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Idpol musings on race

One of the most frustrating aspects of modern internet society is the complete lack of nuance in favor of black and white thinking (whoever coined this term was a prophet). We're all guilty of it, even me.

I saw someone here make fun of the idea that slaves built the country because black people are currently acting r-slurred. Like they didn't have a part in building or it's all their fault they're r-slurred. A perfect example of a lack of critical thinking.

It can be true that black slaves helped build this country, while also being true that current black culture is violent and destructive, while also being true that mayos helped build that destructive culture, while also being true that black people have a responsibility to fix the rot in their culture that mayos have wrought.

It's not fair but as Immortal Technique so eloquently said, "See things how they are, and not how you'd like em to be."

If you steal my bike, I'll shoot you. Later I'll think about all the ways that society drove you to steal my bike, while I grapple with the PSTD of killing someone, but at the end of the day you're still dead. Don't steal my bike lol.

The very worst part of all of this is that I have more in common with the dude that stole my bike than with the elites that drove him to do it, but that doesn't change my reaction. Why should I react with lethal force to the symptom, but not the cause? Shouldn't I be shooting the CEO of Warner Brothers, or whatever international conglomerate that owns the record label that cynically pushed gangster rap for profit, for glorifying the culture that made bike stealing cool? Or the people that pushed redlining? There's a lot of blame to go around.

Why not all of them? That's the question. The answer seems to be, "society would be really mad because while we all know that the CEOs are just as guilty, it's not polite to murder people for second order effects."

Hopefully this makes people argue in the comments because that's what we're here for. Discuss.


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the cure is to let everyone throw racial slurs at each other and not feeling hurt about it like me and my buddies do


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You can call me cute twink as long as I can call you chink. Slurs are fun between friends


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Slurs are fun between friends

It's a sign of true friendship for me because it tells me that you're comfortable with me and also know me enough to know that I wouldn't be offended


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Tbh I still wonโ€™t do it. The legacy of the south is strong. The cross still burns.

Does the burning cross still burn within me? Is my soul stained, touched by hatred? Would I have supported the confederacy?


Oh god why am I southern please make it stop

Hnnnng god I love a good cultural existential crisis I came so hard writing this

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Ok cute twink

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My neighbor


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5th grade boys have mastered race relations by doing this.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Sometimes I miss middle school. We were all so innocent back then


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Middle school was the shit. Didn't have to give a frick about school. Talk shit with the lads over lunch. Dab on people who were worse at kickball. Go home and play some vidya. Repeat.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I knew so many yo momma jokes. We played keep away everyday so PE was easy. Then finish the day with some super Mario on SNES.

๐ŸŽถMemories of the way we were๐ŸŽถ


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Tbh I love older black women

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ily bb n imma try to understand wtf u talking bout here but I sure as shit ainโ€™t gonna discuss

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tldr its several paragraphs of saying nothing in typical leftoid fashion

basically hes saying that race relations in america are lacking nuance. its simultaniously true that america was built on the backs of african slaves, and that modern black culture is destructive and violent. its also simultaniously true that white people played a large role in making black culture that way, but that black people have the responsibility to fix those problems in their culture.

he then asks why if a black guy steals his bike and he shoots him, its "justified", but its not justified to shoot media executives etc who encourage violence in black culture?

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Yes why can't I shoot media execs in self defense? Neighbor stole my metaphorical bike


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It helps if you drink a lot of alcohol


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shift later :marseycry:

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got a nice bike?

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I do, actually. I live in a nice neighborhood because I'm aware and supportive of the bike theft community as long as it's not in my backyard.


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whatcha got?

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im trying to convert my trek super fly into an ebike rn

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Shouldn't I be shooting the CEO of Warner Brothers

Fricking obviously, but you're aware that you'll never get the chance, or be able to get away with it.

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I often wonder why people with terminal illnesses don't go out with a bang. I guess I'll find out if I get cancer


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Same, brozzer :#marseycomradehandshake:

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black people have a responsibility to fix the rot in their culture that mayos have wrought

Kitty butt neighbor. Blasting on a b-word butt muthafricka is what the frick is up.

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in minecraft, of course

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Brevity is the soul of wit

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Welcome to leftoid holes.

TLDR blame the elite


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None of those 'people' are elite

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i was with you until you quoted immortal technique :marseysleep:

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I'm sorry you have bad taste in music


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i appologize for not being born trailer trash

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Accepted but do better sweaty


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