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This is going to sound weird, but put some time in over the next few weeks to play tetris or word games. It will help your brain process the trauma.


:soyjak: :soyjakfront: :soyjackwow:

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:zoomersoy: :soyjakyell: :soyjakfront:


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the study doesn’t use real trauma (unethical!1!1!) so it uses scary images instead. this is clearly unrelated to actual “twauwma”

but that doesn’t matter as another study with the same methodology didn’t find any effect. so it’s just totally wrong.

fricking r-slurs. of course it doesn’t work.

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Hey, OP, seriously, consider contacting a psychiatrist who specializes in PTSD. Sorry you had to go through that.


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Sometimes I wonder if these subreddits are just psy-ops from a therapist union or something, to get more clients. Without fail every time some sperg mentions anything negative happening in their life there's two dozen dumbasses screaming for therapy.

Though I guess it kinda makes sense that redditors can only think of hiring someone to listen to their whining, the idea that normal people have a healthy social circle they can talk to about this stuff is completely alien to them.

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Therapy is a Glowie scam and I will never do it

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Fellas is it gay to try grappling with trauma without drugs?

Of course you'd be a pillhead, MIMW

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Or you can process the trauma like a Chad and do lines of coke.

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Fake Chad detected. Real Chad's deal with trauma by sigma grinding

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Fifty-four participants were randomly assigned to reactivation+Tetris (visuospatial), reactivation+Word games (verbal), or reactivation-only (no task).

So what, 18 participants per group? Dude psychology lmao. What a joke of a field. I wonder what the differences were, probably one or two instance of "intrusive thoughts" while the margin of error is probably twice that.

Statisticians must all be alcoholics, when they constantly have to read shitty soft-science articles like that.

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Tetris is a cool game. Years ago my mum got into it by playing the iPhone version and she called me every time she got a new highscore. It's the only videogame she ever enjoyed. EA turned it into a free to play game with ads and a bunch of stupid useless game modes so she stopped playing it. This is why we need communism

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A r*dditor describes his trauma of seeing someone shot and killed

I was walking home from Trinity Bellwoods park and stumbled upon the scene, saw his eyes roll back in his head and he was gone.

As a European that experience that was especially rough and scary.

Yeah I would roll my eyes and die if I saw a euro-soyboy, can't let up on that European self-sense of smug :marseysoypoint:

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All burgers see worse shootings several times a day, both on the interstates and in their local Walmarts. They are nearly completely desensitized to it.

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as a European...


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I don’t even know your name but frick you! You selfish ignorant frick. I’m glad the only person you killed was yourself but you left a mess for everyone else to clean up.

Wow, that's intense :marseyspit:

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Also a pretty fricking based response. Who cares if the earth is down one r-slur who can't drive?

trans lives matter

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Fine, but that's a bit beyond "who cares" - he's actively yelling at a guy accidentally an heroing for disgusting him. That's a fricking weird combination of being a weak kitty and a seething r-slur, IMO :marseyshrug:

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His only mistake was not driving by like he hadnt seen anything

Trans lives matter

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should invite him here

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I'm with op on this one if you die like an r-slur then you should be hated for how it affects other people, however minor

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noooo you can't say mean things about someone who became an hero!

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Reckless drivers are so fricking stupid

Let me risk my life to arrive 2 minutes earlier!!!! :marseybigbrain:

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....going twice the speed limit .... He pulled into the slow lane, over corrected to dodge a car, and ended up going into the ditch upside down only 200m ahead of me.


Now, instead of having an amazing Saturday with my fiancé after a long trip away, I threw up making breakfast because the sight of bacon reminded me of the image of yellow-white fat inside the guys dismembered arm.


words words words, boy am I angry over nothing


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When's the last time someone DM'd you gore?

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Never! I go out of my way for that. Why wait?

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When yurops drive recklessly and dismember themselves, there isn't as much fat on the end of their arm. Perhaps OP should migrate to the EU for breakfast's sake. Skipping breakfast is the gateway to drugs and hookers ruining your life.

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O say can you shart, in the local Walmart?

What so proudly expelled from anus' last leaking

Whose broad streaks and brown stars through the perilous blight

O'er the aisles we watched shit, gallantly streaming

And mutts nappy hair, negroes everywhere

Give proof that our race is 56% disgrace

O say, does that shiet-spangled bummer yet cut

O'er the land of the shart and the home of the mutt


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Understandable. I once saw a guy speeding and his car flipped and he flew out of the window and landed in the middle of the road.

I just finished my classes and was tired. Didn't wanna deal with the traffic or the bullshit so I just drove away.

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