Soyjak: the Scapegoat MemeAnalysis :marseyfreud: Esoteric/Philosophical/Psychoanalytical reflection on soyjaks. The comments are somewhat thought-provoking as well.

Commentary on the current Self-Insert Syndrome epidemic

Counterthesis according to which behind every soy woahjack post there is a repressed self-expression of despair at the current state of young men :

Maybe spending hours every day on a site dedicated to a meme made to make fun of people has its downsides:

A 'Zellig:marseymymy:fan(the pot calling the kettle an obsessed fnf p-do esl shitskin BIPOC) rejects soy culture with a harsh critique of its "embarrasing self-flagellation":

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Many people seem confused about this meme so I will explain it. It is actually really shocking that it ended up at times square.

Patrick Crusius, the inspiration for the Chud, wrote his manifesto in a SpongeBob notebook. (Well at least that is the rumor. The police deny the existence of the manifesto). So this meme is referring to that.

It is only a rumor because Crusius is believed to have been a particular poster on the extremist website "crystal cafe" in which he posted an image of a spongebob notebook and promised a manifesto the day before the shooting.

The squirrel is actually in reference to an infamous video where a guy captures a red squirrel and lights it on fire as it squirms and moves about trying to put itself out a la BMT. The supposed posts of Crusius on Crystal Cafe used this video for shock value. Be warned though, if you decide to visit crystal cafe to see what its about they are pretending to be women so as to not get the attention of the feds. But understand their code. Moid means minorities, and is short for minoritoid. The "pinkpill" refers to mass shootings because brass bullet cases go pink when they oxidize.



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