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Redditards fail to appreciate art


Some Twitter user named SoyCobson has been posting some absolutely renaissance chudjak art. The local fun police :wojaknofunallowed:at /r/forwardsfromklandma are too low IQ to comprehend what they are seeing, but decide to complain about it anyway.

Unbelievably ugly

Those pictures look like they just stink

He says this about pictures with :!marseytrain:s in them… what did he mean by this? :marseyhmm:

1. is this supposed to be about Transitioning or just healthcare in general? because you'd be surprised how many Nazis are against it (probably because they thing saving lives makes people "weak" or smth)

2. not much of a detective when they're right behind him (either that or he's getting evidence for the crime before and/or during it in which case, I suppose he is a clever peepee)

3. and it didn't even take that long before he was romanticizing mass shooters

4. I don't even know what to say about this, like yeah, I know what it is, but what could I say?

5. He does realize he's proving their point right?

6. I was about to ask if this is an anti Hotep meme, but I honestly can't tell what it's trying to say

7. yeah I'm not even surprised that he likes Eren (also what's with the squirrel?)

This is a lot of questions to ask when the answer to all of them is, it's just funny soy and chudjaks.

Lol the dude with an ADL armband has a hammer and sickle on his helmet. Most politically literate right-winger.

He said the line! :marseylaugh:

Why do racists have to ruin all the fun stuff.

Racists have ruined the chudjak. Fellas, :chuditsover:

why is there a squirrel

Because this guy is nuts! :squirreljak:

Anyways, come have a laugh as these losers try to figure out why there are squirrels in the Soyjak comics. It's like these "people" are allergic to having fun and enjoying things.

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Thus is literally a joke

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no im serious

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This is a certified banger.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17207984922441812.webp :#marseysoyseethe:

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>whys there a squirrel???


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Why is there a squirrel?

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>circumcision mentioned

Prepare for dramagolem sneed :marseyravegigaspeed:

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@sneedman only you can save the west now

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would like to note that the kids' names on the posters are a play on "shota" and "lolita."

Yeah, that's pretty obvio--

that says everything you need to know about the people making these

what? of all the things to take issue with, this one I didn't get at all

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Weebs use "shota" and "loli" practically as fetish terms. For those not terminally online, it sounds p-do-y.

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This is funny

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Pearls before swine, as the saying goes, or gems, I should say.

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>Unbelievably ugly

>Those pictures look like they just stink

This is so Orwellian :marsey1984: By which I mean Orwell mentions this in his essay where he defends saucy postcards.

"The comic post cards are one expression of his point of view, a humble one, less important than the music halls, but still worthy of attention. In a society which is still basically Christian they naturally concentrate on s*x jokes; in a totalitarian society, if they had any freedom of expression at all, they would probably concentrate on laziness or cowardice, but at any rate on the unheroic in one form or another. It will not do to condemn them on the ground that they are vulgar and ugly. That is exactly what they are meant to be. Their whole meaning and virtue is in their unredeemed lowness, not only in the sense of obscenity, but lowness of outlook in every direction whatever. The slightest hint of 'higher' influences would ruin them utterly. They stand for the worm's-eye view of life, for the music-hall world where marriage is a dirty joke or a comic disaster, where the rent is always behind and the clothes are always up the spout, where the lawyer is always a crook and the Scotsman always a miser, where the newly-weds make fools of themselves on the hideous beds of seaside lodging-houses and the drunken, red-nosed husbands roll home at four in the morning to meet the linen-nightgowned wives who wait for them behind the front door, poker in hand. Their existence, the fact that people want them, is symptomatically important. Like the music halls, they are a sort of saturnalia, a harmless rebellion against virtue. They express only one tendency in the human mind, but a tendency which is always there and will find its own outlet, like water. On the whole, human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time."

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Why are you portraying yourself as a soyjak?

Isn't the whole point of soyjaks to make fun of people?

This is a self own.




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