namecheap drops

soyteens are now forced to immigrate to


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I remember when namecheap stole the original WPD domain and then claimed it was because we were hosting warez for like 72 hours, which was incidentally the window they gave us before the site would become inaccessible, and then after the timeframe was up they're like oh you're right lol sorry it's not piracy it's the people dying thing

Which is fair and wouldn't have been an issue if they'd just not lied to us for the duration of the time they gave us to address the issue/notify our users of a new domain

But they didn't

And they apologized to me on Twitter and released our shit after I kicked up enough of a fuss

Frick namecheap

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>namecheap turns out to be a cheap shitty registrar


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Yet they somehow bailed out Jersh :marseynull: despite being owning one of the most controversial sites on the internet. He must know someone at the company.

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The funny :marseylaugh: kiwi site only uses them as a redirect for their .net site :#marseyhomofascist:

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Report commies to their domain registrars. Many commies will brag about their crimes online, which can help police :marseyatfagent: to identify and arrest :marseyhandsup: them, but can also be used to get their domain suspended. For example, here are some terrorists bragging about attacking construction :marseykilldozer: workers in "cop city":

More examples of commies taking credit for terrorist :marseytedkaczynski3: attacks:

Police have used these blog posts among :marseyzombiewolfamogus: other things to file racketeering charges against these particular terrorists because they love making specific confessions about organized intimidation campaigns:

!reportmaxxers !commenters !soyteens !trolls

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There are pro commie registrars, though

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Tucows is pro commie? I thought :marseymindblown: they were pretty :marseyroan: normie

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There's one that is. I forget which but came across it during the DropKiwifarms r-sluration

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That's Epic's new owner :marseyklennysuit:

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Add them to the conspiracy charges, then 😁

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lmao who's that cute twink

literally uses kiwifarms as a source but still :soyjaktantrumfast: about it

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He is the owner of the doxxing and harrasing site kiwifarms, his name is null and yes he is a cute twink.

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It's a fricking sneed themed account, he's probably doing "I'm just pretending to be r-slurred" multiple layers

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That soyjack site is pretty lame

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It said in the original thread that it was a solar plant not a nuclear one :marseyindignant: reading comprehension and media literacy seems to not be xer strong suit

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The Sneedmcdneederson user if KF has one of the worst cases of trying too hard to fit in along with a parasocial relationship with Null

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has a board literally named "Doxxing and Raiding"

Who could have seen this coming?

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They need a carp to protect them from themselves

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As the original artist intended

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grats on the worst hole theme so far

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>hole theme


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Soyteens lost, sneedteens won

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The Sharty has been through worse :soyjakfrontneutral:

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hmmm, maybe if they didn't post about doing blatantly illegal shit all the time this wouldn't have happened


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:#wojaknofunallowedtalking: but its whatever

@Melissa's heart is telling @Melissa Trans women are women in the same way that urinal cakes are cakes

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Seems like a clear cut violation of your AUP

:marseyropeyourself:, :lizfongjones:.

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Tattling is so cringe.

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Shoulda held onto those transfer keys :marseysmug2:

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This is horrible, like some jannie trying to clean up the truth about my role in Marsey's origin. It would be really bad if someone did that. Like that episode of TNG where everyone gets amnesia and Michelle Forbes agressively insists that Riker has do this now and...

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Keyed :marseyautism:

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Are the days of doxxxxing and raiding truly over? :marseycry:

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!macacos Brazilian autocorrect moment?

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These fricking queers. If you don't know a girl who pleaded down to "felony stragulation" you havene't even begun to live your life.

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You have been reported.

I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer /h/soy janitor. I do not have janitorial powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post about stopping the coal, but 1 is the most important rule of all

• I am an officer in training, and I expect to be treated the same way I would be with my uniform and badge.

Watch your back and get used to this face kiddo, you'll be seeing a lot of it.


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