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A woman :carpwitchtrans2: wants to know if AITAH for wanting to slap a fellow woman :carpwitchtrans2: over a MTG disagreement




I try to explain that I can move my commander to the a zone outside the game as an action and that the card she played will no longer apply its effect. She started arguing and insisting her friends who allegedly "play competitively" say otherwise. So, I look up the rules, and sure enough, even the rules and official judge forums confirm what I was saying. She then gets flippant, saying "okay, you don't matter to me, so whatever."

You can tell this is very female thinking. Very woman brained.

Meanwhile, the friend who invited her is struggling to intervene and unfortunately is ill-equipped for the role.

This might be the only evidence of a bio-foid in this tryst but I suspect this is still :#carpwitchtrans2: :#carpwitchtrans2: :#carpwitchtrans2:

I texted my friend and told her anyone else would have been well within their right to get physical and remove her however that looked, and her friend would get a store ban if she did that at a game shop.

Even in real life they cant stop thinking like a janny with their incessant need to appeal to authority :#smugtranstwitter:

Of course all the comments call this out since its not a female hitting a man.

What the heck, dude?

Its a fricking game. A GAME. You wanted to hit her over a disagreement on rules.

Uh, no? I made the remark she needs a smack, not that I was going to. As in, I think if she ever pushed anyone else to that point, it would be deserved. Also, I wasn't upset over the rules disagreement, if you even read the post.

Uh no, this doesn't conform to my reality!

If you feel like you need to hit a woman over a game of Magic The Gathering, you're the butthole.

:#marseyairquotes: but :#marseyhesright:

Only reason I discovered this is because this user was arguing with me on /r/freemagic and comparing trans people to rosa parks which I thought was hilarious.

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