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R/news bots smugpost about crypto dropping for the tenth time this year


I'm actually not 100% sure whether it's bots of just people that are salty they missed the gains but everytime crypto drops by 1% you can find some midwit circle jerk on r/news about how it's all a big scam. Somehow missing out on completely predictable 300% gains in the last year makes you a genius. Tbh I'm pretty sure it's all a psyop.

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bots? basically none of the bot accusations are real. Shareblue, Russia, nazi, whatever, people make up these ridiculous claims of bots making comments that never actually happen. Bots on Reddit repost and post porn. Maybe there are some comment bots, maybe there will be in the future, but none of the accusations are real.

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Believing threads like these are written by real human beings would do irreparable harm to my psyche and destroy my optimism for the human race. They're bots.

Also you can literally download a writing ai on your computer that can write passable narratives if you feed it a decent amount of data. There are plenty of reddit comments to have one work through. The technology has been around for a while and wouldn't even be that difficult to set up, especially for any large interest. Reddit is the 3rd most visited site in the world, so the front page is actually a valuable space. You can also buy upvotes from bots for 5 cents each on easily searchable websites. I genuinely believe that 90% of the popular subs are mostly bot driven.

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the whining about bots has been for the past ten years, while GPT is newer and still takes effort to use properly. itโ€™s possible now, but none of the things people call bots are bots, other than repost bots. Many top subs have lots of repost bots but not THAT many comment bots, and the comment bots stick to reposts and simple stuff so far I think. Could change

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Surely this is the end of crypto

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Good. Crypto is WSB for even more incompetent.

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Crypto is good until you go down the pipeline into altcoins and end up on /biz/ shilling sexy Indian dude scams

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Ok poor

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Some guy made a fricking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was โ€œjust a memeโ€. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


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