What music do you have in common with chudbuds?

What could both of you jam out to? :marseyjam:

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!metashit what

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It's a well-known fact that there's a there's a there's an alternate account. You know you know what an alternate account is right? So like an alternate account is a count that and someone makes, but it's not their normal :marseychartgaussian: main account. It's like an account that's you know like an alternate to their normal :marseyregular: one that they log into from time to time. You know what I mean. It's just like a side side hustle :marseynewyorker: anyway, so there's a there's an account called like shredded :marseyblackandwhite: shredded :marseyblackandwhite: mallet peepee and peepee sleeve. You know. And yeah I'm pretty :marseyglam: sure. Pretty :marseyroan: sure either the owners that account or is and they're like owned :marseydarkpizzashill: by shredded :marseyblackandwhite: mallet so but maybe also chio boo. Someone through the tolerant left


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