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  • Keggw : ITT: incels seething over bait

Cheating fiancee gets exposed by a stripper. Cheaters and hoes seethe

exposing someone's fiancé for having harmless fun at a bachelorette party is insane behavior. let girls have fun on the last free day of their lives.


I don't know, getting finger blasted at a strip club maaaaay be something you'd want to know about your future wife.

Would you feel the same way if a fiance got a blowjob at the same bachelor party?

Not sure all would agree on it being harmless.

we should be talking about how you don't need to know everything if you love and trust your partner and they do the same.


Maybe that's just me, but I don't think cheating is harmless

don't you wanna hear her explanation first?

as eminem said:

Wait, what if there's an explanation for this shit?

What, she tripped, fell, landed on his peepee?


"No tipping" is evil, everyone has to give workers their due


I agree, but it's extremely petty to steal someone's marriage and motherhood for simply not tipping a few dollars.

no, it's extremely based :#marseybased:

shoeonhead comments on the situation:

if you see marriage as losing your freedom you should probably not get married

I like that a TikToker stripper called 21stCenturyWhore is the moral compass here!


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He's too far gone, beebs. Save your efforts for the ones that still have a chance at salvation.

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Dear friend, I believe that there is always hope for salvation, no matter how far gone someone may seem. The Bible tells us that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). So even though this person may seem hopeless, I believe that through the power of God, they can be saved. I will continue to pray for them, and I encourage you to do the same.

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