:marseywitch2: says EMPLOY FEMALE ENGINEERS


Further to the stream last night, Odysseus has successfully landed on the moon.


The control room was filled with moids, and it turns out us dramanauts weren't the only ones to notice.


NASA is filled with foids. NASA has to outsource everything to companies filled with moids. :marseywrongthonk:




Destroyed with facts and logic.


Wait, is this a leftoid complaining about illegal immigrants taking her jerb? Is it a feminist rightoid? Let's check her profile.


ok what

@HeyMoon I found your Twitter account

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You can get the old edition free I think. Or do freecodecamp.

But python the hard way is good because you don't have to be smart or interested, you can just grind your way to competency.

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I taught myself just by reading the documentation, it's really not hard

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But did you already know how to program in some other language?

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I got myself to fizzbuzz level in C# then never touched it again for a few years before trying to pick up Python

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Did you have a background with other languages before trying that? Working on https://learncpp.com right now (about 60% through) but figured I'd move onto python afterwards.

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