:marseypainter: Some NFT "Art" just sold on Twitter. R-slurs are coping and seething as they try to jump though loops to explain how this isn't r-slurred. :marseypainter:


As you can probably guess the people involved are absolutely delusional and probably severely mentally ill. But it's current day in current year so that's a given basically.

:marseytwerking: Marsey NFTs when BTW :marseytwerking:

I'm calling dibs on Marsey/Floyd furry porn. Art gets more valuable when the artist is dead remember.

:marseyfloyd: :marseycock:

:marseybigbrain: :marseycoin:

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What I don't get about NFTs is why the art is always so fricking bad. Like it's not even paying millions for pretend ownership of a jpeg, but pretend ownership of a really shitty lazy jpeg.

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I'm getting in on this grift while it's still hot and rich cryptards still have digital money in their wallets to piss away. I'm no professional artist by any means but I think I can corner the market just by having simple cute designs that don't look like total vomit.

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it's because no one is paying millions for a jpeg. it's all fake. artists "buy" NFTs from themselves to artificially inflate the price

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Knowing how this shit works I wouldn’t be surprised if it was money laundering. If I needed to legitimize a million bucks worth of questionably-amassed crypto assets I’d tumble the coins and then use them to anonymously buy an NFT from myself. The ultra rich have done similar things with real artwork for decades.

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It absolutely is. Modern "art" already exists almost solely for money laundering purposes.

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This one is really good though. It says a lot about our society :marseysociety: . Monke :monke: has been corrupted by BIG TECH :marseybluecheck: to the point where we cannot return to him, he cannot even return to himself

clearly worth 425 magic beans or whatever

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Right click -> 'save as...'


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"b-but then you w-won't have the rights to m-monetize it!"

I look forward to the day someone tries to sue me in court for making money off of a meme I didn't waste millions of dollars on.

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in most cases, buying an nft doesn't even mean you get the copyright to it (tho licensing gets complicated)

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I bought this Snoop Dogge NFT a few months ago and I still don't know why I did that


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My favorite NFT thing is https://openpuddle.io/about

rDrama should get into making our own puddle.io NFTs of other people's JPEGs and re-selling them. I bet we can make some cryptards really mad.

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No but seriously I'm in I need money.

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mutes thread and looks at more NFTs

More like


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You should understand that there are 8.3582221e+48 (83,582,221,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) (83 million billion billion billion billion) possible subreddit names in the standard subreddit URL namespace; roughly 1.2 million of those have been claimed. That's less than one billionth-billionth-billionth-billionth of one percent. Statistically speaking, Reddit is cosmically empty. It's wide-open!

But at least 1 of those subreddits -- r/AgainstHateSubreddits -- isn't wide open.

There's a topic.


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remember to dilate !

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Public service anouncement: the average r/buttcoin poster has known about bitcoin since it was worth less than $100 and all the people they've been sneering at since then are multimillionaires. Don't be like /buttcoin posters.


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Money laundering, one of the responders actually explained it pretty well.

IRS doesn't give a shit so long as taxes are paid. :marseysleep:

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Imagine thinking it's the people making millions of dollars selling digital art are the ones coping and not the people slur graping over missing the boat.


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What if the marsey creator sold us the nfr rights to marsey? Legally we could parady it forever.

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Telegram owns the rights. Good luck buying Marsey from them.

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