk :surejan:

But this conflict is the most r-slurred in the world. For example let's imagine Ukraine won today pov:

:peperun: Ukrainian man rushing to Berlin to kills his cheating wife :peperun: :!marseymini:

It's basically a classical Slavic folklore

This song is about killing gf after conscription period ends because b-word is cheating while he is eating shit

My baby, I miss you

I don't receive letters from you

You're far away and you're not even bored

But I'll be back, I'll be back so you know

I'm far away, I miss you

I don't receive letters from you

You're far away and you don't even miss me

But I'll be back, I'll be back and you'll know

that I'm far from you

You promised to write, you promised to tell

How do you live, how difficult is it for you there?

You promised to wait a long time and suffer

And burn with love, but this is impossible

No, not a line from you, not a word from you

I shouldn't have believed your confessions

Yes, maybe it was in vain, maybe it was in vain

Tell me, what kind of punishment is this?

But I'll be back, I'll be back and you'll know

that I'm far from you

:!marseyjamming: :!marseyvibing:


The ongoing war with Russia has created new opportunities for corruption


I just think it's funny that

Blinken giving support to Kiev


Well it took less than 5 days for Ukraine to make their legendary spring counteroffensive look even shitier

@Szia_uram discus I want to know more about โ€œ Ukraine just bombed the 10th refinery in two days and there is no panic in Belgorod 3 years into their 3 days special military operation.โ€


Khohols just stole all the money for fortification in Kharkiv and even proudly announced it

And that cutie twink talks about that khoholstan ain't corrupt like Russia :marseyrofl:

He will soon be back

clarified that the F-16s will be in Ukraine within monthS not month :marseyemojirofl:


I can't keep getting away with this


Khohols ain't short on small arms so why would germ do this ?

Stealing :marseysoutherner: they will build a beautiful roadmap like BioWare anthem roadmap, tell they need billions, will get billions, tell tomorrow till no og worker of that project would be left in that project then new CEO will say we have no idea where the money is :gigachad2:

Reported by:
Zhirinovskyy was such a legend

He says burgers will never attack Russia as Russian will never attack burgers but victims will be Korean, Japan, Chinese, Khohols, Baltiks, Poland, other Slavs, Sunni and Sheits.


They legit acting like they want Russia to eat them.

Their total active troops are 4200 people

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