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We broke u/modbuss

Man, it is not worth it in this sub. I thought it was all serious at first, then I thought it was all being brigaded by people being ironic, but I’ve realized that it’s actually a bunch of alt-right incel trolls calling everyone else alt-right incels, and they’re actually like… making fun of themselves? No that’s not it. It’s like they’re satirizing themselves by acting like they think “the libs” act, and so they’re like calling themselves incels unironically? See it’s just stupid alt-right incels all the way down, and they’ll call you an alt-right incel if you call them out; or maybe they’re so dissociated from themselves that they don’t realize they are, in fact, alt-right incels. Frick idk anymore

Bud, YOU are an alt-right incel. How have y’all mindfricked yourselves so bad?

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Incel really does just mean "anyone I don't agree with" now huh? I wonder if actual incels are mad their word has been full appropriated by normies?

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Incels are always mad, it’s their natural state.

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Can we return to the original definition: "man of Asian descent"?

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ok incel

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It's crazy how quickly it happened too. Like 2-3 years ago incel really did still mean losers who are too afraid to go outside and talk to girls. I think the internet has increased the speed at which we can destroy the meaning of words.

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Because the true definition of incel covers about 90% of redditors and they don’t want to admit it. That’s why it’s always alt-right incel

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"I may be a 34 year old kissless virgin who gets a boner when hugged by any woman regardless of relation, but at least I'm not an incel"

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@pizzashill warned us too

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I think even the media who publicized and mythologized "incels" was trolling, to start with. It's an inflammatory word. Most married couples I've ever known pretty close to literal incels. Almost all old ladies.

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I used to troll the s*x worker/onlyfans support subs all the time for a few months. They used to try to reason that the Chad getting kitty all the time mofos were their clientele for onlyfans and that it was the incels who didn't watch porn and purchase pics of their ugly butt with a buttplug in it. The mental gymnastics they would go through to make that connection always cracked me up. I realize it was just a marketing ploy by them to say "real men buy my dp video" but it always cracked me up. At least try to remotely base your advertising on reality.

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It's funny because the incel stuff largely died out, but when Friends of Brian says it, it is all they know how to use in retaliation.

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Wow who could have predicted this 5 years ago.

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:marseysmug: :marseysmug: :marseysmug:

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Wait a minute! All these buzzwords are meaningless and most people on social media are are lying about their real opinions!

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I refuse to believe anyone can be this dumb yet still have the ability to get on the internet

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It's because on reddit everything has to be super serious or the humour has to be incredibly lame and obvious. They get so used to those two aspects that any off-colour jokes or trolling isn't obvious to them. Basically reddit and social media are mashing their brains where they cannot think critically anymore.

Apply that general attitude to the macrocosm of social media and that explains why people are extra r-slurred, easily offended and humourless.

The lack of critical thought is unironically a huge problem now. People thinking a guy wearing boots, carrying a hammer is just going for a jog, or why some republicancel kid should have just gotten shot and bashed to death by a felon and a p-do.

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but how’d that happen? Older Reddit was much less r-slurred, and the wholesome chungus stuff set in before any real censorship started.

critical thinking isn’t real. It doesn’t mean anything beyond “being smart” and being right. People are r-slurred but it doesn’t explain why. Libtards industrial soy technology school etc

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Critical thinking is real, it isn't about being right for argument sake, it's about finding the truths and facts by scrutinising and analysing the garbage that's fed into your brain. Curating knowledge and not letting emotions make decisions.

Being able to think analytically (critical thinking) is the literal skill that enables you to detect trolling and bait. If you can do that, then you're on the right track and are better than most redditcels.

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all thinking is that. the Babylonians were critically thinking about agricultural planning and astrology thousands of years before

As SEP begins, critical thinking is literally just a concept in educational pedagogy. It’s not a term or concept actual philosophers or whatever care about. It’s not real. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/critical-thinking/

again it’s not actually a kind of thinking. It’s a concept stupid teachers made up to try to teach smartness

There isn’t a “skill that lets you detect bait”. When monkeys laugh when their bellies are tickled, they aren’t doing critical thinking, even though they are literally being baited. No relation between them.

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it’s just a buzzword. It means as much as equality or validation

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It's too meta. His post reminds me of the scene where Kirk and Mudd melt the androids brain with their shenanigans. Beep beep beep!



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Why is he running if he's not guilty?

Baiting people into posting boomer level rightoid "law and order" talking points is pretty great.

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The fact that mayo libtards are just now realizing BLM is not an an attack dog they can trot out when they want it to bark and then put away when they don't is certified gold. They really are having trouble keeping up with the new meta of race-baiting. Calling all the Gabby Ghouls racist is excellent praxis.

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Yall didn't put the BLM i made on the sidebar :marseycry:


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Should be Brian's Life Matters imho.


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It's not supposed to make sense

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real talk are these ppl actually neurodivergent? 🤔🤔🤔


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Yes, snappy, they most definitely are.

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Why were Gabby's nipples erect after assaulting Brian? An analysis

Stickied post on that sub. Seems like a great place.

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I wrote a long essay post explaining to the guy saying "alt right incels" that these subreddits are purely made to get a rise out of r-slurred average redditors, but I didn't post it because these redditors deserve it tbh.

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It’s not like they’ll believe it anyways.

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