
Anyone who tries this past life hypnosis video and has something interesting to report will earn 1000 DC.

Contest ends at some point eventually.

Introducing /h/spooky! :ayydance:

This hole is for the discussion of all fringe topics, including but not limited to:

  • unexplained phenomena :marseymothman:

  • cults :marseyluther:

  • UFOs :marseyufo:

  • cryptids :marseybigfoot:

  • ghosts :marseyghost:

  • conspiracies :marseyglow:

  • schizoposts :marseyschizowall:

  • psuedoscience :marseyscientist:

  • new age and occult practices :marseywitch:

  • unresolved mysteries :marseybackstab:

To celebrate, the Alien Invasion contest will also run in perpetuity. :marseyalienprobe:

edit: I lowered the alien invasion badge requirements by orders of magnitude to make them easier to get

King Charles crowns himself the king of heck.

Last pic comes with a longpost:






You might think :marseymischevious: I'm posting :marseycomplain: too nucléaire to /h/spooky brothers :marseybog: but I'm trying to get you ready :marseyexcited: brothers!

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Got a message from the other side

A close relative of mine died recently.

Today I dreamed of them. They had these semi-whimsical creatures that played around with people. In a very short time these creations turned crazy and began killing everyone they could. I barely escaped them for a long time.

Then in the end I managed to escape to another relatives place where the half whimsical creatures gone mad couldn't follow me.

I believe this was a message for me from the other side. The relative admitting that they were indeed kinda crazy and almost killed me or wished to multiple times, and would have probably ended up killing me if I had not successfully escaped to the other relatives place.

I woke up feeling at peace. Like somebody having admitted their part in a deed gone wrong and taken the burden off my shoulders.

I also felt the gut urge the moment I woke up to tell another relative of mine about it who has a similar relation as mine to the crazy relative that passed away.

I will not be taking any questions. Thank you.

Is Starbucks :marseygirlboss: Actually :marseynerd3: EVIL?

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : do NOT access the spirit realm guys fr fr NO CAP
The spirit realm is real, here is how to access it to your advantage.

The trick is pure true faith.

I have done experiments with reality.

What I have found is that as long as you truly believe the simulation starts biasing things to align with your beliefs.

I don't know if the gods are real, but if you truly believe that things will move in your favor the probability naturally rises in ways that cannot be proved by pure cause and effect relations as known to normatic sciences.

You have to genuinely believe that the gods favor you. You have to genuinely believe in your good luck. You have to genuinely believe that you are improving.

This won't guarantee shit but it increases the likelihood to an unnatural level.

I have been able to reach 5"9 inches in height just by focusing my internal chi every single night.

There are tricks to get what you want.

It all requires faith and the ability to correctly visualize or sense the data with one of your senses.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

I can confirm it works.

I just got 8 heads out of 10 coin flips twice just by truly believing.

Another trick is to be on a drug or alcohol or other stimulant as it disconnects your brain enough from base every day reality that it is easier to truly believe in what you are doing by focusing your chi or your luck or your faith or whatever.

I hope this helps.

Good luck.

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